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Week 14 psyiology

Ingestion Process of taking food into the mouth, starting it on its journey through the digestive tract
Digestion Process of taking food into the mouth, starting it on its journey through the digestive tract A group of processes that break complex nutrients into simpler ones, thus facilitating their absorption; mechanical digestion physically breaks large chunks int
Motiliyt Movement by the muscular components of the digestive tube, including processes of mechanical digestion; examples include peristalsis and segmentation
Secretion Release of digestive juices (containing enzymes, acids, bases, mucus, bile, or other products that facilitate digestion); some digestive organs also secrete endocrine hormones that regulate digestion or metabolism of nutrien
Absorption Elimination Regulation Movement of digested nutrients through the gastrointestinal (GI) mucosa and into the internal environment
Elimination Regulation Movement of digested nutrients through the gastrointestinal (GI) mucosa and into the internal environment Excretion of the residues of the digestive process (feces) from the rectum, through the anus; defecati
Regulation Movement of digested nutrients through the gastrointestinal (GI) mucosa and into the internal environment Excretion of the residues of the digestive process (feces) from the rectum, through the anus; defecation Coordination of digestive activity (motility
Mastication Mechanical digestion begins in the mouth when the particle size of ingested food material is reduced by chewing movements
Deglutition involves three main steps, or stages, that may be divided into the formation and then move-ment of a food bolus from the mouth to the stomach (Figure 40-2): 1. Oral stage (mouth to oropharynx) 2. Pharyngeal stage (oropharynx to esophagus) 3. Esophageal st
Peristalsis is often described as a wavelike ripple of the muscle layer of a hollow organ.
Created by: dslannie
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