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Human Body Systems

skeletal and muscular

joint place where two or more bones meet
tendon muscle attaches to bone hamstring quad
ligament attaches bone to bone
fixed joint doesn't move head
sliding joint slides over the other wrist
ball and socket moves in all directions shoulder hip
hinge joint moves in one direction "door" elbow knee
What is the function of skeletal system support, protect organs, movement, store fat, blood cell formation
Parts of the bone are... Periosteum, compact, spongy,marrow and cartilage
What is the outer part of bone? Periosteum
Hardest part of the bone is... compact
The bone marrow produces... red marrow creates blood cells and yellow marrow stores fat
Compare the cardiac and skeletal and smooth muscles? heart, attached to bone, stomach and blood vessels
What does the flexor muscle do? mucles that work to bend arm bicep leg quad
What does the extensor do? muscles that work to extend arm tricep leg hamstring
What is the difference between resistance and aerobic exercises? resistance develops muscle aerobic improves endurance
What does your skin do? protects, allows you to feel, regulates temp,and removes waste through sweat
Skin color is determined by? the amount of melatin...more melatin the darker the skin
What absorbs harmful rays? skin
What are the two layers of skin? epidermis and dermis
What is the difference between the epidermis and dermis? epidermis is outer layer contains keratin makes skin tough dermis inner layer and contains collagen, blood vessels, nerves and sweat glands
Hair and nails are good for the body because? they protect skin and regulate temperature
Created by: cimino
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