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Sci Explosion ch 4

Science Explosion v4, chapter 4

algae plantlike organisms in Kingdom Protista; usually can perform photosynthesis and are not mobile
bacteria smallest living thing known to man, unicellular, live in colonies
cell tiny unit of living material surrounded by a thin membrane
cell division process where a cell divides into 2 cells
cell membrane a cell’s external boundary for the material inside the cell
cell theory theory that all living things are made of cells
cell wall a rigid structure that provides support for some kinds of cells
chlorophyll a green pigment that absorbs energy from sunlight and uses it to produce food and energy for the plant
chloroplast organelles that contain chlorophyll; organelles in which photosynthesis takes place
colony group of bacteria
cytoplasm a jellylike substance made mostly of water and containing many substances, such as proteins and fats, that are essential to the cell
energy ability to do work
life cycle The cycle that organisms go through of birth, growing to an adult, producing babies, growing old, and then it dies
life span process of birth, growth, reproduction and death
meiosis process where chromosomes duplicate once and cells divide twice
microscope uses lenses to magnify objects
mitosis division process where 2 new cells are created which are identical to the parent cell
mitochondria the cell’s engine; responsible for breaking down the cell’s food and releasing energy
nucleus a large organelle that contains the chromosomes
organelles a tiny structure inside the cytoplasm of most cells that helps carry out the function of the cell
organism a complete living thing
photosynthesis process used by plants to convert sunlight (energy) to a usable source of energy (sugar)
protozoan the more animal-like organisms in the kingdom Protista; able to move around and often live in water
vacuole Bubble-like organelles in the cytoplasm of plant, animal, and human cells.
Created by: marchscience
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