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italian checkpoint

important end of the year test

Mi piacerebbe i would like
ti piacerebbe you would like
io vorrei i would want
tu vorresti would you want
io doveri i should
tu dovresti you should
io potrei i could
tu potresti you could
io preferirei i would perfer
tu preferiresti you would prefer
io ho bisogno i need
un sondaggio a survey
il programma programa
un regalo gift
i progetti plans
partire to leave
diferente difference
facile easy
noiosa boring
una festa party
invitare to invite
sono felice i'm happy
sono scontento im unhappy
il cerco im looking for
sono malato/a im sick
ho l'influenza i have the flu
il raffreddore cold
la febbre fever
ho incontrato i met
che cosa hai fatto what did you do
mio cugino/a my cousin
la comunita' community
il circolo school club
una gita feild trip
le attivita activites
mi sono perso/a i'm lost
ho molta fame i am very hungry
il giardino zoologico i am very hungry
cambiare to change
potare to bring
ho rotto i broke
un bicchiere a glass
televisone a tv
dovresti pulire il bango / fare il bucato / cucinare you should clean the bathroom / do laundry / cook
lasciare la spiaggia to leave the beach
ho lasciato una collana a necklace
che cosa fanno per divertimento what do they do for fun?
i giovani italiani young italians
al mio lavoro at my job
l'orario schedule
lo stipendio salary
compleanno birthday
ho una problema con le faccende domestiche i have a problem with chores
ti piace il vicinato do you like you neighborhood
come sono i vicini how are you neighbors
affittare to rent
vicino la spiaggia near the beach
come e' la casa how is the house
spaziosa spacious
quante camera ci sono how many rooms are there
comodo comfortable
quante how many
Created by: noel_hope9
Popular Languages sets




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When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

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