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Spanish final

Noche Night
Cuarto Room, :15, :45
Manana Morning, tomorrow
Son las Media It is
Nadar To swim
Esquiar To ski
Patinar To skate
Jugar To play
Pescar To fish
Mirar To watch
Tocar To play
Deportes Sports
Montar To ride
Comprar To buy
Fácil Easy
Divertido Fun
Difićil Hard
Aburrido Boring
Cuaderno Notebook
Bolígrafo Pen
Me siento bien I feel good
Hacer ejercicios To exercise
Descansar To rest
Levantar pesas To lift weights
No me siento bien I don´t feel good
centro comercial Mall
Iglesia Church
Biblioteca Library
Centro Center
Campo Countryside or field
Playa Beach
en metro By subway
Dinero Money
Farmacia Pharmacy
Aeropuerto Airport
Museo Museum
Pueblo Town
Ciudad City
en moto By motorcycle
El país Country
Cine Cinema
Piscina Swimming pool
Correos Mail
Tienda Store
Mar Sea
Cartera Mail-women
Medica Doctor
Plomera Nurse
Carpintera Carpenter
Bombera Firefighter
Hace sol Sunny
Llueve Rain
Nieva Snow
Tiempo Weather
Antipático Unfriendly
Pez Fish
Pájaro Bird
Cortar el cesped To mow the lawn
Arreglar To fix
Quitar el polvo To dust
Ayudar To help
Pasar la aspiradora To vacuum
El abrigo Coat
Los guantes Glove
La aduana Customs
El cheque de viajero Traveler´s check
La maleta Suitcase
La sala de espera Waiting room
El asiento Seat
El equipaje Luggage
La seccíón de equipaje Luggage compartment
La casa de cambio Currency exchange
La habitación Room
El vuelo Flight
Hacer To do/ make
Cómo? How
Cuándo when
Qué What
Por Qué Why
Cuánto How much
Quién Who
Cuál Which
Created by: 26cirauloha
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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

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