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Rom. Adjectives 04

Romanian Adjectives 04 - Negative Qualities

rebel rebellious
abnormal abnormal
distrat distracted, absent-minded
neglijent negligent
neatent inattentive, careless
artificial artificial
mediu average
îngrozitor awful
înfricoşătoare awe-inspiring, fearsome
sub medie below average
direct direct, blunt
zgomotos noisy, boisterous, uproarious
nesimțitor callous, unfeeling, hard-hearted
insensibil insensible, insensitive
arțăgos cantankerous
cârcotaş contentious, disagreeable, querulous
țâfnos hot-tempered, bad-tempered, testy
sarcastic sarcastic
caustic caustic
precaut cautious, wary
copilăresc childish
imatur immature
mojicesc churlish, boorish
grosolan rude, crass, oafish
crud cruel
circumspect circumspect
neîndemânatic clumsy
condescendent condescending
arogant arrogant
orgolios conceited, self-important
trufaş haughty
laș cowardly
viclean crafty, sly, tricksy
critic critical
grav grave
cinic cynical
demonic demonic, diabolical
dependent dependent
dezagreabil disagreeable
disruptiv disruptive
bănuitor distrustful, leery
distant distant, stand-offish
dramatic dramatic
plicticos boring, dull
egoist egotistical, selfish
emoțional emotional
evaziv evasive
exigent over-particular, exacting
feroce ferocious
excentric eccentric
orbitor flashy, dazzling
flagrant flagrant
agitat agitated, fussy
păzit guarded
suspect suspicious,
odios odious, hateful
ezitant hesitant
reluctant reluctant
șovăitor wavering, faltering
ipocrit hypocritical
isteric hysterical
idiot idiotic
inactiv inactive
ilogic illogical
impudic immodest
indecent indecent
impropriu improper
necorespunzător inadequate
nerăbdător impatient
impetuos impetuous
nepractic impractical, unpractical
impresionabil impressionable
impulsiv impulsive
incompetent incompetent
nechibzuit inconsiderate
neconsecvent/inconsecvent inconsistent
indiscret indiscreet
indolent indolent
neobosit tireless, indefatigable
neexperimentat inexperienced
intolerant intolerant
irtant irritating
judeca judgmental
șchiop lame
leneș lazy, sluggish, slothful
trândav idle
letargic lethargic
tărăgănat long-winded
rău bad, wicked, evil
infam infamous
mârşav mean
obscen obscene
dezgustător disgusting
obraznic naughty, brazen
insolent insolent
necuviincios unbecoming
impertinent impertinent
băgăcios nosy, snoopy, prying, meddlesome
eratic erratic
mercurial mercurial
imbecil moronic
naiv naive
meschin mean, petty
greţos sickening
scârbos nasty
negativ negative
neplăcut obnoxious, unpleasant
unilateral unilateral, one-sided
ostentativ ostentatious
aferat fussy, persnickety
bosumflat petulant
mofturos picky, fastidious
prejudiciat prejudiced
mândru proud, lofty
provocator provocative
quarrelsome certăreț
plângăreţ whiny, wimpering
retras reclusive
plin de resentimente resentful, full of resentment
resemnat resigned
ridicol ridiculous
neobrazat sassy, cheeky, saucy
supărăcios short-tempered, quick-tempered
timid timid
sfios shy, coy
nedelicat tactless
necugetat thoughtless, foolish, reckless
aiurit flighty, dopey, clueless
susceptibil susceptible, touchy
dezechilibrat unbalanced
necooperant uncooperative
nedemn de încredere undependable, unreliable
neprietenos unfriendly
fără imaginație unimaginative, without imagination
nemotivat unmotivated
nepopular unpopular
nesofisticat unsophisticated
instabil unstable, unsteady
negânditor unthinking
imoral immoral
necinstit dishonest, unfair
slab weak
vulnerabil vulnerable
încuiat uptight, reserved
groaznic scary
nervos nervous
misterios mysterious
prostie silly
gelos jealous
Created by: matteber
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