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Gemara Terms 1

אמורה Amora Jewish scholars who "said" or "told over" the teachings of the Oral law, from about 200 to 500 CE in Babylonia and the Land of Israel. "one who says". or "those who speak over the people", or "spokesmen")
אמוראים Amoraim Plural for Amora
גמרא Gemara "Study". (in Aramaic) The component of the Talmud comprising rabbinical analysis of and commentary on the Mishnah.
תלמוד Talmud "to Study". (Hebrew) The Gemara when combined with the Mishnah.
סוגיא Soogya Discussion. (in Aramaic) The Gemara for each Mishna can go on for pages, so it's broken down into Discussions. each discussion is called a Sugya.
סוגיות Soogyot Discussions
בבלי Bavli Babylonian
ירושלמי Yerushalmi Of Yerushalayim
תוספתא Tosefta Refers to a compilation of the Jewish oral law from the period of the Mishnah. Acts as a supplement to the Mishnah and includes בריתות
תלמוד בבלי Talmud Bavli The Babylonian Talmud. Completed about the year 500 CE, although it continued to be edited later. The word "Talmud", when used without qualification, usually refers to the Babylonian Talmud.
תלמוד ירושלמי Talmud Yerushalmi The Jerusalem Talmud. The Jerusalem Talmud predates its counterpart, the Babylonian Talmud (also known as the Talmud Bavli), by about 200 years and is written in both Hebrew and Jewish Palestinian Aramaic.
ארמי Arami Aramaic. was the day-to-day language of Israel in the Second Temple period
דף Daf Sheet/Page. Refers to each double sided Page of Talmud
עמוד Amud Column /pillar. Refers to each side of a sheet of paper. Each sheet has two sides/columns עמוד א and עמוד ב
Created by: sholome
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