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This is the running list of terms on the ECA with specific focus on fiction.

plot the events within a story
setting the time and place where a story takes place
conflict the problem that must be solved
internal conflict a problem that is within a character, particularly their own mind--decisions they will have to make, etc.
external conflict a problem that is between characters, between a character and the external world, or the physical problem that a character must go through
rising action the increase in tension as conflict(s) become more complicated
climax the point at which the conflict is taken head on
falling action the results of the climax
resolution the state of the world at the end of a story
character a persona within a literary work usually evidenced by what they say and do, and what other characters say about them
static character a character that remains unchanged within a story
dynamic character a character who experiences change as a result of the events within a story
dialogue the conversations between characters
imagery use of words by the author to appeal to the five senses
irony the literary device in which there is discrepancy between what is expected versus what happens, what is said versus what is meant, or what is known by the audience versus what is known by the characters within the story
verbal irony when what is said is the opposite of what is meant
situational irony when what happens is the opposite of what is expected to happen
dramatic irony when the audience knows something that the characters in the story do not
similes comparisons of unlike things using "like" or "as"
metaphors comparisons of unlike things
personification to give human characteristics to nonhuman things and ideas
hyperbole an overstatement, usually for comedic effect
understatement an understatement for comedic effect. Monty Python and the Search for the Holy Grail: the black knight with his arm chopped off..."mere scratch"
foreshadowing Events or dialogue within a story that portend how the story will end
theme the underlying moral, lesson, or statement about life that a story teaches. This requires a "step back" from the text.
tone the attitude with which a speaker speaks
diction the words chosen by the author to affect the audience
point of view the point of view from which a story is told. First person: "I" "we" "us" Third person participant: "he" "they" "it" Third person omniscient: same as 3rd person except the narrator describes the thoughts of the participants
alliteration the repetition of a consonant sound in a line of poetry or in prose. Headmaster Huntington Hadley was the hockey coach.
Created by: t9bailey
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