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Conditions in OT (4th ed.) - Atchison & Dirette - CH.2_terms

hypertonicity spasticity; abnormal muscle felt as too much resistance to movement as a result of hyperactive reflexes & loss of inhibiting influences from higher brain centers
primitive reflexes innate primary reflexes found in newborns & indicative of brain injury if present beyond their usual time of disappearance
diplegia paralysis of like parts on either side (meaning top or bottom) of the body
hemiplegia paralysis of one side of the body
gastroesophageal reflux GERD
nystagmus involuntary, rapid, rhythmic movement of the eyeball
homonymous hemianopsia loss of one half of the visual filed, on the same side, in both eyes
ataxia inability to coordinate muscle activity during voluntary movement
athetoid (dyskinetic) repetitive involuntary, slow, sinus, writhing movements
clonus alternate involuntary muscular contraction & relaxation in rapid succession
contracture abnormal shortening of muscle tissue that renders the muscle highly resistant to stretching
graphesthesia the ability by which outlines, numbers, words, or symbols traced or written on the skin is recognized
hyperreflexia elevated reflex response
hypotonicity reduced tone
quadriplegia paralysis of all four limbs
strabismus deviation of the eye; weakness of eye muscles allowing the eyes to cross (also called squint)
stretch reflex reflex contraction of a muscle in response to passive longitudinal stretching
topagnosia loss of ability to localize site of tactile stimulation
asterognosis inability to recognize objects by touch
dysarthria imperfect articulation of speech
deformity distortion of any part or general disfigurement of the body
hypoxemia insufficient oxygenation of the blood
kernicterus a form of hemolytic jaundice of the newborn (upward gaze in those with athetosis CP)
kinesthesia the ability & sense by which position, weight, & movement are perceived
kyphosis abnormal anteroposterior curving of the spine hunchback or roundback
lordosis abnormal forward curvature of the lumbar spine swayback
scoliosis abnormal lateral curvature of the spine
Created by: sheaton
Popular Occupational Therapy sets




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