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Postioning test 2

How many bones are in the leg? two
What are the bones in the leg called? Tibia and fibula
Which bone is know as the weight bearing bone? Tibia
Where is the tibia located? on the medial side of the leg
Where is the fibula located? on the lateral side of the leg
What is the second largest bone in the body? Tibia
In an AP projection of the leg how do you adjust the femoral condyles? So that they are parallel to the IR and the foot is vertical
What is the central ray angle in an AP projection of the leg? 0 degrees or perpendicular
Since the leg is long how should you postion the IR to get the leg completely on it? 14x17 diagonal
What are the essential projections of the leg? AP and Lateral
Where do you center the central ray to enter the leg? In the middle
What bones articulate with the talus? the tibia, fibula, and the calcaneous
What joint are you looking for when you x-ray an ankle? mortise joint
How do you know that you have the ankle in a Mortis oblique projection? the malleoli are parallel to the IR
How many degrees of rotation of the ankle in a mortise projection? 15 to 20
What forms the mortise joint? medial malleolus of the tibia, lateal mallelous of the fibula and inferior surface of the tibia
What structures are shown in a AP ankle projection? ankle joint, distal tibia and fibula and base of 5th metatarsal
In a lateral ankle projection where is the CR entering at at? medial malleolus
What is the CR angle on a lateral projection of the ankle? 0 degrees or perpendicular
Where should the CR enter in an AP projection of the ankle joint? midway between the malleoli
How do you prevent lateral rotation of the ankle in a lateral projection? dorsiflexion of the foot
In an AP oblique projection what is the CR angle? 0 degrees or perpendicular
In an AP oblique projection where does the CR enter at? midway between the malleoli
What are the essential projections of the ankle? 45 degree medial oblique and mortise
All projections of the ankle should do what? When rotations occur rotate the entire leg and foot
Where does the fibula articulate with the tibia? distal and proximal tibiofibular joint
How do postion in the fibula in a lateral propjection of the ankle? The poperly postioned lateral ankle over the posterior half of the tibia
If the malleoli are parallel to the IR what are you in postion to get? the mortise joint
In a Medial and lateral oblique ankle projection how should the leg and foot be angled? 45 degrees
Which projection shows the mortise joint? AP oblique and 15 to 20 degree rotation mortise joint
Often the leg is to long to fit on one film but what should be shown on the film? The joint closest to the lesion
Which could be used on a radiograph of the lower limb? film, straps, sponge,sandbags
What is clearly demonstrated in a lateral projection of the leg? knee, ankle joint, tibia, and fibula
In an AP stress study what projections do you do? inversion and eversion
Which specific projection lateral or medial of the ankle shows a ligament tear? eversion and inversion stress method
Where is the CR directed in an AP projection of the knee? 1/2 inch inferior to the patella apex toward the knee
Where is the patella located in a proper AP knee projection? slightly medial
How do you do an AP knee if the ASIS is 19 to 24 cm when lying on the table? 0 degrees or perpendicular
How do you do an AP knee if the ASIS is <19 cm when lying on the table ? 3 to 5 degrees caudad
How do you do an AP knee if the ASIS is >24 cm when lying on the table? 3 to 5 degrees cephalad
In a lateral projection of the knee how should you flex the knee? 20 to 30 degrees
Which of these is shown in a lateral projection of the knee when lying down ALL, distal end of the femur, patella, knee joint, proximal ends of the tibia and fibula, and adjacent soft tissue
Where is the CR angled in a lateral projection of the knee when lying down? 5 to 7 degrees cephalad
What can be seen in an AP weight bearing bilateral projection of the knees? Knee joint spaces and varus and valgus deformities
What is the proper collimation of the projection of the leg? 1 inch on the sides and 1 1/2 inch neyond the ankle and knee joints
On what side does the ankle norally break on? lateral malleolus side
What structures are shown on an AP projection of the leg? entire leg with ankle and knee joint
How should you turn the cassette in a lateral projection of the leg? diagnoal same as AP
What is the CR angle for a weight bearing knee? 0 degrees or perpendicular
Where is the CR angled at in a weight bearing knee projection? 1/2 inch below the apex of the patella
What projections of the knees shows the intercondylar fossa? PA axial holmbald and Camp convert methods
How should th knees be flexed in a PA axial holmbald and Camp convert methods? 70 degrees
What is the CR angle for a PA axial projection of the knee? perpendicular to the lower leg
What positions can we use for a PA axial holmbald method of the knee? standing with knee on stool, standing with knee flexed or kneeling on the table
How is the patient positioned in a PA projection of the patella? lying on the stomach (prone position)
How do you make sure that the patella is parallel to the IR in a PA projection? the heel must be rotated 5 to 10 degrees laterally
What is the CR angle in a PA projection of the knee and where does it enter? perpendicular to the mid-popliteal area exiting the patella
How many degrees should the knee be flexed for the patella to be lateral? 5 to 10 degrees
How do know you have a lateral patella projection that was done correctly? epicondyles are superimposed
What is the CR angle of a Lateral Patella projection? 0 degrees or perpendicular
Where does the CR enter in a lateral patella propjection? mid-patellofemoral joint
What is the essential tangential projection of the patella? the settegast method
How to you place the patient in a settegast method? lying down or prone( perferred lying down)
How do you flex the knee in the settegastmethod in the prone position? perpendicular to the patella or as much as possible
Where is the CR centered in the settegast method perpendicular to the joint spaces between the patella and the femoral condyles
In the settegast projection of the knee what is the degree anglulation of the knee? depends on the flexion of the knee
At the proximal end of the tibia what are the two prominent processes called? condyles
What are the two flat superior part of the tibia called? tibial plateaus
What is the slope of the tibia plateaus? posteriorly to degrees
what is the anterior surface of the tibia called? tibial tuberosity
What is the circular fibrocartilage disk called the menisci
what type of joint is the ankle mortise joint? synovial hinge
The fibula is a non weight bearing bone
incomplete seperation of the tibural tuberosity? Osgood-schlatter disease
In a lateral projection of the knee how is the knee flexed 20 to 30 degrees
In the camp-coventry method knee projection how should the knee be flexed and what is the CR angle 40 degrees when the knee is flexed 40 degrees or 50 degrees when the knee is flexed 50 degrees
Created by: atesta0824
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