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Tumble Forms 5

Pediatric Tumble Forms

Tumble FormPurpose
Balance: The ability to maintain balance is fundamental to advanced perceptual motor activities.
What 4 things provide the knowledge for preceiving body orientation in space. biological balance mechanisms, vision, tactile info, proprioceptor feedback.
what type of movements assists the entire body in dramatically developing balance. Rhythmic movements
Activities using the Soft Top Rocker Balance Board are used to: strengthen balance, sense of body awareness and spatial orientation.
Soft Top Rocker Balance Board: Developing equilibrium reaction, trunk strengthening, eye/hand coordination, sense of body awareness Practice getting on/off Board fwd, bkwd,sideways.
Soft Top Rocker Balance Board: Developing equilibrium reaction, trunk strengthening, eye/hand coordination, sense of body awareness Sit cross-legged on Board while therapist rocks Board back/forth while child is asked to maintain balance.
Soft Top Rocker Balance Board: Developing equilibrium reaction, trunk strengthening, eye/hand coordination, sense of body awareness Sitting on Board, UE movements (swimming movements) may be acted out alternating (R) & (L) UE's.
Soft Top Rocker Balance Board: Developing equilibrium reaction, trunk strengthening, eye/hand coordination, sense of body awareness Sitting ok kneling, child rolls their head to one side and focuses on a target, then to the other side. Have child roll head in complete circles.
Soft Top Rocker Balance Board: Developing equilibrium reaction, trunk strengthening, eye/hand coordination, sense of body awareness sitting, kneeling, or standing, child rocks slowly back/forth on Board. Slow rhythmic pattern more effective when done to music.
Soft Top Rocker Balance Board: Developing equilibrium reaction, trunk strengthening, eye/hand coordination, sense of body awareness Sitting or kneeling, child moves arms in circles: both in same direction/opposition, one & then the other, moving one arm & then the other in opposition
Soft Top Rocker Balance Board: Developing equilibrium reaction, trunk strengthening, eye/hand coordination, sense of body awareness Child balances on Board, either sitting, kneeling or standing &: folds arms on chest, raises arms above head, extends arms out to sides, bends down/touches toes, originates own movements
Jettmobile scooter aids ____ movement by maintaining child in symmetrical prone position while pushing/pulling with UEs.
Jettmobile: Chest Wedge Raises chest an additional 2.5" if arm extension adjustment is needed. Held in place with Velcro fastners.
Jettmobile: Side Spacer Reduce abduction by 1" or 2".Shaped like half moons. Used on back of Jettmobile, fasten w/Velcro fastners.
Jettmobile: Abductor wedge Severe postural asymmetry can be accomodated by adjusting block (L)-> (R). Also attached w/Velcro fastners.
Jettmobile: Hip Strap Used for secure positioning. Helpful in reducing abnormal hip flexion, allows for adjustment fore and aft.
Jettmobile: Head/Trunk Control Symmetrically position in prone snuggly on scooter. (A) child w/realizing head/trunk extension are prerequisite to UE function.
Jettmobile: Head/Trunk Control Head/trunk extension can be emphasized by pulling child along who is grasping the pull rope while prone.
Children w/ ____ _____ would benefit from activities in prone on Scooter. spina bifida
Jettmobile: UE's Facilitates development of UEs, encouraging bilateral motor coordination/improve strength &endurance of arms/hands.
Jettmobile: Sensorimotor Spin scooter around in a circle asking child to use hand-over-hand movements, changing direcn from clockwise to counterclockwise. Very stimulating act.
Jettmobile: Hip extension While in prone in a snug, symmetrical, abducted and externally rotated leg position, gradually tighten Velcro belt to reduce hip flexion. The slight incline on front/rear decks encourages hip extension as child's hip are positioned in middle of scooter.
Turtle (def) Designed for vestibular stimulation and SI therapy. Comes with a "T" stool attachment, net swing w/rope & height adjuster, various textured balls/bean bags, & a folder for info.
Turtle: Equilibrium reactions/trunk strengthening Sit cross-legged on disc and therapist provides movement through space, ask child 2 maintain balance.
Turtle: Proprioception to LEs, equilibrium reactions, eye-hand coordination Child sits on inverted disk w/feet on floor and attempts to maintain balance. Throw/catch/games can be played.
Turtle: Proprioception to UEs and reflex integration or eye-hand coordination Child lies prone over inverted disk WB on UEs. UEs weight shifting in this position is facilitated by asking child to toss bean bags at a target w/one hand.
Turtle: Eye foot coordination, proprioception to LEs and equilibrium reaction Child sits on scooter board (lid to storage comrtment in Turtle dome) and uses both feet to propel while holding on w/both hands.
Turtle: Bilateral motor coordination, prone extension posture, muscle cocontraction/UE proprioception Child lies prone on scooter board, using arms to propel self. Various tag/relay games can be employed in this position.
Turtle: LE WB equilibrium reactions and eye-hand coordination Sit on T-stool, feet flat on floor and attempts to maintain balance. Throw/catch games can be played in this position.
Turtle: Vestibular stimulation, reflex integration, uscle cocontraction proprioception Lie prone in net swing/use both hands on floor to propel self. Monitor type and speed of stimulation.
Bubble: basic vestibular stimulation, SI integration system. Similar to Turtle.
Created by: 100000007924890
Popular Occupational Therapy sets




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