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Spine Final

Which two vertebral curvatures are anteriorly concave? thoracic and pelvic
Which two vertebral curves are kyphotic curves? thoracic and pelvic
Which two vertebral curves are lordotic curves? cervical and lumbar
Which two vertebral curves are primary curves? thoracic and pelvic
Which spinal condition involves an excessive dorsal curvature of the thoracic vertebral column? kyphosis
Which abnormal spinal condition involves any lateral curvature of the vertebral column? scoliosis
What is the name of the short, thick bony processes that project posteriorly from the lateral and superior aspects of vertebral bodies? pedicles
From the junction of which two vertebral structures do transverse processes originate? pedicle and lamina
Which vertebral structures unite at the origin of the spinous process? both laminae
Which structures are the zygapophyses? articular processes
Which cervical vertebral structures are perforated with a foramen for the passage of vertebral artery and vein? transverse processes
Which vertebral structures have bifid tips? spinous processes of cervical vertebrae
With reference to the MSP, how do z-joints open in cervical vertebrae? 90 degrees laterally
With reference to the MSP, how do z-joints open in thoracic vertebrae? 70-75 degrees anteriorly
Thoracic vertebrae differ from cervical and lumbar because they have ______. demifacets
Which structures articulate with vertebral demifacets? heads of ribs
With reference to the MSP, how do z-joints open in lumbar vertebrae? 30-60 degrees posteriorly
Lumbar vertebrae differ from cervical and thoracic because they have ______. broad, large spinous processes
Which parts of the sacrum form the joints with the ilia of the pelvis? auricular surfaces
The AP projects that demonstrates the dens using the Fuchs method differs from the AP open-mouth because ______ the chin is extended and the mouth is closed
The Fuchs method should not be used if the patient has ______. suspected fracture or degenerative disease
Which projection of the c-spine demonstrates the dens within the foramen magnum? AP Fuchs method
Which cervical structures are demonstrated with the AP open-mouth? C1 & C2
How should the CR be directed for the AP open-mouth? perpendicularly at mid-mouth
How and where should the CR be directed for AP axial of the c-spine? 15-20 degrees cephalad to C4
How should the IR be positioned for the AP axial c-spine? centered to C3
For which c-spine projection should the CR be angled 15-20 degrees cephalad? AP axial
Which evaluation criterion does not apply to AP axial c-spine? a) intervertebral disk spaces open b) spinous processes equidistant to pedicles c) mandibular angles equidistant to vertebrae d) C1 & C2 seen without mandibular superimposition d
Which c-spine projection requires 72" SID? lateral
What should be done to depress the shoulders for the lateral c-spine? suspend full expiration
What should be done to project farther shoulder below c-spine for lateral projection? direct horizontal CR to C4
How can you prevent mandibular rami from superimposing c-spine in lateral projection? elevate the chin
How do you reduce magnification due to increased OID in lateral c-spine? use a 72" SID
What is recommended size of collimated field for lateral c-spine? 8x10
Which c-spine projection demonstrates spinous processes elevated and widely separated? hyperflexion lateral
Which c-spine projection demonstrates spinous processes depressed and close together? hyperextension lateral
Which c-spine projection must use a horizontal and perpendicular CR? a) ateral b) AP axial c) AP open mouth d) AP axial oblique a
How should the CR be directed for AP axial oblique of c-spine? 15-20 degrees cephalad
How should the CR be directed for PA axial oblique of c-spine? 15-20 degrees caudad
Which c-spine projection best demonstrates intervertebral foramina? AP axial oblique
Which position of the c-spine best demonstrates the left intervertebral foramina when the CR is angled 15-20 degrees cephalad? RPO
Which position of the c-spine best demonstrates the right intervertebral foramina when the CR is angled 15-20 degrees caudad? RAO
How many degrees from supine should body be rotated for AP axial oblique of c-spine? 45 degrees
What is the proper amount of head and body rotation for PA axial oblique of c-spine? 45 degrees
Which evaluation criterion pertains to AP Fuchs method? a) mandible rami superimposed b) all 7 vertebrae demonstrated c) intervertebral foramina and disk spaces open d) entire dens seen through foramen magnum d
Which evaluation criterion pertains to AP axial of c-spine? a) all 7 vertebrae demonstrated b) spinous processes equidistant to pedicles c) IV foramina open and side closest to IR well demonstrated d) IV foramina open with side farthest well demonstra b
Which evaluation criterion pertains to lateral c-spine? a) all 7 vertebrae demonstrated b) spinous processes equidistant to pedicles c) IV foramina open with closest side well demonstrated d) IV foramina open with side farthest well demonstrated a
Which evaluation criterion pertains to AP axial oblique c-spine? a) rami of mandible superimposed b) spinous processes equidistant to pedicles c) IV foramina open with side closest well demonstrated d) IV foramina open with side farthest well demonstr d
Which evaluation criterion pertains to PA axial oblique c-spine? a) rami of mandible superimposed b) spinous processes equidistant to pedicles c) IV foramina open with side closest well demonstrated d) IV foramina open with side farthest well demonstr c
Which projection should be included in cervical series if lateral does not demonstrate C7? Lateral (swimmer's technique)
For lateral swimmers, how and where should CR be directed? perpendicular to IV disk space of C7 & T1
What structures are best demonstrated with lateral swimmers? lower cervical and upper thoracic vertebrae
For the AP t-spine, where should the CR be centered? midway between jugular notch and xiphoid process
Where should the top of the IR be for the AP t-spine? 1.5-2" above shoulders
For the AP t-spine, why should the patient's hips and knees be flexed? the reduce kyphosis
Which projection most requires the use of anode heel effect? AP t-spine
Which projection best demonstrates IV foramina of t-spine? lateral
What structures are not well visualized on lateral t-spine? T1-T3
To what level should the CR be directed for lateral t-spine? inferior angle of scapula
What compensation should be made for lateral t-spine if lower thoracic region is not parallel with table? angle 10-15 degrees cephalad
What is done to improve visualization of spinous processes and overall image quality on lateral t-spine? place lead rubber strip behind patient
Which projection of the spine best demonstrates kyphosis? lateral t-spine
Which projection of the spine best demonstrates scoliosis? PA of thoracolumbar vertebral column
Which projection of the spine best demonstrates lordosis? lateral l-spine
Why should the patient flex the hips and knees for AP l-spine? to reduce lumbar lordosis
Where should the CR be centered for the AP of lumbosacral vertebrae? on MSP at the level of iliac crests
When is it recommended that the collimated field size for AP l-spine be open to 14x17? for trauma patients
Which plane should be centered to the midline of the table for the AP l-spine? MSP
Where should the CR be directed for the AP of only the l-spine? L4
Which plane should be centered to the midline of the table for the lateral l-spine? MCP
Which projection of the l-spine best demonstrates intervertebral foramina? lateral
How many degrees and in what direction should CR be directed for lateral l-spine when spine is parallel with the table? perpendicular
How many degrees and in what direction should CR be directed for lateral l-spine when spine is not parallel with the table? 5 degrees caudad for males, 8 degrees caudad for females
How many degrees and in what direction should the CR be directed for lateral L5-S1 when spine is parallel with the table? perpendicular
Which projection of the l-spine best demonstrates z-joints? AP oblique
Which structures are best demonstrated if a supine patient is rotated 45 degrees with the right side elevated and perpendicular CR directed at L3? z-joints of left side
Which structures are best demonstrated with AP oblique l-spine with patient in 45 degree RPO? z-joints of right side
Which structures are best demonstrated with AP oblique l-spine with patient in 45 degree LPO? z-joints of left side
Which positioning error occured if z-joints are not well demonstrated and pedicle is anterior on vertebral body in AP oblique l-spine? not enough rotation
What positioning error occurred if z-joints are not well demonstrated and pedicle is posterior on vertebral body in AP oblique l-spine? too much rotation
Which projection demonstrates the "scottie dog"? oblique l-spine
What is demonstrated if "scottie dog" is well visualized? z-joints of l-spine
How many degrees of rotation are necessary for AP oblique l-spine? 45
Which projection of l-spine requires MSP perpendicular to IR? AP
Which projection of l-spine requires MSP parallel to IR? lateral
How many degrees and in which direction should CR be directed for AP axial of lumbosacral and SI joints? 30-35 degrees cephalad
Which projection and patient position best demonstrates right SI joint? AP oblique with patient in LPO
How many degrees of body rotation from supine are required for AP oblique of SI joints? 35-45
How many degrees and in which direction should CR be directed for AP axial sacrum? 15 degrees cephalad
How many degrees and in which direction should CR be directed for PA axial sacrum? 15 degrees caudad
How many degrees and in which direction should CR be directed for AP axial coccyx? 10 degrees caudad
How many degrees and in which direction should CR be directed for PA axial coccyx? 10 cegrees cephalad
How many degrees and in which direction should CR be directed for lateral sacrum? perpendicular
How many degrees and in which direction should CR be directed for lateral coccyx? perpendicular
Which projection of the Ferguson method should be performed to evaluate scoliosis? upright PA
T/F? Digital unites can be wired or wireless. true
CR should be centered within ____" from midline of grid to avoid cutoff. 1-2
Grids for mobile radiography have ratios of ____ or ____. 6:1 8:1
Which produces a greater anode heel effect? 1) short SID 2) large field 3) low kVp 1 & 2
Recommended SID for mobile radiography 40"
Which should be available on mobile radiography cart? 1) lead apron 2) technique chart 3) calipers 1,2 & 3
Radiographer should stand ____ away from object and at ____ degree angle from beam. 6, 90
Least scatter is at ___ angle from beam. right
Most effective method of protection is _____. distance
Shielding should be used on: 1) children 2) patients of reproductive age 3) gonads near the primary beam 1,2 & 3
Minimum source to skin distance is ____. 12"
Attire to be worn for patients in strict isolation includes: 1) mask 2) gown 3) gloves 1,2 & 3
Patient should remain in decubitus postion for _____ before exposure. 5 minutes
The cathode should be placed toward the head for: 1) abdomen 2) femur 3) chest 1
Preliminary steps before the exam include: 1) invite family members to stay 2) introduce yourself 3) identify the correct patient 2 & 3
What position for mobile AP chest on critical patient? supine
Leaning the grid on lateral decubitus abdomen causes _____. distortion
What SID should be used for lumbar projections and why? 48" to open joint spaces
Where should the CR enter for AP l-spine of lumbar only? 1.5" above iliac crest
When performing PA oblique l-spine, where should the CR enter? on elevated side, 2" lateral to spinous process
Lateral bending films of lumbar spine are performed for what 4 reasons? show disk protrusion show spinal fusion show mobility of intervertebral joints for scoliosis studies
The eye of the "scottie dog" corresponds to ____. the pedicle
The nose of the "scottie dog" corresponds to _____. the transverse process
The neck of the "scottie dog" corresponds to _____. the pars interarticularis
The body of the "scottie dog" corresponds to the ______. lamina
Sterile gowns are considered sterile from ____. shoulder to level of sterile field
Who would be included as nonsterile team members? 1) anesthesia provider 2) physician assistant 3) radiographer 1 & 3
Which procedure does not require use of sterile technique? a) angiography b) oral cholangiography c) myelography d) arthrography b
Which is not a method of sterilization? a) moist heat - autoclave b) gamma radiation c) freezing d) gas sterilization c
If two people in sterile gowns must pass each other, how should they do so? back to back
Where should the center of the IR be position for the AP open-mouth projection? C2
Which lines must be perpendicular to the IR for the AP open-mouth? line drawn from lower edge of upper incisors to top of mastoid process
Where should the IR be centered for the AP Fuchs method? tip of the mastoid process
Where should the IR be centerd for lateral c-spine? C4
The Grandy method pertains to what projection? lateral c-spine
Intervertebral foramina of the c-spine are demonstrated in which projections? AP or PA axial oblique
What method uses a "chewing motion" to demonstrate the c-spine in an AP projection? Ottonello
Which c-spine projection is done first on patients with trauma to the neck? dorsal decubitus lateral (cross-table)
If a lead rubber strip is not placed on the table for lateral t-spine, the image may be _____. underexposed
Where is the top of the IR placed for lateral c-spine? 1" above external acoustic meatus
Where is the CR directed for C-spine in hyperflexion and hyperextension? perpendicular to C4
How much should the tube be angled and in which direction if the patient is unable to depress the shoulder for a swimmers projection? 3-5 degrees caudal
Should a filter be used for the swimmers projection/ yes
Two types of joints in the vertebral column: intervertebral, zygapophyseal
lordotic convex anteriorly
kyphotic concave anteriorly
____ are broad and flat and directed posteriorly and medially from the pedicles. Lamina
Two main parts of typical vertebrae: body and vertebral arch
Lateral masses are part of which vertebrae? C1
For the lateral sacrum the CR should be directed where and how? perpendicular, at the level of ASIS and 3.5" posterior
For the lateral coccyx the CR should be directed where and how? perpendicular, 2" below ASIS and 3.5" posterior
The AP axial sacrum and AP axial coccyx should both be centered at? 2" above symphysis
The AP axial SI joints (Ferguson) should have the CR directed where? 1.5" above symphysis
For the AP oblique SI joints where should the IR be centered? at ASIS
For the AP oblique SI joints where and how should the CR be directed? perpendicular, 1" medial to elevated ASIS
How many total vertebrae? 33 early in life, 24 as adults
How many thoracic vertebrae? 12
The thoracic vertebral body articulates with the ___ of the rib. head
The transverse process of the thoracic vertebrae articulates with the ____ of the rib. tubercle
The sacroiliac joints lie at a _____ angle to MSP. 25-30
Created by: SCash21
Popular Radiology sets




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