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Disease Final

Micro-Gram Positive Bact

Catalase Positive bacteria Staphylococcus
Catalase Negative Bacteria Streptococcus
How to differentiate between Staph and Strep Catalase Test
enzyme to induce reaction of reducing H2O2 into H2O and O Catalase
most pathogenic bug for humans Staph aureus
low pathogenicity, normal flora Staph epidermidis
Cat +, Coagulase - S. epidermidis
Cat+ Coag+ S. aureus
enzyme that induces coagulation, converting fibrinogen into fibrin to protect bacteria from immune system coagulase
Catalase(-) beta-hemolytic organisms Strep pyogenes, Strep agalactiae
Catalase (-) alpha-hemolytics Strep pneumoniae/viridans
Beta-hemolytic group B streptocossus cause of neonatal infections Strep. agalactiae
organisms that completely hemolyze erythrocytes Beta Hemolytic Gp A/B strep
partial/green hemolysis of erthrocytes Alpha Hemolytic Strep. pneumonia/viridans
54 y/o, fever, SOB, prod. cough, CP, smoker, sudden onset fever/chills/ST. T 103F, resp distress, Neutrophilic leukocytosis, infiltrates lower lobe -> G(+), pustular exudate, cluster coccus, non-spore forming facultative anaerobe staph aureus
multiple coalescing, small absecces, result of ... central cavitation, tissue destruction staph aureus
biologic properties directly contributeing to necrotizing PNA? hyaluronidase break down CT and coagulase -> forming abscess
hallmark of staph infections from hyaluronidase breakdown of CT abscess/pus
infection in children, staph exotoxin causing sloughing of skin, exotoxin is released from the bacteria staph scalded skin syndrome
what's the difference to distuguish between staph and strep? catalase + is staph; Cat- is strep
G+ Cat+, Coag- normal flora, leading pathogen in nosocomial infections Staph epidermidis
21 y/o M in shock, fever, tachycardia, tachypneic, HoTN, productive cough, blood-tinged sputum yields Gram + diplococci, with visible halos from polysaccharide capsule strep pneumoniae, major PNA cause
Virulence factor of the capsule: role in interfering with phagocytosis? prevents C3b opsonization
sudden onset, chills, fever, dyspnea, productive cought, purulent sputum, rales is typical or atypical PNA? Strep pneumoniae, typical
gradual onset, nonproductive cough, HA, ST: typical or atypical? Atypical: viral
Group B strep causes PNA in what population? neonates
Strep pneumoniae causes PNA in what pop? Adults/Elderly
gram positive rods cause PNA in what common area? nosocomial
Apriation PNA from what type of organisms? anaerobes
PNA from S. pneumo, Klebsiella pneumo in what pop? alcoholics
IV drug users can get PNA from what org? S. aureus
most common cuase of community-acquired PNA as a secondary infection... S. pneumoniae or pneumococcus
Strep Throat: Tonsillar exudate, fever, cervical lmphadenopathy likely from what organism Group A Beta Hemolytic S. pyogenes (Impetigo/reddish patches)
invasive cause of severe and rapid tissue destruction including: Cellulitis, Myositis, necrotizing fasciitis Gp A Beta hemolytis strep pyogenes: scarlet fever!
delayed sequel to GpA strep throat infections can cause valvultitis(endocarditis) Rheumatic Fever
leading cause bacterial infection/death in newborns, causing sepsis, PNA, meningitis GpB strep agalactiae
what culture is golden standard for dx of strep pharyngitix with 90-95% sensitivity? Throat culture
localized PNA, fever, productive cough, bloody sputum, G+ diplococci, Cat-, suppurative inflammation strep pneumoniae
G+, Cat+, Coag-, non-hemolytic staph epidermidis
throat swab: tonsillar exudate, G+, BetaHemolytic, Cat- cocci causing HTN, general edema, glomerulate dz, hematuria, proteinuria Strep pyogenes
Acute immune complex DZ formation of Abs against strep and localization of immune compleses in Kidney, occurs only after infection with nephrtiogenic strains of GpA Beta hemolytic strep Poststrep glomerulonephritis
neonatal meningitis, CSF with G+ chains, beta hemolysis, Cat- function Strep agalactiae
specialized media for Neisseria/Haemophilus chocolate agar, abx impregnated media "Thayer Martin" for Neisseria
flora of vagina, transfered to neonate during delivery causing gpB strep infections Strep agalactiae
2-y/o with ST lethargic, irritable, anorexit for 3d, tugs at ears. otitis media dx. what's the org? Strep pneumoniae
Spore-forming aerobe bacillus
spore-forming anaerobe clostridium
non spore-norming aerobe listeria
non spore-forming anaerobe corynebacterium
homeless alcoholic to the ER with sz activity, spactic paralysis, lock jaw, rigid back spasms, stiff, hyperextended neck TETANY!!!
anaerobic culture shows G+ spore forming bacilli in pt with paralysis clostridium tatani
large rods, often an endospore at one end, in soil and deep wounds (anaerobic conditions) clostridium tetani
vaccine to help prevent tetanus in children DTaP
Surgical site discoloration, hemorrhagiv bullae, serosanguineous d/c with extensive gas in tissue: with anaerobic growth, likely to be? clostridium perfringens, mixed culture is common in GI inf.
gas gangrene from post-surgical wound, anaerobic, G+ large rod, disease only when they leave the normal spot, spore-forming clostridium perfringens
gas in tissue, fementation of glucose to produce gas in gas gangrene Clost. perfringens
2-wk old, fever, V/D 2-3d, convulsions, full term delivery, hydrocephalus, CNS findings suggested meningitis. CSF: non spore-forming, Cat+ rod, G+ with tumbling motility in wet mount listeria monocytogenes
only cause of neonatel meningitis that is G+ rod listeria
ingested raw milk/cheese, deli meats, vag delivery causing gastroenteritis, septicemia, neonatal meningitis from maternal colonization listeria
3 wk old M in ER for fever, poor eating, irritabilty, sz; preterm, low wt after vag delivery, nuchal regidity. CSF: leukocytosis, protein, low glucose, G+ cocci chains, bacterial meningitis, invasive encapsulated organism strep agalactiae
2 causes of neonatal meningitis from maternal colonization listeria, strep agalactiae
63 y/o paper editor, N/V, confusion, malaise, fatigue, fever, chills, sweats, leukocytosis, abnormal RBCs, increased protein, CSF: G+ bacilli; hemorrhagic mediastinal lymphadenitis; central oval spores, cutaneous black eschar bacillus anthracis
gradual descending paralysis, Large G+ anaerobic rod, spore-forming, transmit by food, honey, dust Clostridium botulinum
neurotoxin blocks release of Ach at myoneuronal junction, causes diplopia, dry mouth, dysphagia, paralysis botulinum toxin
neurotoxin causing oropharyngeal pseudomembranes, heart with myocarditis, laryngeal nerve palsy diptheria toxins
34 y/o F muscle weakness, diplopia, grandma's green beans and chicken/rice. Cause? G+ aerobe spore-forming Bacillus cereus (from rice)
Created by: emtdan85
Popular Bacteriology sets




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