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Recorded Detail

Ch. 30

______ is the degree of geometric sharpness or accuracy of the structural lines actually recorded in the image. Recorded detail
Recorded detail is also referred to as: definition, sharpness, spatial resolution or detail.
The primary film/screen unit of resolution is ______. line pairs per millimeter or cycles per mm.
Most human visual acuity is limited to the range of ____ lp/mm. 5
Digital imaging recorded detail is determined primarily by _____. matrix size, pixel size and gray scale bit depth.
Digital imaging recorded detail is most commonly described in terms of _________. spatial frequency
A shorter wavelength signal (with higher frequency) represents pairs of lines that can be visualized ________. very close together (high resolution)
Low frequency spatial resolution has a longer wavelength (and lower frequency) representing pairs of lines that are _______. further apart (low resolution)
The art of radiography involves controlling the degree of _______ so that it does not interfere with image diagnosis. unsharpness
_______ for digital images can be expressed in terms of three dimensions of the image. Spatial resolution
Spatial resolution describes the ability of an imaging system to accurately display objects in _____. two dimensions
____________ measure the boundaries of a single image. Point spread function (PFS), line spread function(LSF) and edge spread function (ESF)
In conventional radiography, PFS was referred to as _________. penumbra or blur
The higher the _________, the closer together the sine waves and the closer together the line pairs. spatial frequency
_________ measures the accuracy of an image compared to the original object on a scale of 0 to 1. Modulation transfer function,
_______ is background information that the IR receives. Imaging noise
______ refers to a lack of sufficient incoming data (photons) for processing. Quantum noise
Another name for quantum noise is ________. quantum mottle
__________ is the sampling of the spatial resolution frequency signal twice from each cycle in digital systems. Nyquist criterion
_______ occurs when the the spatial frequency exceeds the nyquist frequency and the incoming data is sampled less than twice per cycle. aliasing
Resolution affects the image appearance by demonstrating _______ structures. fine detail
______ may cause an unsharpness of an image. motion
Resolution problems can be fixed by: 1. eliminate motion 2. reduce OID 3. reduce focal spot size 4. reduce intensifying screen phosphor size and concentration and 5. increase SID
Resolution is improved when OID ______ and degrades whenever it ______. decreases;increases
Resolution is improved when SID ______ and degraded when it ______ increases;decreases
The minimum OID should be used to improve ______. detail
The ______ is the distinctly sharp area of a shadow or the region of complete shadow. umbra
The _____ is the imperfect, unsharp shadow surrounding the umbra. penumbra
As focal spot decreases in size, ____ also decreases, thus _______ resolution. penumbra; increasing
Penumbra is increased by _____ of the beam. attenuation
A slow fim/screen combination will demonstrate better ______ than a fast combination. resolution
The resolving power of an intensifying screen depends on what three factors? phosphor size, phosphor layer thickness and phosphor concentration
Quantum mottle is corrected only by increasing ______. mAs
The major factors that limit photostimulable phosphor systems are the _____ and _____. intensifying screen and scanning system
The major factor that limits INDIRECT digital systems is the ______ size of the detector element
The major factor that limits DIRECT digital systems is the ______ size of the detector element
_____ is that which is under the direct control of the patient. voluntary motion
What is the best way to reduce and control voluntary motion? communication with the patient
______ in not under the conscious control of the patient involuntary motion
Involuntary motion can best reduced by decreasing ________. exposure time
What are methods which can be used to reduce the possibility of motion? communication, immobilization devices and reduced exposure time
Digital imaging systems are dependent on: matrix size, pixel size, and gray scale bit depth
Visualization of _________ is in indication of acceptable resolution trabecular patterns
The z-axis is the gray scale which is represented as the: depth (depth of information)
High spatial resolution represents a high frequency signal that is capable of imaging smaller objects
Low spatial resolution represents a lower frequency signal that can only image larger objects
The focal spot size is a major controller of image resolution because it controls penumbra
High fill factor will produce ______. high resolution
Popular Radiology sets




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