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Positioning Quizzes

Radiographic Positioning Quizzes

The cavity in the hipbone that articulates with the femoral head is called the acetabulum
The hip bone consists of what three parts? Ischium, Pubic bone, and Ilium
The ilium and sacrum articulates at the _________ joint Iliosacral
The junction of what 2 bones forms the obturator foramen of the pelvis? Ischium and Pubic bone
Name the bones that make up the pelvic girdle Right and Left Hip bones
Name the bones that make up the pelvis in an adult Sacrum, Coccyx, Right and Left Hip
The prominent ridge extending between the tochanters at the base of the neck on the posterior surface of the femur is the intertrochanteric crest
Name one or more structures that may be helpful in order to evaluate rotation on an AP pelvis radiograph (not proximal femur) Symetry of the Obturator formina or Ischial spines, and alignment of the Coccyx and Pubis symphisis.
How much do you medially rotate the feet and lower limbs to place the femoral necks parallel with the plane of the IR on an AP projection of the pelvis? 15-20 degrees
What position, projection or method is useful in diagnosing fractures of the acetabulum? Judet (axiolateral)
What is the projection of the Modified Cleaves often called? Frog leg
Do you see the lesser trochanter with the Modified Cleaves method? Yes
What projection/position of the hip best demonstrates the greater trochanter in profile? AP hip/pelvis
The angulation of the tube for the axiolateral projection (Danelius-Miller Method) is angled perpendicular to what structure? (not the film) Femoral Neck (and IR)
Where is the central directed for the unilateral frog-leg? Femoral Neck
The largest sesamoid bone in the body is the patella
The tube angle for the Camp Coventry method for the PA axial (knee) is 40 degrees
In order to better visualize the joint space in the AP projection of the knee on a large patient, the central ray should be angled how many degrees and in what direction? 3-5 degrees cephalic
In the Be'clere position the patient is placed (supine, prone, or lateral)? Supine
The centering point for the AP of the knee is 1/2" distal from apex of Patella
This acts as a shock absorber in the knee Meniscus
In the AP projection of the proximal femur, the foot should usually be slightly rotated internally ________ degrees. 15-20
Which projection of the patella provides sharper recorded detail, AP or PA? PA
What is the name of the prominence on the posterior aspect of the femur that forms the popliteal surface? Linea Aspera
What is the protrusion on the anterior side of the proximal tibia called where the patellar ligament inserts tibial tuberosity
When looking at a lateral ankle radiograph, how do you determine if it is rotated the talar domes should be superimposed and there should be superimposition of the posterior tibia
Is the sustentaculum tali on the medial or lateral side of the calcaneus medial
The lateral malleolus is part of this bone fibula
The fibula articulates with the condyles of the femur (T or F?) False
When doing an oblique ankle that is for the mortice, how much do you rotate the leg and in which direction 15-20 degrees medial rotation
Describe how to position a tib/fib for an AP condyles should be parallel to IR and foot should be AP
Where is the centering point on an AP projection of the ankle ankle joint
If an x-ray of the toes are requested, how much do you angle your tube on the AP axial projection to open the joint spaces 15 degrees
If an x-ray of the foot is requested, how much do you angle your tube for an AP projection which opens the joint spaces 10 degrees
On an AP oblique projection of the foot, which oblique and how many degrees obliquity is most often performed 30 degrees medial oblique
When doing an AP oblique projection of the foot which rotation best demonstrates the sinus tarsi medial rotation
Where is the central ray directed for the lateral first toe IP
Where is the central ray directed for the AP foot base of the 3rd metatarsal
To obtain an axial projection of the calcaneus, the number of the degrees the central ray is angled____ when the long axis of the foot is perpendicular to the plane of the IR 40 degrees
Name a Trochoid (pivot) joint C1,C2 joint or Radioulnar joint (proximal and distal)
What is the position if the patient is laying on their stomach? prone
What is the position called if the patient is 45 degrees rotated so that the right side is against the IR and the left side is rotated forward? RPO -right posterior oblique
What is the projection/position if the patient is laying on their left side? Left lateral decubitus
What is the projection called of the side view of a part? Lateral
The crest is at what vertebrae level? c4-c5
The axial skeleton includes ____________ spine/ribs/skull
What is the position called if the patient is 45 degrees rotated so that the left side is against the IR and the right side is rotated forward? LPO - left posterior oblique
What is the position called if the patient is 45 degrees rotated, facing the IR so that the right side is against the IR and the left side is rotated closer to the tube? RAO - right anterior oblique
What two will be the same image? AP projection/PA projection/ Lateral projection / Lateral radiograph AP and PA projection
How many radiographs are taken for routine for a long bone? two
Name three controlling factors of Distortion OID, SID, and CR alignment
The recorded sharpness or detail of structures on the image is called resolution
The smallest unit in a digital image matrix pixel
Why do you roll the shoulders forward on a PA chest? to move the scapulae out of view of the lungs
What is the centering point for a PA chest? T7 vertebrae (jugular notch)
Why is at PA chest taken from 72"? to not magnify the heart
How do you detect rotation on a PA chest? symmetry of spinous processes
How do you detect rotation on a Lateral chest? ribs should be superimposed
Why is a PA upright of the chest preferred to an AP upright chest? Heart shadow is less visible
What kV would be used to produce a chest radiograph (PA or Lat) in the radiology department department using an upright chest bucky with a grid? 100-130 kVp
The angle of the CR for an AP chest sitting in a wheelchair or stretcher would be an angle perpendicular to this structure. Body of the sternum
The muscle located on either side of the lumbar vertebral column that helps determine proper density on an abdominal radiograph is called the: psoas muscle
The gallbladder is found in which quadrant? RUQ
A three way abdomen would usually include these 3 projections and/or positions. AP supine, AP erect, and PA chest
The kVp range for a supine abdomen radiograph should be between: 70-80kVp
What is the alternate abdominal projection or position if the patient is unable to stand for the upright abdomen? Left Lateral Decubitus
What anatomy must be demonstrated on the image of an upright abdomen that is not necessary to demonstrate on a supine abdomen? diaphragm
Where do you position the central ray for a supine abdomen? CR at iliac crest
Where do you position the central ray for an upright abdomen? CR 2 inches above iliac crest
Radiographs of the abdomen are taken on what kind of respiration? (text book answer) expiration
The upright abdomen is taken with a ______ inch SID 40
What is the membranous lining called that lines the chest cavity? Parital Pluera
When radiographing the elbow joint in a lateral position, it is necessary to flex the elbow how many degrees? 90 degrees
The routine projections of the forearm are: AP & Lateral
The external oblique position of the elbow requires a rotation of the arm of: 40-45 degrees
To obtain a lateral forearm: thumb side must be up & forearm & humerus must be in the same plane
To demonstrate the coronoid process of the ulna free of superimposition, which position or projection should be used? AP oblique with medial rotation
To demonstrate the radial head and neck region free of superimposition, which position or projection should be used? AP oblique with lateral rotation
To demonstrate the radial tuberosity free of superimposition, what position would the elbow be placed? AP oblique with lateral rotation
To clearly visualize the olecranon process in profile, which position should be used? lateral
The accuracy of the lateral view of the elbow is shown by superimposition of the: epicondyles of the humerus
When radiographing the forearm in a lateral position, it is necessary to flex the elbow: 90 degrees
For a trauma elbow where the patient is unable to extend the arm for a true AP, how many AP projections should be taken? Two
For some soft tissue injuries the lateral elbow is only flexed: 30-35 degrees
The centering point for an elbow is: elbow joint
What position is the hand in on an AP forearm? Supinated
Which position or projection of the elbow superimposes the forearm and the humerus? AP projection; acute flexion
When taking a forearm on an 11 x 14, _________joints are usually visualized. Both
The proximal radial ulnar joint is considered a: pivot joint and a diarthrodial joint
The lesser tuberosity of the humerus is seen in profile with the arm in: internal rotation
Which part of the scapula does the humerus articulate with? glenoid fossa
To demonstrate the shoulder and upper humerus in the anatomic position, the arm should be placed in: external rotation
The AP internal rotation of the shoulder places the humerus in the ___________ position. Lateral
What is the centering point for the AP with external rotation of the shoulder? 1" inferior to coracoids process
Which of the following shows the lesser tubercle in profile? AP shoulder internal rotation
Another name for the inferosuperior, axial projection of the shoulder is the: Lawrence Method
In the inferosuperior, axial projection of the shoulder the__________tubercle is in profile. Lesser
Centering for the AP shoulder neutral rotation is: 1" inferior to coracoid process
The AP shoulder, neutral rotation is done for: trauma
When doing the humerus, how many joints should be demonstrated on the film? Two
When doing a trauma routine for a shoulder for dislocation, what protocol would likely be performed? AP shoulder with neutral rotation and a "Y" view
The centering point for a transthoracic lateral is? The surgical neck
In the Grashey method (AP oblique projection of the shoulder joing), the patient is rotated: 35 degrees toward the affected side
What position is the scapula in when doing a scapular "Y" projection? Lateral
The Grashey Method is used to demonstrate: profile of the glenoid cavity
The PA oblique projection for a hand x-ray uses a ___ degree of obliquity 45
The centering point for a PA hand projection is the _____ 3rd MCP
What is the centering point for a lateral hand 2nd MCP
Why are the fingers flexed for a PA wrist reduces OID
What is the wrist bone that has a hook-like process hamate
What is the name of the wrist bone that articulates with the first metacarpal trapezium
What projection, position, method or type of exam can be done to better view the scaphoid bone free of superimposition form the remaining carpal bones ulnar deviation
The ball-catcher’s position of the hands is used for the diagnosis of what disease process rheumatoid arthritis
_____ deviation opens the interspaces between the carpals on the medial side of the wrist radial
The thumb has how many phalanges 2
In the lateral position of the fifth digit the hand is resting on the medial surface
The oblique of the finger is obtained using a ____ degree of obliquity 45
The center point for a finger (2-5) is at the PIP
There are how many phalanges are in one hand 14
How many total interphalangeal joints (DIP, PIP, and IP) are in one hand 9
To position a patient for an AP projection of the thumb the patient’s hand is in extreme internal rotation
From lateral to medial, list the proximal carpal bones scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform
Why is it important to radiograph hands and fingers with the fingers parallel to the film to keep the joints open
What kVp or kVp range would you use to radiograph fingers, hands and wrists 50-65 kVp
The ankle joint is what kind of joint? Hinge joint (book says sellar)
Describe landmarks for centering for the pelvis. 2inches above the symphysis pubis or 2inches below the ASIS or lightfield 1.5 inches below the crest.
Most accurate way to demonstate bone length discrempancies is with CT scanogram (scout image)
Which is NOT a incomplete fracture: Torus, Greenstick, Plastic, Zero Zero
Primary growth center of the bone is the Diaphysis
The back of the hand is called dorsum manus
high kV produces what kind of contrast and scale? low contrast, long scale
What is the collimator called that automatically adjusts positive beam limitation
The name of the lower concave portion of the lung is called the base
The inner membrane of the chest cavity that encloses the heart and lungs visceral pleura
The shortest part of the small intestine is the duodenum
A 16 year old girl presents to the ER with possible kidney stones and lower right pain in the pelvis, what kind of sheilding should be used? do not use gonadal sheilding
The ellipsoidal joint has movement in how many directions? 4
Why would a medial oblique be preferred over a lateral oblique for the 2nd digit of the hand? reduce OID
To best demonstrate the wrist joint and intercarpal spaces what projection is best if the patient can do it? AP
The projection for the Carpal canal inferior superior what is the CR angle? 25-30 degrees
A radiograph show an elbow with the ulna and radius superimposed and the coranoid in profile what projection was performed? Medial Rotation oblique
What is the only thing that changes for radial head projections? hand position
What is the CR angle for the Scapula Y view? no angle
T/F The arm should be abducted 45 degrees for an AP Scapula. False
Study to compare the maternal pelvis and head of the fetus is called pelvimetry
The acetabulum of the is composed of what parts of the pelvis? ischium, illium, and pubic bone
What of these form the knee joint: Tibia, Fibula, Patella, Femur, Humerus? Tibia and Femur
What part of a sterile gown is not considered sterile? the back
Orthoroentrogram done on lower extremities can be performed if limb are less than _______difference in length. 1 inch difference in length
An optimal image demonstrates what seven characteristics? Maximum recorded detail, perfect patient positioning, excellent penetration, contrast, and density, no motion, and no removable artifacts.
Technical factor that is primarily used to regulate image density mAs
Technical factor that is primarily used to regulate image contrast kV
How will you do on the final? Excellent
The fusion of the ilium, pubis, and ischium in the mid teen years takes place in the acetabulum
The landmarks for the pelvis are crest of ilium, ASIS, symphisis pubis, ischial Tuberosity, greater trochanter
The scacroiliac joint is a conjunction of what to parts sacrum and the ilium
What parts are evaluated for rotation on a pelvis coccyx and pubis aligned, ischial spines, obturator foramen, and greater trochanters symmetrical
Another name for the bilateral frog leg projection modified cleaves method
The Judet method requires the body to be rotated how much 45deg oblique
The most accurate method for long bone measurement is CT scan
Lower limb measurements for orthoroentgenography are taken at what points AP hip, AP knee, AP ankle
Upper limb measurements for orthoroentgengenography are taken at what points of the body AP shoulder, AP elbow, AP wrist
On a Orthoroentgenogram if lower limb measurement is more than ____inch(es), it is recommended to do limbs separately 1inch
What is a compound fracture protrudes through the skin
What are some names of incomplete fractures greenstick, Torus, plastic
If someone has a Potts fracture what type of radiograph would be taken AP Ankle
Three rules of protection for fluoroscopy pulse exposure for time, lead aprons for shielding, C-arm under table for distance
What does the term rainbow mean when controlling a C-arm raise C-arm over patient
The knee joint is made up the femur and tibia that make what joint the femorotibial joint
Are the collateral ligaments anterior, posterior or medial, lateral medial lateral
For lateral ankle position the fibula should be seen where posterior 1/2 of tibia
What type of joint is the 2cnd-5th CMC joints plane or gliding
The radius only articulates with what two carpals and make up the wrist joint called scaphoid and lunate, radiocarpal joint
The olecranon and the trochlear make up the elbow joint which is what type of joint hinge-ginglymus
What is the angle of the tube on the carpal canal projection 25-30deg
What position is the olecranon process in profile lateral projection of the elbow
For an elbow exam the coronoid process is in profile with what position medial oblique
What are the interchangeable names for the scapula you see in anatomical position costal or anterior
What is the CR angle for the Lawrence method of the shoulder 25-30deg
What projection of the shoulder demonstrate the scapulohumeral joint space Lawrence method and Grashey
How much do you rotate a patient for the lateral scapula projection 45-60deg
AP scapula requires a patients arm to be abducted how many degrees 90deg
The vertical plane separates the body into right and left halves is called median or mid sagital plane
The body plane that separates the body into anterior and posterior halves is the mid coronal
What is the crest level L4-L5 of the spine
Contrast is primarily controlled by kV
If you use collimation you reduce scatter radiation
The technique of 120kV is considered high or low, short or long scale low contrast, long scale
The lower concave area of the long is called the base of the lung
If you increase kV by 15%, it is just like doing what to the mAs doubling the mAs
Created by: StudyGroup
Popular Radiology sets




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