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Intro to Rad Chp 10

Human Diversity

the inherent or natural differences among people, by addressing the entirety of the ways people are different yet alike in that we are all human beings Human Diversity
physical actions involved in the unequal treatment of people because they belong to a certain category, group or race discrimination
the belief that one race or culture is superior to another and the use of that belief to discriminate against races considered inferior racism
all of the socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions and all other products of human work and thoughts by a particular class, community or population culture
being able to negotiate two or more different cultures competently, individual and mainstream biculturalism
the process by which people of diverse backgrounds slowly give up their orginial culture, language, and identity and melt into another group assimilation
thinking negatively of others without any or significant justification; generally a combination of stereotyped beliefs and negative attitudes bias or prejudice
Which cultures put a value or difference on older adults by recognizing past contributions to enable current society's advancement? Asian cultures
Which cultures regard older adults as a burden on society? European and Western
These are examples of what? -valuing youth over age -viewing of aging as something undesirable or bad -placing little value on contributions of senior citizens Societal age biases
Which age group grew at a faster rate in the last 10 yrs according to the Census Bureau? Older age group
What is the name of the generation born btwn 1946-1964? Baby Boomers
What label is put on the group of people born btwn 1961-1981? Generation X
What label is put on people born from 1981-1995? Generation Y
Which US population is expected to have the faster rate of growth of all minorities? Hispanics
relates to a person's distinctive racial, national,religious, linguistic, or cultural heritage ethnicity
What is a major concern of linguistics differences? Informed consent
the tendency ti view the norms and values of one's own culture as the only acceptable ones and to use them as standards by which all other cultures are measured ethnocentrism
socially shared ideas about what is good, moral and right cultural values
What law ensures that all persons have equal rights? Nineteenth Century Civil Rights Acts
the recognition of and entering into the feelings of another person. empathy
the irrational fear of individuals who are sexually attracted to persons of the same gender. homophobia
What act requires that institutions that receive federal funds to make their facilities accessible to the disabled? Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
Approx what percent of the American population has a disability? 10%
the ability to convey and receive information communication
the ability of people to control nature environmental control
the ethically or racially related differences in body structure, skin color, hair texture, and other physical characteristics biologic variations
patterns of behaviors related to cultures learned through the process of enculturation social organizations
Created by: erikasmith28
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