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Stack #834379

What does the term varus mean? turned inward
Demonstration of the posterior fat pad on the lateral projection of the adult elbow can be caused by what? trauma or less than 90 degree flexion
The cononoid process should be visualized in profile in what position? medial oblique elbos
Pacemaker electrodes can be introdouced through a vein in the chest or upper extremity from where they are advanced to the ____? right ventricle
Name two structures located in the right upper quadrant. hepatic flexure, gallbladder
What articulations participate in the formation of the ankle mortise? talotibial and talofibular
The right posterior oblique position (Judet method) of the right acetabulum will demonstrate what? anterior rim of the right acetabulum and right iliac wing
During atrial systole, blood flows into the _________? left ventricle via the bicuspid valve and right ventricle via the tricuspid valve
What procedure is obtained to demonstrate small amounts of air in the peritoneal cavity? lateral decubitus, affected side up
What part of the heart is seen most anteriorly in a lateral projesction of the chest? cardiac apex
What bones comprise the floor of the cranium? temporal bones, ethmoid bone, sphenoid bone
A lateral projection of the hand in extension is often recommended to evaluate what? foreign body and soft tissue
What is the condition that results from a persistent fetal foramen ovale? atrial septal defect
In which projection of the foot are the interspaces between the first and second cuneiforms best demonstrated? lateral oblique foot
What position must the patient be examined in to demonstrate esophageal varices? recumbent position
Name three structures associated with the posterior femur. popliteal surface, intercondyloid fossa, linea aspera
What bony landmark is in the same transverse plane as the symphysis pubis? prominence of the greater trochanter
To reduce the amount of scatter radiation reaching the IR in a lumbaosacral exam what can be done? close collimation and use a lead mat on table posterior to the patient
The junction of the sagittal and coronal sutures is called what? bregma
List two examples of synovial pivot articulations. atlantoaxial joint and radioulnar joint
The term used to dexcribe expectoration of blood from the bronchi is ____? hemoptysis
Double-contrast examinations of the stomach or large bowel are performed to better visualize what? gastric or bowel mucosa
List two articulations that are diarthrotic? knee and temporomandibular joint
Ulnar deviation best demonstrates which carpals? lateral carpals and scaphoid
What are the long flat structures that project posteromedially from the pedicles? laminae
During an air-contrast BE, what part of the colon is air most likely to be visualized with the body in the AP recumbent position? transverse colon
Central ray angulation may be required for what two things? foreshortening and superimpositon of overlying structures
How should the epicondyles be placed in relation to the IR for a lateral forearm? parallel to the IR
List two advantages of digital subtraction angiography over film angiography. greater sensitivity to contrast medium and immediately available images
Which metacarpal articulates with the trapezium? first metacarpal
What conditions is operative cholangiography a useful tool? patency of the biliary ducts and biliary tract calculi
What position is used to demonstrate vertical patellar fracture and patellofemoral articulation? tangential patella
Created by: jmbickett
Popular Radiology sets




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