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Learnin' Spanish

Spanish into English & Vietnamese

Qué Onda? What's up?
Hola hello
Adios Goodbye
Buenos días Good day
Buenas tardes good afternoon
Buenas noches good night
Buenas say hello for anytime of the day
Chau Goodbye in slightly informal way
Hasta pronto Until soon - use to say goodbye
Hasta luego see you later
Hasta man~ana until tomorrow
Nos vemos we see each other (when u don't know exactly when will u meet them again)
yo I
él he, him
ella she, her
nosotros we (masculine & neutral)
nosotras we (feminine)
estar to be (temporal)
bien well, fine, good
bueno good
malo, mal bad
suerte luck, good luck
cuidate take care
cómo está? how are you (formal)
cómo estás? how are you (informal)
todo bien? everything ok?
estoy bien I'm fine
no estoy muy bien I'm not very well
muy bien very good
más o menos just ok (more or less)
Y tú? And you? (informal)
Y usted? And you? (formal)
por favor please
gracias thank you
muchas gracias thank you so much
de nada you're welcome
disculpe excuse me (formal - begging pardon)
disculpa excuse me (informal - begging pardon)
permisso excuse me (getting attention)
Perdón pardon me
Lo siento I'm sorry (condolence)
adelante come in
Se puede pasar? May I come in?
Salud cheers
si yes
no no
quizas maybe
trabajar to work
dedicar to dedicate
conocer to know, to be familiar with
apellido last name
llamar to call, to be named
nombre name
placer pleasure
gustar to please, to like
Cómo se llama usted? What is your name? (formal)
Cómo te llamas? What is your name? (informal)
Cúal es tu nombre? What is your name?
Cómo es tu apellido? What is your last name?
Mucho gusto nice to meet you
Un gusto conocerlo nice to meet you (formal)
Un gusto conocerte nice to meet you (informal)
A qué te dedicas? What do you do for a living? (informal)
ésto es... This is...
Dejame presentarte a... let me introduce you to...
Yo trabajo en... I work in...
nada nothing
cama bed
hasta until
papa potato
mamá mom
papá dad
bebé baby
tendré I will have
lentes glasses
sede headquarters
cereza cherry
leche milk
idioma language
tímido timid
bíblico biblical
difícil difficult
finito finite
loco crasy
poco little
como like
ocho eight
coco coconut
roto broken
Created by: Scarlett Hoang
Popular Languages sets




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