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Agriculture Revolution

What was wrong with the Traditional ways that many peasents wanted to keep? 1)not enough= death,starvation, malnutrition 2)high deman causes prices to jump making it hard for peasents and artisans to get food
What caused the Agricultural Revolutin? Wealthy landowners who spent their money on innventions
What happened because of the peasants revolt? The government(wanting new taxes) used military to put the revolts down
Where did the Revolution begin? countried where they had a growing population and a shortage of foodand change was required to keep up
What two things did the Dutch contribute to the revolution? 1)new ways to build Dikes and new ways to drain land 2)the clover and turnip(more animal fodder and restores soil)
Cornelius Vermuyden -hired by english landlords -Dutch engineer
Jethro Tull (1674-1741) -had own experiments but also financed others -most of his ideas didn't work -found that iron plow turned earth easier -found planting wheat by drill more efficent
Charles "Turnip" Townsend (1674-1738) -encouraged other innovantions -institued crop rotation which resulted in more food for both people and animals
Robert Bakewell (1725-1795) -pioneer in animal breeding-> better animals, more milk and meat
Arthur Young(1741-1820) -edited Annals of Agriculture -1793=secretary of british board of agriculture -books=important documents
What method did 1/2 of England continue to use in the 1700? The three field system
What caused Enclosures? the rising price of Wheat
how do enclosures work? the use of land but more rationally and used to achieve greater commerical profit(reclaiming wasteland, going from strips to blocks)
What was a result of the Parlimentary acts? between 1761 and 1792, 500,000 acres were enclosed compared to 75,00 between 1727 and 1760
What did Enclosures do? 1)extend farming and innovation(increase food) 2)disrupted small tradtional communities 3)increased population 4)introduced entrepreneurial or capitalizistic attributed to countryside
How was France limited? 1) enclosures were restricted 2)new procedures only benefitted ruling class because of increased income and assurence of food
How did Prussia, Austrua, Poland and Russia work with their limitations? 1)brought untilled lands under the plow 2)landlords directed management of the farm(expected alot from serfs and not so much from soil, wanted $$$)
What were some factors of the population increase in the 18th century? 1)decline in death rate 2)less wars 3)hygiene and sanitaion improved 4)better medical knowledge 5)the potatoe
The impact of the new populaion caused: 1)new demands for:food, jobs, goods, services 2)new work pool 3)people could find jobs in counrtyside 4)migration increased 5)society and social practices outgrew traditional bounds
Created by: Cianci
Popular European History sets




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