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swelling, accumulation of fluid -edema ex) lymphedema ( swelling of the lymph nodes)
seperation, dissolving, looseling, destruction -lysis ex) dyalisis (seperation of substances by passing through a membrane)
malacia sofetening ex) splenomalacia = sofeting of the spleen (splen/o)
death of tissue necrosis ex. osteonecrosis = death of the bone tissue
narrowing, constriction stenosis anteriostenosis = narrowing of the artery
supression, stoppage statis menostatis- supression of menstrual (men/o) flow
dilation, dilatation expansion, widening vasodialation- widening of the vessels
dilation ectasia, ectasis bronchiectasis- dilation of the bronchus (bronch/o)
spasm sudden contraction, cramp bronchospasm- contraction of the bronchus
ptosis drooping downward displacement, prolapse blepharoptosis - dropping of the eyelid ( blephar/0)
fissure, splitting -schisis retinoschisis
pain -odynia urodynia - pain of urination (ur/o)
pain -algia, -algesia myalgia - pain in the muscle (my/o)
-megaly enlargement cardiomegaly, hepatomegaly - enlargement of the liver (hepat/o)
-clasis, -clasia breaking osteoclasis - breaking of the bone (oste/o)
tumor -oma carcinoma, blastoma- tumor of the immature cells
any disease of -pathy cardiopathy- any disease of the heart
-itis inflamation arthritis- inflammation of the joints
-cele hernia, localized dilation hydrocele- localized hernia containing fluid
-rhage, -rhagia bursting forth, hemmorrhage, profuse flow hemorrhage- profuse flow of blood
flow , discharge -rhea mucorrhea- discharge of the mucous
rupture -rhexis amniorrhexis- rupture of the amniotic sac
-centesis puncture , tap thoracentesis- puncture of the thorax ( chest)
crushing -tripsy lithotripsy - crushing of a stone
plastic repair, plastic surgery, reconstruction -plasty rhinoplasty- plastic surgery of the nose ( rhin/o)
surgical fixation -plexy cystoplexy- surgical fixation of the bladder ( cyst/o)
-desis binding, fusion pleurodesis- binding of the pleural membranes
excision, surgical removal -ectomy hysterectomy- removal of the uterus (hyster/o)
-stomy surgical creation of an opening -colostomy
surgical repair, suture -rhapy herniorrhapy- surgical repair of the hernia
crushing -tripsy lithotripsy
incision , cutting -tomy trechotomy
-tome instrument for incision, cutting microtome
before, infront of pre- predisposing - leading towards a condition
before, infront of pro- prodrome- symptom that precedes a disease
after, behind post- postmenopausal- after menopause
before ante- antenatal- before birth
around peri- perivasucular - around the vessel
circum- around circumoral- around the mouth
in, within intra intrauterine
backward retro- retroperitoneal- behind the peritoneum
above supra- suprascapular
above, excess super- supernumery
on, over epi- epicardium, epithelium
outside extra- extracellular
below infra- infrapatellar
below,under sub- subcutaneous- below theh skin
near, beside juxta- juxtaposition- near or beside another structure
near beside behind para- parasagittal- near or beside a sagittal plane
inter- between intercostal
right dextr/o dextrocardia
left sinistr/o sinistrad- toward the left
yellow xanth/0
middle mes/o mesencephalon- midbrain
together syn-sym- synapse- junction between two nerve cells
in, within end/o endoscope- device for viewing the inside of a cavity or organ
ex/o away from, outside excise- to cut out
out, outside ec- ecto- ectoderm- outermost layer of the developing embryon
hyper- over, excess, abnormally high, increased hyperventilation- excess breathing
hypo- below, under, abnormally low, decreased hypotonic, hypoxia- decreased oxygen in the tissues
above, excess super- supernumerary
all pan- panacea- remedy that cures all ills
few, scanty olig/o oligomenorrhea- scanty menstrual flow
equal, same equi- equilateral- equal sides
equal, same iso- isotonic, isograft
other, different , unequal hetero- heterosexual- pertaining to opposite sex
eu- true, easy normal, good euthanasia - easy death ( thanat/o)
homo- homeo- same, unchanging homeostatis, homothermic
macro large, abnormally large macrocyte-= large rbc
ab- away from abduct
ad- near, towards abduct
through dia- dialysis- seperation of substance by passage through a membrane
through trans- transfusion- introduction of blood into blood stream
through per- percutaneous- through the skin
leuk/o white, colorless -leukoplakia- white patches in the mouth
melan/o black, dark melanin- dark pigment in skin
cyan/o blue cyanosis- blue discoloration of the skin cuz of lack of oxygen
red erythr/o erythorcyte- rbc
one mono- monocular
one unicellular
half, one side hemi- hemidiaphragm
four quadr/i- quadrant
four tetra- tetrahedron
multi- many multiple - many parts
many, much poly- polysaccharide
three tri- triplet, triangle
dipl/o double diploid
half, partial semi- semisolid
two, twice di- dimorphous- 2 forms
two, twice bi- bipolar
first prim/i primitive- first in time
brady- slow bradypnea, bradycardia
tachy fast, rapid tachycardia
mal- mad, poor malnutrition
thick pachy- pachyemia- thick blood
dys- abnormal, painful, difficult dysplasia- abnormal develop. of tissues
Created by: lala128
Popular Radiology sets




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