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Ota Definitions


Incomplete SCI damage to the spinal cord that is NOT absalute and will vary from person to person
Complete SCI Spinal Cord lesion. Term used to describe the damage that IS absalute. It causes complete & permanent loss of ability to send senory & motor nerve impulses and permanent los of function below the level of injury
Paresis weakness in voluntary muscle w/ slight paralysis
Global Aphasia Both Expressive and Receptive Aphasia
Autonomic Dysreflexia life threatning phenamonon that occurs in SCI above T4 to T6 caused by a response from the ANS to stimulate such as fecal mass, distended bladder, pain, or thermal stimuli
Expressive Aphasia language and communication are reduced with reading, writing, and speaking affected inability to verbalize ones own needs. Broca's Aphasia.
Receptive Aphasia Inability to comprehend normal speech. wernicke's aphasia.
SROM used when one limb (affected limb) is unable to complete ROM exercizes I. Unaffected limb (A) afftected w/ SROM.
Visual Closure ability to fill in missing parts of a visual stimulus, a letter to a missing word.
Ischemic to have reduced oxygen to a body part or organ
Hemorrhagic to have an escape or large amounts of blood from a blood vessel, heavy bleeding.
Rigidity hypertonicity of agonist and antagonist that offer constant, resistanct to passive movement
Visual Scanning deficits can result in acquisition of info about environment. Body in space for CVA.
Visual Memory ability to store and retrieve experienced visual sensations and perceptions when stimuli is no longer present. Ex. Recalling an image from a word.
Aspiration inhaling fluids or substances into the lungs
Quadraplegia paralysis of all 4 limbs
Hemiplegia paralysis of half the body
Plegia paralysis or stroke.Ex. paraplegia, quadraplegia,etc
Form Constancy Recognizing forms and objects as the same in different environments. Ex. a stop sign
Visual discrimination ability to percieve words accuratly by noting likenesses and diferences in words
AROM amount of motion at a joint achieved by a person using his or her own muscle strength. (the client)
Dysphagia difficulty swallowing
AAROM amount of motion at a joint from both the client and the therapist. (A) prn.
clonus spasmatic alternation or contraction and relaxation of a muscle (seizure)
PROM amount of motion at a joint moved by the therapist (max (A))
Aphasia absence of cognitive lanuage processing ability which results in deficts in speech, writing, or sign communication. It canbe repetitive, expressive, or both
Ataxia poor balance and awkward movement, uncordinated movement with gate
Contracture static shortening of a muscle and connective tissue that limits ROM. (virgie)
Apraxia inablity to motor plan, execute movement, manipulate objects, or use objects appropriatly
Dysarthia group of speech disorders resulting from disturances in muscular control
Dyspraxia inability to perform motor ax when muscles are NOT paralyzed
Spasticity increase in muscle tone and stretch reflex of a muscle and hyper responsible of muscle sensory stimulation
Flaccid inability to move an extemity due to loss of motor control
Created by: lindsay.brown
Popular Occupational Therapy sets




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