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Pediatric ReflexesOT


Primitive reflexes present at or just after birth and typically integrate throughout the first year.
If primitive reflexes reemerge, what is indicated? It is indicative of a problem with the CNS, that may interfere with motor milestones, patterns of movement, musculoskeletal alignment, and function.
Rooting reflex Onset: 28 wk gestation,integrated: 3 months Stroke the corner of the mouth, upper lip, and lower lip. Movement of the tongue, mouth, and or head toward the stimulus.
Suck swallow 28 wks gestations, integrated at 2-5 months place examiner's index finger inside infant's mouth with head in midline.
Suck swallow Get strong rhythmical sucking,which allows for ingestion of nourishment.
Rooting reflex It allows searching for and locating the feeding source.
Traction 28 wks gestation integrated at 2-5 months. Grasp infant's forearms and pull to sit. Response is complete flexion of upper extremities. It enhances momentary reflexive grasp.
Traction when a newborn is pulled up by the wrists to a sitting position, her head will first fall back, then lift upright and held before it falls forward onto the chest.
Traction This is a sign of maturity and muscle tone.
Moro 28 weeks gestation, integrated at 4-6 months. Rapidly drop infant's head backward, and first phase-arm extension/abduction, hand opening. Second phase: arm flexion and adduction.
Moro This facilitates ability to depart from dominant flexor posture. Protective response.
Plantar grasp 28 wks gestation, integrated at 9 months. Apply pressure with thumb on the infant's ball of the foot. It causes toe flexion. It increases tactile input to the sole of foot.
Galant 32 wks gestation, integrates at 2 months. Hold infant in prone suspension, gently scratch or tap alongside the spine with finger, from shoulders to buttocks. Lateral trunk flexion and wrinkling of the skin on stimulated side.
Galant It facilitates lateral trunk movements necessary for trunk stabilization.
ATNR 37 wks gestation 4-6 months integration. Fully rotate infant's head and hold for 5 seconds. Extension of extremities on the face side, flexion of extremities on the skull side.
ATNR It promotes visual hand regard.
Palmar grasp 37 wks gestation, 4-6 months integration. Place examiner's finger in infant's palm. Finger flexion;reflexive grasp.
Palmar grasp It increases tactile input on the palm of the hand.
TLR supine >37 wks, integrates at 6 months. Place infant in supine and demonstrates increased extensor tone. This facilitates total-body extensor tone.
TLR prone >37 wks, integrates at 6 months. Place infant in prone, increased flexor tone. Facilitates total body flexor tone.
Labarinthine/optical(head) righting Birth-2 months, and persists. Hold infant suspended vertically and tilt slowly(about 45) to the side, forward, or backward. It will cause upright positioning of the head. This orients head in space, maintains face vertical.
Landau 3-4 months onset, 12-24 integrated. holdinifant in horizontal prone suspension, and get complete extension of head, neck and extremities. Breaks up flexor dominance;facilitates prone extension.
Symmetric tonic neck 4-6 months. Integrates 8-12 months. Place infant in the crawling position and extend the head. Flexion of hips and knees.
Symmetric tonic neck Breaks up total extensor posture; facilitates static quadruped position.
Neck righting(NOB) 4-6 months onset, integrates at 5 years. place infant in supine and fully turn head to one side. Log rolling fo the entire body to maintain alignment wit the head. This maintains head/body alignment;initiates rolling(first ambulation effort).
Body righting(on body)BOB 4-6 months onset, integrates 5 years. place infant in supine, flex one hip and knee toward the chest and hold briefly. The response is segmental rolling of the upper trunk to maintain alignment. This facilitates trunk/spinal rotation.
Downward parachute(protective extension downward) onset 4 months, persists, rapidly lower infant toward supporting surface while suspended vertically. Extension of the lower extremities. This allows accurate placement of lower extremities in anticipation of a surface.
Forward parachute(protective extension forward) onset 6-9 months, persists. suddenly tip infant forward toward supporting surface while vertically suspended. sudden extension of the UE's, hand opening, and neck extension.
Forward parachute(protective extension forward) allows accurate placement of UE's in anticipation of supporting surface to prevent a fall.
Sideward parachute(protective extension sideward) 7 months, persists, quickly but firmly tip infant off balance to the side while in the sitting position. Arm extension and abduction to the side. Protects body to prevent a fall. Supports body for unilateral use of opposite arm.
Backward parachute (protective extension backward) 9-10 months, persists, Quickly but firmly tip infant off balance backward. backward arm extension or arm extension to one side. Protect body to prevent a fall;unilaterally facilitates spinal rotation.
Prone tilting 5 months, persists. after positioning infant in prone, slowly raise one side of the supporting surface. curving of the spine toward the raises side(opp the pull of gravity);abduction/extension of arms and legs.
Prone tilting This maintains equilibrium w/o arm support;facilitate postural adjustments in all positions.
Supine tilting and Sitting tilting 7-8 months, persists, after positioning infant in supine or sitting, slowly raise on side of the supporting surface. Curving of the spine toward the raised side(opp pull of gravity). abduction/extension of arms and legs.
Supine tilting and Sitting tilting Maintain equilibrium w/o arm support; facilitate postural adjustments in all positions.
Quadruped tilting 9-12 months, persists. after positioning infant on all fours, slowly raise on side of the supporting surface. curing of the spine toward the raised side;abduction/extension of arms and legs.
Quadruped tilting Maintain equilibrium w/o arm support;facilitates postural adjustments in all planes
Standing tilting 12-21 months, persists.after positioning infant in standing, slowly raise one side of the supporting surface. curving of the spine toward the raised side;abduction/extension of arms and legs.
Standing tilting Maintains equilibrium w/o arm support;facilitate postural adjustments in all positions.
Created by: ButterflyB
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