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English Final 7th

Studying for the English final 7th grade

Characterization What you need to know about the characters
Conflict Identify the 2 forces- internal/external
Exposition 1st of plot. Provides back round information about the plot, character, setting, and theme
Climax 3rd of plot. Turning point of the story
Resolution 5th of plot. Conclusion of story, where everything calms down
Rising action 2nd of plot. Events that build up suspension and leads to the climax
Falling action 4th of plot. Starts tying up the book.
Theme Saying or lesson in the book
First person Using "I" or "we"
Third person limited The author knows the thoughts and feelings of 1 character
Third person The author knows the thoughts and feelings of all of the characters
Rhyme The simularity of ending sounds between 2 or more words
Rhyme Scheme The sequence in which the rhyme occurs (the first end-sound is represented by the letter "a" the second letter is "b" and so on...
Stanza (paragraph of poetry) The grouping of lines in a poem in terms of length, meaning, rhyme, or structure
alliteration The repetition of initial consonant sounds in close proximitity of eachother
onomatopoeia The use of words to imitate sounds
Repetition Repeating a word, phrase, line, or stanza
Simile A comparison between 2 objects that uses specific words such as "like" or "as"
Metaphor A comparison between 2 objects without using the words "like" or "as"
Hyperbole A description which exagorates to an extreme
Personification Inanimate objects are assigned human traits or abilities
Imagery Words or phrases that appeal to 1 or more of the 5 senses (focus on "showing, not telling")
Indefinite pronouns Do not refer to any particular individual ex: One, each, nothing, none
Personal pronouns Take the place of nouns that name persons ex: I, me, she, her, it
The possessive form of personal pronouns Shows ownership ex: mine, hers, its
Demonstrative pronouns Points out "which one" ex: this, these, that, those
Reflexive pronouns Contain "self" or "selves" ex: itself
Nouns People, places, of things, or ideas ex: English
Verbs express action or state of being ex: blew
Pronouns Pronouns replace nouns or other nouns ex: she
Adjectives A word that describes of modifies nouns or pronouns ex: ugly
Adverbs Describe or modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs ex: slowly, cheerfully
Prepositions Show direction or location ex:in, under, without, but
Conjunction Join words or groups of words ex: and, or, but
Proper noun Particular person, place, thing, or idea and it is capitalized ex: United States
Action verbs Physical ex: jumped
Mental actions ex: remember, fear, assume
Linking verbs express state of being ex: is, be, smell, sound, taste, act
helping verbs may be should have a will may, might, must, be, being, been, am, are, is, was were, do, does, did, should, would, could, have, has, has, will, can, shall
Subject Tells what sentence is about
simple subject main word or words that perform the action of the sentance
complete subject All words in a sentence that describe the person or thing that performs the action
Predicate Tells what subject does, is, has, or feels
simple predicate verb or verb phrase
complete predicate verb or verb phrase and all words that modify its meaning
Situational irony The contrast between what happens and what is expected
Dramatic Irony the contrast between what the character thinks to be true and what we know to be true
verbal irony the contrast between what is said and what is meant. sarcasm
Created by: Teddyfers
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