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OTHA 1301 8d

HCC OT Medical Terminology Lesson 8 Medical Terms

aerial (aer i al) pertaining to the air
aerosis (aer osis) the production of gas in the tissues or organs of the body
aeropathy (aer o path y) any disease due to a change in atmospheric pressure such as compressed air illness (“bends”) or air sickness
alveolus (alveol us) (plural alveoli) name used to designate a small saclike pit or cavity
dental alveoli (dent al alveol i) the tooth sockets in the upper and lower jaw bones
alveolar (alveol ar) pertaining to an alveolus
alveolectomy (alveol ectomy) surgical excision of the tooth socket bony structure as a preparatory measure for the wearing of false teeth (dent ures); may include the removal of remaining teeth and roots of teeth and excision of diseased tissue
alveoloplasty (alveol o plast y) the surgical improvement of the shape and condition of the tooth sockets in preparation for immediate or future denture construction
corn the name of the build-up of thick horny skin tissue produced by friction and pressure
corneal (corne al) pertaining to the cornea of the eye
corneous (corne ous) hornlike or horny
dactyloscopy (dactyl o scop y) examination of fingerprints for purpose of identification
isodactylism (iso dactyl ism) a condition in which the fingers are of relatively equal length
dactylospasm (dactyl o spasm) a spasm or cramp of a finger or toe
edematous (edemat ous) pertaining to or affected by edema
pneumonedema (pneumon edema) abnormal quantities of fluid in the lungs
dactyledema (dactyl edema) abnormal swelling of the fingers or toes due to fluid accumulation
ependyma (ependym a) name of the membrane lining the cavities of the brain and the canal enclosing the spinal cord
ependymal (ependymal) pertaining to or composed of ependyma
ependymopathy (ependym o path y) any disease of this membrane (the ependyma)
ependymitis (ependym itis) inflammation of the ependyma
fistula (fistul a) term for such an abnormal passage
fistulous (fistul ous) pertaining to or of the nature of a fistula
internal fistula an abnormal passage between two internal organs
external fistula an abnormal passage between a hollow organ and the external surface of the body
intestinal fistula an abnormal passage connecting with the intestine
fistulization (fistul ization) the process of becoming fistulous; the surgical creation of an opening into a hollow organ or of an opening between two structures which were not previously connected
fistuloenterostomy (fistul o enter ostomy) the operation of making a fistula empty permanently into the intestine
furcal (furc al) shaped like a fork; forked
bifurcate (bi furc ate) forked; divided into two like a fork
bifurcation (bi furc ation) division into two branches; the site where a single structure divides into two
glycemia (glyc em ia) the presence of sugar in the blood
hyperglycemia (hyper glyc em ia) abnormally increased content of sugar in the blood
glycolysis (glyc o lysis) the breaking down of sugar into simpler compounds
glycopenia (glyc o penia) a deficiency of sugar in the body tissues
glucose (gluc ose) a thick, syrupy, sweet liquid; the sweet, colorless, soluble form of dextrose that occurs widely in nature and is the usual form in which carbohydrate is assimilated by animals
gravid pregnant; containing developing young
gravidic (gravid ic) occurring during pregnancy
gravidity (gravid ity) the condition of being with child; pregnancy
gravidocardiac (gravid o cardi ac) pertaining to heart disease of pregnancy
iris name of the colored membrane of the eye
iridic, iridal (irid ic, irid al) pertaining to the iris
iridization (irid iz ation) the patient’s perception of colored halos about lights, occurring in glaucoma
keratic (kerat ic) pertaining to horny tissue; pertaining to the cornea
keratoderma (kerat o derma) a horny skin or covering
keratoid (kerat oid) resembling horny or corneal tissue
hyperkeratosis (hyperkeratosis) overgrowth (excessive growth) of the horny layer of the skin
keratomalacia (kerat o malacia) softening of the cornea
keratocentesis (kerat o centesis) puncture of the cornea
metabolism (metabol ism) the sum of all the physical and chemical processes by which living organized substance is produced and maintained, and also the transformation by which energy is made available for the use of the body
basal metabolism the minimal energy needed to maintain the physical and chemical activities of the body
omentum (oment um) name of the membranous cover of the abdominal organs
omental (oment al) pertaining to the omentum
omentopexy (oment o pexy) the attachment of the omentum to another tissue or organ
omentoplasty (oment o plast y) the use of omental grafts, that is, surgical repair using the omentum as the grafting material
oophoron (oophor on) an ovary
oophoropexy (oophor o pexy) the surgical fixation or attaching of the ovary
hystero-oophorectomy (hyster o oophor ectomy) surgical removal of the uterus and ovaries
parietal (pariet al) pertaining to the walls of a cavity
parietitis (pariet itis) inflammation of the wall of an organ
onychophagy (onych o phag y) nail biting
phagomania (phag o mani a) an insatiable craving for food; literally an “eating mania”
phagocyte (phag o cyt e) any cell that absorbs (“eats”) micro-organisms, other cells, and foreign bodies
phagocytosis (phag o cyt osis) the process of engulfing a micro-organism, other cells and foreign bodies by phagocytes
odynophagia (odyn o phag ia) pain in swallowing
phrenic () pertaining to the mind; pertaining to the diaphragm
bradyphrenia (brady phren ia) slowness of mental activity such as initiative, interest, speech, frequently accompanying encephalitis
leukoplakia (leuk o plak ia) a disease marked by white thickened patches on the mucous membrane of the cheeks, gum and tongue
malacoplakia (malac o plak ia) the formation of soft patches on the mucous membrane of a hollow organ
pneumal (pneum al) pertaining to the lungs
pneumatic (pneumat ic) of or pertaining to air or respiration
pneumatocele (pneumat o cele) a swelling containing air any place in the body; a pushing out of the lung through a weak place in the wall of the chest
pneumonia (pneumon ia) inflammation of the lungs, usually with complications and usually accompanied by chill, increase in temperature, pain and coughing
pneumonitis (pneumon itis) a condition of localized, acute inflammation of the lung without the range of complications and symptoms accompanying pneumonia; benign pneumonia
pneumonic (pneumon ic) pertaining to the lung or to pneumonia
-pnea (pne a) breathing
hyperpnea () abnormal increase in the speed and depth of breathing
hypopnea () abnormal decrease in the speed and depth of breathing
bradypnea () abnormal slowness of breathing
ptyalism (ptyal ism) excessive secretion of saliva; salivation
-ptysis (pty sis) the spitting of
hemoptysis (hem o pty sis) the spitting of blood or of blood stained spittle (sputum)
ptyalectasis (ptyal ectasis) dilation (enlarging) of a salivary duct by surgery
ptyalogenic (ptyalo gen ic) formed from or by the action of saliva
pulmo (pulm o) the lung, the organ of respiration
pulmonic, pulmonary (pulmon ic, pulmon ary) pertaining to the lungs
renopulmonary (ren o pulmon ary) pertaining to the kidney and lungs
radial (radi al) pertaining to rays; pertaining to the spreading out from the center
radiology (radi ology) the study of X-rays, frequently called roentgenology after Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen, the discoverer of X-rays
radiotherapy (radiotherapy) the treatment of disease by the use of X-rays or rays from a radioactive substance
radical (radic al) directed to the cause; going to the root or source of a morbid process
radix ”the root”; the lowermost part, or a structure by which something is firmly attached
radicle (radi cle) ”a little root”; any one of the smallest branches of a vessel or nerve
radiculectomy (radic ul ectomy) excision of a nerve root
radiculoneuropathy (radic ul o neur opath y) disease of the nerve roots and the nerve
sedation (sedat ion) the act or process of calming
sedative (sedat ive) an agent such as a drug that calms or reduces excitement
Created by: Duane T
Popular Occupational Therapy sets




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