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OTHA 1301 7d

HCC OT Medical Terminology Lesson 7 Medical Terms

adnexopexy (adnex o pexy) the operation of fixing the uterine adnexa to the abdominal walls
adnexitis (adnex itis) inflammation of the uterine adnexa
antrum (antr um) a sinus; a cavity or chamber, especially within a bone
antral (antr al) pertaining to a sinus or an antrum
antrostomy (antr ostomy) the operation of making an opening into an antrum for the purpose of drainage
antrodynia (antr odyn ia) pain in an antrum
adenasthenia (aden asthenia) a weakness in glandular secretion; deficient glandular activity
gastric adenasthenia (gastr ic aden asthenia) deficient glandular secretion in the stomach
asthenia (asthen ia) lack or loss of strength and energy; weakness
asthenic (asthen ic) pertaining to or characterized by asthenia
asthenopia (asthenopia) a condition of weakness in the eye
astrocyte (astr o cyt e) a star-shaped cell, especially such a cell of the supporting structure of nervous tissue
astroid (astr oid) star-shaped
astrocytoma (astr o cyt oma) a tumor composed of star-shaped cells (astrocytes)
hypocrinia AKA hypocrinism (hypo crin ia, hypo crin ism) excessive secretion of any endocrine gland
crinogenic (crin o gen ic) stimulating (producing) secretion
dacryoadenitis (dacry o aden itis) inflammation of a lacrimal gland (a tear gland)
dacryocystectomy (dacry o cyst ectomy) excision of the wall of the lacrimal sac
dacryadeno- tear gland, lacrimal gland
dacrycysto- tear sac, tear bladder, lacrimal sac
dura mater (or dura) the outermost of the three membranes covering the brain and spinal cord
induration (in dur ation) hardness; the act or process of becoming hard
superdural (super dur al) situated above or external to the dura mater
fasciculus (fasci cul us) a small bundle or cluster; used to designate a small bundle of nerve or muscle fibers
fasciodesis (fasci o desis) the operation of suturing a fascia to one of the tissues attached to the skeleton
fasciorrhaphy (fasci o rrhaphy) the suturing together of torn fascia
heliosensitivity (helio sensitivity) sensitivity to sunlight
heliosis (helio sis) sunstroke
heliotherapy (helio therapy) the treatment of disease by exposing the body to the sun’s rays; therapeutic sunbathing
hypnotic (hypnot ic) inducing sleep; a drug that acts to induce sleep; pertaining to or of the nature of hypnotism
hypnotism (hypnot ism) the method or practice of an artificially induced passive state in which there is increased responsiveness to suggestions and commands
ahypnia (a hypn ia) ”not sleep”; abnormal wakefulness; insomnia
isocellular (iso cell ul ar) composed of cells of the same size and kind
isopia (is op ia) equality of vision in the two eyes
anisodont (an is odont) having teeth of unequal size or length
anisopia (an is op ia) inequality of vision in the two eyes
anisomastia (an iso mast ia) inequality of the breasts
laparotomy (lapar otomy) surgical incision of the flank; less correctly but more generally, abdominal incision at any point in the abdominal wall
hysterolaparotomy (hyster o lapar otomy) incision of the womb through the abnominal wall
thoracolaparotomy (thorac o lapar otomy) incision through both the thorax and the abdomen
laparorrhaphy (lapar o rrhaphy) suturing of the abdominal wall
laparogastrostomy (lapar o gastr ostomy) the creation of a permanent opening to the stomach through the abdominal wall
malignant (malign ant) tending to become progressively worse and to result in death if not treated, (opposite is “benign”)
malignancy (malign ancy) a tendency to spread or become progressively worse; used most frequently with cancerous growths which tend to progressively invade (spread among) the tissues of the body
mental (ment al) pertaining to the mind
mentality(ment al ity) mental power or activity
dementia (de ment ia) a general term for mental deterioration (“de” means “down”)
ocular (ocul ar) pertaining to the eye
oculus (ocul us) name for the eye
oculonasal (ocul o nas al) pertaining to the eye and the nose
oculopathy (ocul o path y) any disease or disorder of the eye
oculofacial (ocul o facial) pertaining to the eyes and face
opthalmorrhexis (opthalm o rrhexis) rupture of the eye or eyeball
optician (opt ic ian) one who prepares lens per a prescription to improve or correct vision
parturition (part ur ition) the act or process of giving birth to a child
postpartum (post part um) occurring after childbirth or after delivery
prepartal (pre part al) occurring before or just previous to labor
podalic (pod al ic) accomplished by means of the foot, as in obstetrical deliveries
-podia (pod ia) condition of the foot
pedodontics (ped odont ics) the department of dentistry dealing with the oral health of children
pedopathy (ped o path y) any disease of the foot
pediatrician (ped iatr ician) a physician specializing in the diseases of children
podiatry (pod iatr y) the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the foot
podiatrist (pod iatr ist) one who practices podiatry
scirrhus (scirrh us) name for a hard, cancerous tumor
scirrhous (scirrh ous) pertaining to or of the nature of a scirrhus
mastoscirrhus (mast o scirrh us) a hard cancer of the breast
dacryadenoscirrhus (dacry aden o scirrh us) a hard cancerous tumor (a scirrhus) of the lacrimal gland
sclerous (sclera ous) hard; indurated (in dur ated)
sclerosis (scler osis) a hardening; an induration; especially hardening of a part from inflammation
sclera (scler a) the tough, white supporting cover of the eyeball covering approximately the back five-sixths of its surface
sclerotic (sclerot ic) peraining to hardness or hardening; pertaining to the sclera
septum (sept um) a general term in anatomy to designate a dividing wall or partition
nasal septum (nas al sept um) the partition separating the two nasal cavities (nostrils)
septal (sept al) pertaining to a septum
septulum (septulum) a small separating wall or partition
sinusoid (sinus oid) resembling a sinus; used to designate blood channels in organs such as the heart, liver, spleen, pancreas
sinusotomy (sinus otomy) surgical incision of a sinus
sinusology (sinus ology) that branch of medicine which has to do with the sinuses
somal, somatic (som al, somat ic) pertaining to the body
soma (som a) denoting the body as distinguished from the mind
somatomegaly (somat o megal y) abnormal size of a body; giantism
somatotherapy (somat o therap y) treatment aimed at curing the ills of the body
somasthenia (som asthenia) a condition of bodily weakness
somatopsychic (somat o psych ic) pertaining to both body and mind
psychosomatic (psycho s omat ic) pertaining to the mind-body relationship; having bodily symptoms of a psychic, emotional or mental origin
tarsus (tars us) the ankle region
tarsal (tars al) pertaining to the instep; pertaining to the ankle bones (tarsal bones)
metatarsus (meta tars us) the part of the foot between the ankle (tarsus) and the toes. “meta” means “beyond”
metatarsal (meta tars al) pertaining to the metatarsus; one of the five bones between the ankle and the toes
topical (top ic al) pertaining to a particular spot; local; as in topical anesthesia versus general anesthesis
topalgia (top algia) fixed or localized pain
trachelocystitis (trachel o cyst itis) inflammation of the neck of the bladder
trachelodynia (trachel odyn ia) pain in the neck
trachelomyitis (trachel o my itis) inflammation of the muscles of the neck
trachea (trache a) name of the windpipe
tracheal (trache al) pertaining to the windpipe
cervic/o-, trachel/o combining forms indicating relationship to a neck or necklike structure
cervic/itis-, trachel/itis inflammation of the uterine cervic (neck of the womb)
Created by: Duane T
Popular Occupational Therapy sets




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