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WC chpt 6

chapter 6 test

Etruscans Ruled central Italy; shared land with Romans; who Romans learned from
Laws of the Twelve Tables laws written on 12 tables for plebeians to understand
Jupiter Roman version of zues
Republic "thing of the people" what Romans called their gov; indirect democracy
Patrician members of land owning upper class
consul supervised business of gov and armies
dictator ruler; complete control of the gov
plebeian farmers, traders and workers who made up bulk of population
tribune elected offical by plebeians
veto block or reject an idea
Latins Ancestors of the Romans
legion basic military unit of 5,000 men
Julius Ceaser took over; reformed too much and enemies killed him; public works for jobless, granted more citizenships, Julius calander
Pax Romana period of peace in Rome
Circus Maximus Romes largest racecourse
imperialism establishing control over foreign lands and people; used policy for conquering
province lands under Roman rule
latifundia huge estates brought up by wealthy people
census population count
Greco-Roman civilization blending of greek, Hellenisitic, and roman traditions
Virgil poet; wrote Aeneid, epic- showed Romes heroism and partioism
Livy historian who sought for partiotic feelings
Pantheon most famous dome, dedicated to all gods, stands in Rome
Galen Greek doctor; insisted on expiraments to prove a conclusion
civil law applied to citizens
law of nations applied to all under Roman rule
satirized make fun of; Roman poet satirized Rome; Hores, Juvinal and Martial
Mosaic picture made of colored chips and glass
engineering the application of science and math to develop useful structures and machines
aqueduct bridge like stone structures; brought water from hills to the city
constantine emperor; granted toleration to christans and also built a new capital
huns nomadic people who migrated through Asia and conquered Europe
visigoths Germanic people who fled to Rome for safety from the huns
Attila Hun leader; embarked on a savage campagin across Europe; Huns pushed people into Rome
Alaric Visigoth general who overran Italy and plundered Rome
Odoacer German leader; ousted Romes emperors in 476AD
inflation rapid rise of prices; made economy worse; diocletian tried to fix it
mercenary foreign soldiers serving for pay
Jesus founded christianity; jewish; decedent of king david
Gospels first four books of the new testament; means "good news"
paul converted to christianity after vision with jesus and spread christianity; from tarous
Edict of Milan made by Constantine; let everyone worship different religions
messiah anointed king sent by god
apostle followers of jesus; "a person sent forth" in greek
martyr people who suffer or die for their beliefs
bishop church offical responsible for all churches in one area
diocese what all christians in one area were called
patriarch honorary title that bishops gained; gives more authority
pope what bishops of the Latin
heresy beliefs said to be contrary to church teachings
senate tba
Punic Wars name for 3 wars Rome fought against Carthage; ended up masters of the mediterranean after they won
Hannibal Carthaginian general who lead army in second punic war; long way around to surprise Romans
Tiberius & Gaius Gracchus young patrician brothers; set out to reform; Tiberius called senate to distribute land to farmers; Gaius grain to feed poor; both killed after being seen as threat to power
Augustus under rule republic came to an end; well trained civil service to enforc laws, high level jobs open to all, ordered census
Hadrian emperor; codified laws so same for everyone; had wall built across britian
Pliny the Elder Roman scientist
Diocletian emperor; divided empire into two parts; fixed prices to avoid inflation; sons required to follow dads occupation; farmers stay on land
Created by: sofia:]
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