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Chapter 2

General Anatomy and Radiographic Positioning Terminology

Define anatomy the science of the structure of the body
Define physiology the study of the function of the body organs
Define osteology the detailed study of the bones of the body
Describe the anatomical position Body standing erect, face and eyes directed forward, arms extended by the sides with the palms facing forward, heels together, toes pointing anteriorly with the great toes touching
List the 4 fundamental planes of the body Sagittal, coronal, horizontal, oblique
Any plane passing vertically through the body from front to back and dividing the body into right and left segments is called the _________ plane. sagittal
Any plane passing vertically through the body from side to side and diving the body into anterior and posterior segments is called the _______ plane. coronal
The plane that passes vertically through the midline of the body from side to side and divides the body into equal anterior and posterior segments is called the ____ plane. Midcoronal
The plane that passes through the midline of the body and divides it into equal right and left haves is called the _______ plane. Midsagittal
A plane that passes crosswise through the body and decides the body into superior and inferior segments is the ____ plane or _____ plane. Horizontal (also called transverse or axial plane)
List the two major cavities of the torso Thoracic and abdominal
What cavity is the liver in? Abdominal
What cavity are the lungs in? Thoracic
What cavity is the heart in? Thoracic
What cavity is the uterus in? Pelvic
What cavity is the spleen in? Abdominal
What cavity is the rectum in? Pelvic
What cavity are the ureters in? Abdominal
What cavity is the trachea in? Thoracic
What cavity are the ovaries in? Pelvic
What cavity is the esophagus in? Thoracic
C1 external landmark Mastoid tip
C3,4 external landmark Hyoid bone
C5 external landmark Thyroid cartilage
C7,T1 external landmark Vertebra prominens
T2,3 external landmark Level of jugular notch
T4,5 external landmark Level of sternal angle
T7 external landmark Level of inferiors angles of scapulae
T9,10 external landmark Level of xiphoid process
L2,3 external landmark Inferiors costal margin
L4,5 external landmark Level of superior most aspect of iliac crests
S1,2 external landmark Level of anterior superior iliac spines
Coccyx external landmark Level of pubic symphysis and greater trochanters
How many bones comprise the typical adult skeleton? 206
2 main skeletal divisions that make up bony framework of the body? appendicular and axial
4 main parts of the axial skeleton? neck, skull, thorax, vertebral column
4 main parts of the appendicular skeleton? pelvic girdle, shoulder girdle, upper and lower limbs
Compact bone outer layer of bony tissue
Spongy bone Inner trabeculated portion of the bone
Medullary cavity central cylindrical canal of long bones
Periosteum tough, fibrous membrane that covers the bone (except where bone is covered by articular cartilage)
5 classifications (by shape) of bones flat, long, short, irregular, sesamoid
Bone classification of tibia long
Bone classification of lunate short
Bone classification of radius long
Bone classification of patella sesamoid
Bone classification of scapula flat
Bone classification of maxilla irregular
Bone classification of vertebrae irregular
Define long bones consist of a body and two articular ends
define short bones consist mainly of spongy tissue and have only a thin outer layer of compact bone
define flat bones consist mainly of compact bone in the form of two places that enclose a layer of spongey tissue
define irregular bones cannot be defined as long, short or flat bones because of their peculiar shape
define sesamoid bones small oval bones that develop in and near tendons and function to protect tendons from excessive tear
2 classifications of joints functional and structural
3 structural classifications of articulations fibrous, cartilaginous, synovial
synovial movement freely movable
fibrous movement immovable
cartilaginous movement limited or slight movement
knee functional and structural classification diarthrodial; synovial
cranial sutures functional and structural classification synarthrodial; fibrous
pubic symphysis functional and structural classification amphiathrodial; cartilaginous
fibrous envelope that encloses a synovial joint articular capsule
joint in which 2 bones are joined by hyaline cartilage synchondrosis
lubricant and nutrient compound found within synovial joints synovial fluid
joining together of two midline bones in the body by a plate of fibrocartilage symphysis
fluid-containing sacs that are interposed between sliding surfaces to reduce friction bursae
fibrocartilaginous disk pad located between the ends of bones in some synovial joint meniscus
gliding (plane) joint type of movement sliding, gliding
hinge (ginglymus) joint type of movement flexion, extension
pivot (trochaic) joint type of movement rotation
ellipsoid (condyloid) joint type of movement flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, circumduction
saddle (sellar) joint type of movement flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, circumduction
ball and socket (spheroid) joint type of movement flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, circumduction, rotation
the hip is what kind of joint? ball and socket (spheroid)
the knee is what kind of joint? hinge (ginglymus)
the elbow is what kind of joint? hinge (ginglymus)
the wrist is what kind of joint? ellipsoid (condyloid)
the shoulder is what kind of joint? ball and socket (spheroid)
C1/C2 are what kind of joints? pivot (trochoid)
the intertarsal articulations are what kind of joints? gliding (plane)
the interphalangeal articulations are what kind of joints? hinge (ginglymus)
the metacarpopophalangeal articulation is what kind of joint? ellipsoid (condyloid)
the carpometacarpal joint of the thumb is what kind of joint? saddle (sellar)
head expanded end of a long bone
horn horn like process on a bone
crest ridge like process
facet small, smooth-surfaced process for articulation
spine sharp process
styloid long, pointed process
tubercle small, rounded, elevated process
condyle rounded process at an articular extremity
hamulus hook shaped process
coracoid beak like process
malleolus club shaped process
trochanter large, rounded, elevated process located at the junction of the neck and shaft of the femur
tuberosity large, rounded, elevated process
epicondyle projection about a condyle
protuberance bony protection
fossa pit, fovea, or hollow
sinus recess, groove, cavity, or hollow space
sulcus furrow, trench, or fissure like depression
groove shallow, linear depression
fissure cleft or groove
foramen hole in a bone for transmission of blood vessels and nerves
deep refers to parts far from the surface
distal refers to parts farthest from the point of attachment, point of reference, origin, or beginning
lateral refers to parts away from the median plane of the body or away from the middle of a part to the right or left
dorsal refers to the back part of the body or an organ
medial refers to parts towards the median plane of the body, or towards the middle of a body part
central refers to the middle area or main part of an organ
ventral refers to the forward or front part of the body or to the forward part of an organ
caudad refers to parts away from the head of the body
palmar refers to the palm of the hand
plantar refers to the sole of the foot
inferior refers to nearer the feet or situated below
internal refers to a part within or on the side of an organ
dorsum refers to the top or anterior surface of the foot, or to the back or posterior surface of the hand
visceral refers to the covering of an organ
anterior refers to the forward or front part of the body or to the forward part of an organ
external refers to the part outside of an organ or on the outside of the body
superior refers to nearer the head or situated above
proximal refers to parts nearest the point of attachment, point of reference, origin or beginning
cephalad refers to parts towards the head of the body
posterior refers to the back part of the body or an organ
ipsilateral refers to a part on the same side of the body
peripheral refers to parts at or near the surface, edge, or outside of a body part
superficial refers to a part near the skin or surface
contralateral refers to a part or parts on the opposite side of the body
define projection refers to the path of the CR
define position a specific pt body position
define view the body part as it is seen from the perspective of an X-ray film or other recording medium
define method denotes the originator of a particular radiographic procedure, or additional specifies placement of the IR and CR
Is AP a projection, a body position, or radiographic position? projection
Is supine a projection, a body position, or radiographic position? body position
Is upright a projection, a body position, or radiographic position? body position
Is AP axial a projection, a body position, or radiographic position? projection
Is lordotic a projection, a body position, or radiographic position? radiographic position
Îs recumbent a projection, a body position, or radiographic position? body position
Is tangential a projection, a body position, or radiographic position? projection
Is AP oblique a projection, a body position, or radiographic position? projection
Is dorsoplantar a projection, a body position, or radiographic position? projection
Is left lateral a projection, a body position, or radiographic position? radiographic position
Is transthoracic a projection, a body position, or radiographic position? projection
Is trendelenburg a projection, a body position, or radiographic position? body position
Is parietoacanthial a projection, a body position, or radiographic position? projection
Is RAO a projection, a body position, or radiographic position? radiographic position
Is right lateral decubitus a projection, a body position, or radiographic position? radiographic position
CR is angled longitudinally with the long axis of the body axial
CR enters the anterior body surface and exits posterior body surface AP
CR enters posterior body surface and exits anterior body surface PA
CR enters the side or lateral aspect of the body or body part and exits the other side lateral
CR enters the body or body part from a side angle into the anterior or posterior surface of the body oblique
CR is directed toward the outer margin of a curved body to profile a body part and project it free of superimposition tangential
lying face down prone
lying on the back supine
lying down in any position recumbent
erect or marked by a vertical position upright
lying spine with head lower than feet trendelenburg
lying supine with the head higher than the feet Fowlers
tilt movement of a part so that the sagittal (longitudinal) plane is angled so it is not parallel with the long access of the body
rotate to turn around an axis
flexion bending movement of a joint whereby the angle between contiguous bones is diminished
pronate to turn the forearm so the palm of the hand faces backwards
eversion movement of the foot when it is turned outward at the ankle joint
supinate to turn the forearm so the palm of the hand faces forward
deviation a turning away from the regular, standard or course
extension straightening of a joint
inversion movement of a foot when it is turned inward at the ankle joint
abduction movement away from the central axis of the body or body part
adduction movement of a part toward the central axis of a body or body part
hyperflexion forced or excessive flexion of a joint or part
circumduction circular movement of a limb
hyperextension forced or excessive straightening of a joint
dorsiflexion flexion of a foot toward the leg
plural of ala alae
plural of alveolus alveoli
plural of appendix appendices
plural of calculus calculi
plural of diagnosis diagnoses
plural of diverticulum diverticula
plural of ganglion ganglia
plural of ilium ilia
plural of lamina laminae
plural of metastasis metastases
define ARRT American Registry of Radiologic Technologists
define ASIS anterior superior iliac spine
RAO right anterior oblique
LPO left posterior oblique
US ultrasound
LUQ left upper quadrant
CT computed tomography
Which term refers to the study of the function of the body organs? physiology
What are the 4 fundamental body planes? sagittal, coronal, horizontal (transverse), oblique
Which plane divides the body into equal R and L halves? midsagittal
Which are the 2 greatest cavities of the torso? abdominal and thoracic
Which body structure is located within the thoracic cavity? heart
In which quadrant of the abdomen is the appendix located? RLQ
Which region of the abdomen is location below the umbilical region? hypogastrium
Which vertebra is located at the level xiphoid process? T10
Which body habitus represents a person of large massive stature in whom the stomach is located high and nearly horizontal within the abdomen? hypersthenic
Excluding small sesamoid and accessory bones in the skull, how many bones comprise the skeleton? 206
Bones are classified according to their ____? shape
which bone classifications are vertebrae? irregular
which bone classification is the trapezium? short
which bone classification consists largely of compact cortex tissue in the form of two plates that enclose a layer of dipole flat
which term specifically refers to the study of the joints arthrology
which strucural classification of articulations refers to joints that have only limited or slight movement? cartilaginous
which functional classification of articulations are synovial joints? diarthroses
Which structural classification of articulations are cranial sutures? fibrous
which type of movement occurs in a hinge joint? flexion and extension
which of the following joints is an example of an ellipsoid joint? metacarpophalangeal
which term refers to a long pointed process? styloid
which term for a depression refers to a hole in a bone through which blood vessels and nerves pass? foramen
which term refers to a fracture in which a broken bone projects through the skin? open
which term refers to a body part on the opposite side of the body? contralateral
which term refers to the path of the CR projection
which term refers to a general body position: axial recumbent tangential LAO recumbent
which term refers to the movement of a body part away from the central axis of the body? abduction
which term is the plural form of diagnosis diagnoses
which body position describes the pt laying face down on the radiographic table? prone
which plane is positioned at a right angle to the sagittal and coronal planes? horizontal (transverse)
which vertebra is located at the level of the inferior angles of scapulae? T7
which vertebra is located at the level of the iliac crest? L4
which body habitus represents a person with organs and characteristics that are intermediate between sthenic and asthenic body habitus types and is the most difficult to classify? hyposthenic
what term is used when the CR enters the anterior surface and exits the posterior surface? AP
what projection results from a ventral/dorsal decubitus position? lateral
what projection is obtained when a pt is in an RAO position? PA oblique
what term is applied when the CR is angled more than 10 degrees axial
which term refers to a recumbent position with a horizontal CR decubitus
Created by: sschulz24
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