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Horner's Syndrome Sympathetic innervation to the face is interrupted by a lesion in the brain stem resulting in papillary constriction, dry and red face with no sweat, ptosis- Mueller's muscle; problem located in sympathetic ascending fibers.
Autonomic Dysreflexia Caused by a lesion in the high thoracic or cervical cord. Severe hypertension, sweating and headache noted. May occur with a blockage in a urine catheter.
Cognitive Domain Complex task and number of steps, time requirement, age appropriate, academic skills necessary for the task
Empathy Capacity to understand what your patient is experiencing from that patients perspective.
Concentration (Stages of Dementia) no objective or subjective evidence of defecit, subjective decrement, minor objective signs, definite deficit for person of their background, marked deficit, forgets concentration task, marked difficult counting to 10
Recent Memory No objective or subjective evidence, subjective impairment only, deficit in recall of specific events upon detailed questioning, cannot recall major events of previous week or weekend, occasional knowledge of some events, no knowledge of any recent event.
Sympathetic Action diffuse response, thoraco-lumbar origination, pre-synaptic neurons- ACH, post-synaptic neurons- NE, fight or flight response.
Wilson's Disease copper does not enter circulation and builds up in the brain, liver, and eye. (hepatolenticular degeneration)
Transition through Recreation and Integration for Life (TRAIL) Five components: leisure education to facilitate choice making and independent recreation participation, leisure coaching, family/friend support, follow up services designed to maintain participation in community rec, Independent community leisure part.
FOX cont'd measures reaction to others, reaction to objects, attention seeking, interaction with objects, concept of self and interactions with others.
Leisure Functioning describes how an individual feels about his/her leisure experiences.
Meningitis Inflammation of the meninges of the spinal cord and brain caused by bacteria. Signs/symptoms: stiff/tight neck, fever, confused.
Hypotonia Decreased tone.
Valsava's Maneuver occurs when attempting to forcibly exhale with the glottis, mouth,and nose closed. It causes an increase in pressure with an accompanying collapse of the vein of the chest wall. May result in slowing of pulse, decreased return of blood to the heart.
GRST cont'd gross and fine motor, eye-hand, play behavior, language use, comprehension, numbers, follwing directions, problem solving, attending behavior, possessions, emotional control, imitation play, people skills, music, and stories/drama.
Holistic leisure as discoverable in any activity anywhere. True leisure is person enhancing freedom expressed in activity.
Social Instrument leisure as a means to social ends such as therapy for the ill, entrance into social participation, skill development and fulfillment of social functions.
Antiutilitarian Leisure as an end in itself not secondary to work, as self expression, and as self fulfilling satisfaction.
Brainstem (midbrain, pons, and medula) respiratory and cardiac center, nerve pathways to the brain.
Cerebellum coordination of muscle function
Internal locus of control person believes they control their own destiny. Tend to be convinced that their own skills, abilities, and efforts determine the bulk of their life experiences.
Locus of Control Perceived source of control over our behaviors. Influences the way you view yourself and your opportunities.
Intermittent Claudication arterial insufficiency that results in ischemia to the exercising muscle. Relief of pain is achieved by resting.
Legal Blindness Visual acuity of 20/200 or worse in the better eye with corrective lenses (20 feet from eye chart. Visual field restricted to 20 degrees diameter or less (tunnel vision) in the better eye.
Alcoholism Often progressive and fatal. Characterized by continuous or periodic impaired control over drinking preoccupation with alcohol, use of alcohol despite adverse consequences, and distortions in thinking, most notably denial.
Risk Factors Diabetes, atherosclerosis, hypertension (cardiac disease, transient ischemic attacks)
Axis I Clinical disorders and mood disorders
Axis II Personality Disorders and Mental Retardation
Axis III General Medical Conditions, including overweight conditions.
Axis IV Psychosocial and environmental problems.
Notion of Flow People enter a flow state when they are fully absorbed in activities during which they lose sense of time and have feelings of great satisfaction.
Surplus Energy Theory Explained that the child's playing (jumping, climbing, running, etc.) is a manifestation of his inner energy.
Catharsis Theory play is used to relieve tension and anxiety by bringing repressed feelings and fears to consciousness. Aggression outlet.
Social, Race, Class, and Occupation leisure as determined by social and hereditary factors. this determination model has been the basis of much research into participation prediction and, as such, is not a definition but a sociological assumption.
Classic Leisure as a state of freedom a "condition of the soul", and a seldom achieved goal.
LDB cont'd Perceived freedom in leisure scale. If the first five scales indicate that remediation is warranted, the other scales can be administered in an effort to provide further diagnostic info. 1st five scales= perceived freedom in leisure score.
Leisure diagnostic battery (LDB) 1st comprehensive battery of instruments designed to assess "leisure functioning". Consists of eight components: Perceived leisure competency scale, perceived leisure control scale, leisure needs scale, depth of involvement in leisure scales, cont.
Chorea involuntary rapid fire movements, (irregular/jerky) clinical feature of Huntington's disease.
Leisurescope Provides detailed info about the attitudes of visitors @ leisure attractions and allows attendance levels to be compared and tracked over time.
Receptive Aphasia inability to understand verbal speech, inability to receive info.
Expressive Aphasia inability to speak or difficulty speaking.
Leisure Competence Measure (LCM) A testing tool with a 201 page manual designed to measure outcomes in RT.8 sub scales: leisure awareness, leisure attitude, leisure skills, cultural/social beh., interpersonal skills, community integration skills, social contact and community part.
Epilepsy recurrent seizures due to excessive and sudden discharge of cerebral cortical neurons.
Pressure Ulcers (PU) RAP'S in the MDS when a resident presents with: limited bed mobility, bed fastness, bowel incontinence, peripheral vascular disease, stage I-IV PU, hx of PU in last 90days, use of a trunk restraint
Institutional Concept (Leisure/Kaplan) Presupposes that a functional division of institutions within a social system in which leisure may stand with the school, the family, the church, the economy, and the state.
Complex Seizures No loss of consciousness.
Agnosia Inability to recognize familiar objects by the various senses.
Spasticity Increased tone, hyperactive reflexes, clorus, and babinski.
Peripheral Nerves (PNS cont'd) Spinal nerves that branch off the spinal cord going toward organs and muscles. Allow control of muscle groups in the upper and lower extremities and sensory stim.
Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) Consists of cranial and spinal nerves that innervate organic muscles and sensory systems. Cranial nerves in the PNS connect the brain to the head, neck, and truck.
Aneurysm Precautions Avoid rectal temps, limits visitors, avoid valsava's maneuver, head of bed should be between 30-45 degrees.
Central Nervous System Made up of the brain and spinal cord. Brain controls thought, reasoning, memory, sight, and judgement. Made up of 4 lobes: frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital. Spinal cord conducts info to and from the brain.
Ohio Functional Assessment Battery (OLSSON) designed to determine the functional level of a clients abilities in order to develop measurable treatment objectives.
Parasympathetic Action Discrete response, cranial/sacral origination, pre-synaptic neurons release ACH, post-synaptic neurons release ACH, conserves fuel, maintains GI
Inhalation absorbed in the lungs, quick action may cause inflammation in the lungs.
Psycho Motor (Physical Domain) Current endurance level, sensory skills, hand/eye coordination.
Affective Domain What is causing the stress, what emotions are involved, can the patient be creative, current and past self esteem levels.
Social Domain Is leadership required, communication skills, verbal v. nonverbal, group v. individual activity, co-operation
External locus of Control Believes that their lives are determined mainly by sources outside themselves, fate, chance, luck or the power of others. Less likely to learn from past experiences, have difficulty in tasks.
Psychoanalytic Theory First major, coherent, psychological theory. Provided a new approach and new treatment techniques. Play decreases anxiety.
General Recreation Screening Tool (GRST) Measures the general development level of the client in 18 areas related to leisure. Takes about 15 minutes to score after observing the patient in 2 or more activities. Developed for clients with MR/DD.
Middle Cerebral Artery Stroke Upper extremity more involved than the lower extremity, contra-lateral sensory loss.
Posterior Cerebral Stroke Contralateral sensory loss, transient contralateral hemiparesis
Anterior Cerebral Stroke lower extremity more involved than upper extremity; contra lateral hemi-paresis, and sensory deficits.
Flaccidity Absent Tone.
Grief Process Five Stages: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance.
Para Sympathetic Constricted pupils, lowers heart rate and respiratory rate, increased peristalsis, acetycholine secreted, decreases blood pressure, relaxation of skin and abdominal arterioles
Discretionary Time leisure as the time remaining in a work determined cycle when the requirements of substinence and work have been met.
Therapeutic Approach (Leisure/Kaplan) Assumes that: people are less healthy and that leisure is good for them.
Quantitative Model (Leisure/Kaplan) Assumes that time can be identified by the way it is used.
Hypothalamus Controls: sleeping cycle, the ANS and neuro-endocrine systems, maintains body homeostasis, thirst center, helps regulate body temp, regulates appetite control, and hormone secretion.
Thalamus Integrate and relays sensory info from the face, retina, cochlea, and taste receptors. (Intercepts sensation of touch, pain, and temp)
Apraxia Inability to perform purposeful movements.
Guillian-Barre' Syndrome Polyneurophaty with progressive muscular weakness. Signs/symptoms: demyelination of peripheral and cranial nerves, motor paralysis in an ascending pattern, 3% mortality-respiratory failure, autonomic dysfunction-arrhythmias, bp changes, tachycardia.
Temporal Lobe responsible for auditory info and language comprehension.
Occipital Lobe Center for visual information
Epistemological concept (leisure/kaplan) Based on the values of a culture.
Sociological Approach (leisure/kaplan) Begins with the belief that leisure and everything else is defined in a social context by social actors who are creating their universe of meaning.
Comprehensive Evaluation in Recreation Therapy For psych settings, short term acute care: 3 areas of observation: general, individual performance, group performance.
Fox Activity Therapy for Social Skills (for adults with developmental disabilities) evaluates the client's level of skills in the social/affective domain, skills included in this assessment are important in building a mature leisure lifestyle, appropriate for clients who have a developmental level of approx. 6 months to 4 years.
Orientation No defecit, subjective impairment, any mistakes in time, mistakes in month, unsure of month and/or year/season, unsure of locale, no idea of date. Identifies spouse but may not recall name. Can not identify spouse may be unsure of personal identity.
Past Memory No objective or subjective evidence. Subjective impairment only. Some gaps in past memory upon detailed questioning. Clear out deficit, spouse recalls more. Major past events sometimes not recalled. Some residual memory of past. No memory of past.
Displacement transferring of an emotion or actual loss of function as a result of illness or accident.
Compensation covering up a weakness by stressing a desirable or strong trait
MS progressive demyelinating disease of the central nervous system affecting mostly young adults (cause unknown, likely viral)
Parkinson's Disease A degenerative disease with primary involvement of the basal ganglia, characterized by the following signs and symptoms: bradykinesia, resting tremor, impaired postural reflexes, rigidity.
Anger trying to suppress anger can lead to other problems, such as channeling resentment into resistance to treatment.
Denial Level I: denial of personal relevance; Level II: denial of urgency, Level III: denial of vulnerability; Level IV: denial of feelings, Level V: denial of source of feelings; Level VI denial of threatening info; Level VII: denial of all info.
Bargaining this period passes fairly quickly because most people realize the futility of empty bargaining.
Depression emotional slumps. Signs and Symptoms: marked changes in sleeping patterns, ongoing fatigue and listlessness, changes in appetite, uncontrollable feelings of sadness, inability to concentrate, suicidal thoughts, illness intrusiveness.
Endogenous Depression Depression, inner storms that are usually as temporary as the weather.
Reactive Depression Rooted in some definable outside event (like being diagnosed with a fatal disease)
Acceptance Everything- coping with an illness, learning to set new goals, getting on with life, naturally follows from acceptance.
Parietal lobe receives fibers with sensory info about touch, proprioception, temperature and pain from the other side of the body.
Frontal lobe controls emotions, judgements, controls motor aspects of speech, primary motor cortex for voluntary muscle activation.
Action Potential threshold at which neurons fire.
Synapse Junction between two neurons.
Automatic Nervous System Controls reflexive functions of the brain. Includes fight or flight responses and maintaining homeostasis (equilibrium with in tissues) Uses neurotransmitters to help conduct nerve signals and turn on/off various cell groups.
Sympathetic (Fight or flight) dilated pupils, elevates heart rate and respiratory rate, sweating, epinephrine and nor epinephrine secreted, increased blood pressure, constriction of skin and abdominal arterioles
Rheumatoid Arthritis complaints of fatigue, weight loss, weakness, and general diffuse musculo-skeletal pain are often the initial presentations. Pain is localized to specific joints with symmetrical bilateral of presentation. Deformities of fingers are common.
Cellulitis inflammation of the connective tissue, tends to be widespread and is poorly defined. The area is often hot, red, and edematous, and resembles the skin of an orange.
Budd-Chari Syndrome leads to congestive liver disease. Caused by an occlusion of the hepatic veins or IVC.
AIDS Caused by a retrovirus in which viral RNA becomes part of the host cell DMA. Reduction in T cells and a high viral load can cause HIV to progress to aids.
AIDS CONT'D Low immunity can lead to opportunistic infections like pneumoncystis cannii, secondary cancers, salmonella, neuropathies, meningitis
Circulatory System consists of the heart, blood vessels, blood, and lymphatics. It is a network of tubular structures thorough which blood travels to and from the parts of the body.
Circulatory System CONT'D To initiate clotting and thereby prevent blood loss. To maintain body temp. To produce, carry, and contain blood. To transfer body reserves, specifically mineral salts, to areas of need. To conduct nutrients and oxygen to the tissues.
MET Defined as the energy it takes to sit quietly (about one calorie per every 2.2 pounds of body weight per hour. 160 pounds burns 70 calories an hour while sitting or sleeping.
Whispered Pectoriloquy Distinct transmission of vocal sounds to the ear through the chest wall in ausculation.
Broncophony Enhanced breath sounds ausculated over the bronchi.
Pleural Effusion Fluid in the thoracic cavity between the vsiceral and perietal pleura.
Egophony a nasal sound, somewhat like the bleat of a goat, heard in ausculation of the chest wall when the subject speaks in a normal tone. Often due to pleural effusion.
Consolidation the act of becoming solid. *Solidification of the lungs due to pathological engorgement of the lung tissues as occurs in acute pneumonia.
Atelectasis a collapsed or airless condition of the lung.
Rancho Level of Cognitive Functioning Scale Used to assess cognitive functioning in post coma patients. Developed for use in the planning of treatment, tracking of recover, and classifying of outcome levels.
CHF May result in tachycardia, decreased stroke volume, LE swelling, and decreased cardiac output.
Cri-du-chat syndrome Noted severe mental deficits and chromosome 5 short arm.
Cystic Fibrosis Thickening of secretions of all exocrine glands, leading to obstruction. Probably multiple frequent respiratory infections especially staph. Aureus pseudomonas aerginosa.
Dermatitis Superficial inflammation of the skin, characterized by vesicle (when acute): redness, edema, oozing, crusting, scaling, and usually itching.
Deep Vein Thrombosis Formation of an abnormal blood clot in a deep vein. If the clot breaks free it may become a pulmonary embolism.
Diabetes Mellitus Insulin dependent is due to the absolute insulin deficiency and can lead to diabetic ketosis.
DM type II non-insulin dependent diabetes is usually associated with obesity and is caused by a combination of insulin resistance and a defect in beta cell responsiveness to elevated plasma glucose concentration. Plasma insulin concentration is usually normal/elevat
Fragile X syndrome X linked disease with appearance of enlarged testes, autism, and enlarged jaw.
Life Satisfaction Scale 5 dimensions of satisfaction: pleasure vs. apathy, determination, difference between desired and achieved goals, mood at time of assessment, self concept.
Leisure motivation Scale Measures motivation in leisure skills: intellectual, social, master/competency, stimulus and avoidance.
State Technical Institute Leisure Assessment Process A leisure interest tool that measures the clients indicated interest in various activities. Indicates areas that the client is interested in learning more about. Provides a systematic way for the terapist to measure the balance of the clients leisure life
Recreation Behavior Inventory RBI- to assess clients cognitive, sensory, and perceptual motor skills as prerequisite to leisure participation.
Leisure Barriers Inventory (LBI) Examines leisure barriers in 8 categories: time, money, transportation, partners, etc. Client responds to 48 items on a 3 point scale (agree, don't know, disagree)
LCM cont'd objectively measures changes in client functioning over time; provide a basis for evidence based decision making, guide client centered goal setting and recreational therapy intervention. Provide a mechanism for program eval, help compliance with JCAHO et
Tuberculosis infection spread by droplets from the untreated infected host. Treatment involves medications and eliminate infection.
Systemic Lupus Erythematosis Chronic systematic thematic inflammatory disorder of the connective tissues which affects multiple organs including skin and joints.
Pulmonary Emboli A thrombus from the peripheral venous circulation lodges in the pulmonary artery and the subsequent obstruction of blood flow to the lungs. Treatment often involves a low dose heparin, analgesics, and pulmonary vasodilators.
Oral Drug entry- easiest, safe, have first pass effect, large surface area for absorption, some medicines initiate the GI
Rectal Normally no 1st pass effect, usually used if patients are vomitting
Sub Lingual Absorption through the oral mucosa with no 1st pass effect.
Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy X linked recessive disease with noted pelvic weakness and calf hypertrophy.
Down's syndrome Trisomy 21 altered fatal appearance, mental retardation, simian crease, congenital heart disease.
Edward's Syndrome Trisomny 18- mental retardation, congenital heart disease, life span less than one year.
Eisenmenger's syndrome late cynosis due to increasing pulmonary hypertension.
Gout Metabolic disease marked by elevated level of serum uric acid and deposition of urate crystals in the joints, soft tissue, and kidneys. Treatment often involves anti inflammatory medications, daily use of colchicine and lowering of urate concentration in
Hepatitis Inflammation of the liver and may be caused by viral or bacterial infections or chemical agents. Transmission is from blood, body fluids, or body tissues, through oral or sexual content on contaminated needles.
Hemophilia bleeding disorder that is inherited and has to do with clothing factor deficiency.
Hepatitis signs and symptoms elevated lab values of hepatic transaminase and bilirubin, enlarged liver with tenderness, fever, and jaundice. Treatment- IV fluids, analgesics, interform, and vaccines.
Herpes Zoster acute nervous system viral infection involving the dorsal root ganglia and characterized by vesicular eruption and neuralgic pain in the cutaneous areas supplied by peripheral sensory nerves arising at the infected dermatome or myotome.
Functioning and Self Care None, forgets location of objects, decreased job function difficulties with change, decreased ability to preform complex tasks. Requires assistance in choosing proper clothing, requires assistance in feeding and/or toileting and/or bathing and/or ambulati
Erikson's 8 stages of development (Oral Sensory) Ages birth to 12-18 mos. basic conflict: trust v. mistrust. Important event: feeding. The infant must form a first loving, trusting relationship with the caregiver or develop a sense of mistrust.
Erikson's 8 stages of development (Muscular Anal) Ages 18 months to 3 years: basic conflict: autonomy vs. shame/doubt. Important event: toilet training. The child's energies are directed toward the development of physical skills, including walking, grasping, and rectal sphincter control.
Erikson's 8 stages of development (Locomotor) Ages 3 to 6 years; basic conflict: initial vs. guilt. Important event: independence. the child continues to become more assertive and take more initiative, but may be too forceful, leading to guilty feelings.
Erikson's 8 stages of development Ages 6-12; Basic conflict: industry vs. inferiority; Important event: school. The child must deal with demands to learn new skills or risk a sense of inferiority, failure, and incompetence.
Erikson's 8 stages of development (Adolescence) Ages 12-18 years; Basic conflict: identify vs. role, confusion. Important event: peer relationships. Teen must achieve a sense of identity in occupation, politics, and religion.
Erikson's 8 stages of development (Young Adult) Ages 19-40 years; basic conflict: intimacy v. isolation. Important event: love relationships. The young adult must develop intimate relationship or suffer feelings of isolation.
Erikson's 8 stages of development (Middle Adulthood) Ages 40-65; basic conflict: generativity vs. stagnation, Important event: parenting. Each adult must find some way to satisfy and support the next generation.
Erikson's 8 stages of development (Maturity) Ages 65-death; Basic conflict: Ego Integrity vs. despair; Important Event: reflection on and acceptance of one's life. the culmination is a sense of oneself as one is and of feeling fulfilled.
Piaget's Cognitive Development (Sensorimotor Period) 0-2 years; development of action schemes.
Piaget's (Preoperational period) 2-7 years; child begins to deal with mental representations. Egocentric view- doesn't realize others view the world differently. No understanding of differing perspectives. Reliance on centration- tendency to focus on a single detail of a question or prob
Piaget's (Concrete Operations) 7-11 years; increased sensitivity to contradictions; beginnings of ability to make judgments on the basis of his/her conception of the meaning behind various perceptions; Able to understand relationships among specific events in the environment.
Piaget's (Formal Operations) 11+; begin to display the ability to engage in formal reasoning on an abstract level; can imagine hypothetical as well as real events; considers all possible explanations; begins to understand that what occurs in reality is just one of many possible alt.
Social Involvement Theory Used to demonstrate the leisure socialization process; to examine the role and effect that it has upon an individual's perception of competence, control, and leisure involvement. A life long process whereby individuals acquire basic knowledge about rec.
Leisure socialization Process a major factor in determining an individuals perception about their leisure competence, leisure control, and ensuing leisure involvement.
Determinants of leisure competence & control To prominent determinants: 1st internally imposed, such as an individuals experiences; 2nd externally imposed social agents such as an individuals family or peer group.
Projection Attributing of our own unwanted trait onto another person.
Rationalization The justification of behaviors using reason other than the real reason.
Reaction Formation A defensive reaction, in which a behavior is exactly the opposite of what is expected.
PTSD Psychopathologic reaction to a traumatic event.
Lability Emotional instability; manifested by alterations or fluctuations in emotional state.
Dysphoria Exaggerated feelings of depression may be accompanied by anxiety.
Persevation A patient continues to repeat a movement, word, or expression, even though it is meaningless. (associated with TBI or brain damage.)
Older Americans Act Authorized grants to states for community planning and service programs, as well as for research demonstration, and training projects in the field of aging.
Third Party Reimbursement Health care benefit payments. Under a benefit plan, a third party (government, an insurance company, an employer) is ultimately responsible to pay the costs of services provided to covered persons.
Prospective Payments Entities through which employer health benefit plans and health insurance carriers contract to purchase health care services for covered beneficiaries from a selected group of participating providers.
Cost Allocation Responsibility for partial payments by the patient for services rendered.
Coinsurance Pt. is responsible for payment of a specified percent of charges incurred, per day or per unit of service.
Copayment Patient is responsible for payment of a specified dollar amount per day or per unit of service.
Deductible A patient is responsible for payment of a specified amount of incurred expense before 3rd party coverage can begin.
Diagnostic related groups A federally mandated program in which hospital procedures are rated in terms of cost, after which a standard flat rate is set per procedure. Procedures are paid in that amount, regardless of the cost to the hospital.
Utilization Review A systematic means for reviewing and controlling patients use of medical care services as well as the appropriateness and quality of that care.
Validity Does the instrument measure what is meant to measure. An instrument can be reliable but not valid.
Face Validity Assumptions of a logical tie between an instrument and its purpose.
Content Validity The items in the instrument are systematically judged by a panel of exprets are rated as to the extent that the item adequately represents the construct proposed.
Criterion Related Validity What is the relationship between the subjects performance on the measurement tool and the subject's actual benefit.
Reliability The consistency or stability of empirical indicators from measurement to measurement. A reliable instrument yields the same results on repeated measures. Test/retest; parallel forms; alternate forms.
Equivalence Instrument produces the same results when a equivalent instrument is used or there is a consistency among researches using the same instrument.
Maslow's (Safety Needs) Adults have little awareness of their security needs except in times of emergency or periods of disorganization in the social structure.
Maslow's (Self Actualization) When all of the foregoing needs are satisfied, then and only then are the needs for self-actualization activated. A person's need to be and do that which the person was "born to do".
Maslow's (Physiological Needs) Biological Needs: Oxygen, food, water and a relatively constant body temperature) They are the strongest needs because if a person were deprived of all needs, the physiological ones would come first in the person's search for satisfaction.
Maslow's (love, affection, and belongingness) People seek to overcome feelings of loneliness and alienation. this involves both giving and receiving love, affection, and the sense of belonging.
Maslow's (Need for esteem) Humans have a need for a stable, firmly based, high level of self respect and respect from others.
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in programs conducted by federal financial assistance, in federal employment and in the employment practices of federal contractors.
Americans with Disabilities Act Prohibits private employers, state, and local governments, employment agencies, and labor unions from discriminating against qualified individuals with disabilities in job application procedured, hiring, firing, advancement, compensation, job training, an
An individual with a disability Has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.
Reasonable Accomodation Making existing facilities used by employees readily accessible to and usable by persons with disabilities. Job restructuring, modifying work schedules, reassignment to a vacant position.
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504) Provides important educational rights about they are often not well understood. Prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in programs conducted by federal agencies, in programs receiving federal assistance, and federal employment/practices
JCAHO An independent and non-profit accrediting body, evaluates, and accredits healthcare organizations and programs in the USA. Predominant standards- setting body, JCAHO has published extensive standards with the intent of improving quality of healthcare.
CARF Reviews and grants accreditation services nationally and internationally on request of a facility or program. the mission of CARF is to promote the quality value, and optimal outcomes of services through a consultative accreditation process.
Created by: AleKalohA
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