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CLST103: Midterm 2

Intro to Roman Civilization Weeks 5-8

Rumours about Christians there were tumours that christians were incestuous and cannibalistic because of how closed off they were
Pliny the Younger's Letter he sent a letter to trajan asking if he should be harsh in his judgement of christians and he is told he should be
Nero's Persecutions he blamed the christians for the burning of rome and he ordered excecutions
Obelisks they were common in rome, they were symbols in egypt but where very popular
Peter the Apostle an apostle who was martyred by nero during the first organized persecutions against them
Antioch/Antakya the capital of syria, today in turkey and was recently devastated by an earthquake
The Arch of Titus commemorates titus' victory over the jews who rebelled
Christos the anointed one; how jesus was recognized by hi followers
Pontious Pilate/Pilatus the roman governor who ordered jesus be killed around 30 CE
Quo Vadis means "where are you going", and is a movie that tells the story of the persecution of christians
Jewish Allowances by the State they were the only nation exempt from the imperial cult bc they had allied with rome voluntarily
Caesar Divi Filius the imperial cult; means "son of the divine caesar" and what octavian called himself
Zoroaster a persian teacher and prophet whose teaching was used in mithraism
Gauls/Celts' Religion syncretism; creating mars camulus and apollo belenus for their religion
The Cult of Isis an egyptian cult that was introduced into rome
Mithraism a parthian and persian religion based around mithras, a god of light/truth/good; it became very populat among roman soldiers who served in the east
Deus/Dea god/goddess
Divus what they called julius caesar when they deified him; chose a word similar to "god" but not exact
Grationopolis now called grenoble; named after gratianus who was the first emperor to refuse the title
Pontifices the most important college of priests, there were originally 3 but eventually had 15; the prof thinks that the name comes from 5 and bridge making; they maintained calender and national records
Pontifex Maximus the chief pontifex; chairman of the pontifical board
Pontifex Maximus and Emperors julius was the first to hold it and all emperors had it, gratianus was the first to refuse the title
Vestal Virgins the most important college of women priests, chosen from noble families before they reached puberty and served for at least 30 years; they tended to the state fireplace and worshoped the goddess vesta
The Sibyl/Sibylline Books a prophetess from cumae and the books that she wrote and gave to the state of her prophecies
Quidecimviri Sacris Fanciundis means board of 15 men; they were in charge of interpretting the sibylline books
Flaminica the wives of the flamens
Pax Romana the roman peace; often people were more specific and called it smth like "pax augusta" or augustian peace
Ara Pacis the altar of (augustian) peace
Apex a hate with a cone on top; flamens wore them and if they fell off they were obligated to step down
Pontifical Board included the pontifices, flamines, rex sancrorum, vestal virgins; they met in time of crisis to determine what religious actions to take
Flamines the college of priests whose duty was the serve a specific deity; there were 15 total
Flamen Dialis the flamen of jupiter
Flamen Martialis the flamen of mars
Flamen Quirinalis the flamen of quirinus; he's thought to be the sabine god of war
Haruspices similar to augurs, they interpreted entrails of sacrificed animals
Aves means birds; augur likely comes from it because they read the signs from birds
Auspicium the practice of reading the signs from birds and interpretting
Publius Claudius Pulcher a roman naval commander; famous for ignoring the augury of chickens
Augurs a college of priests who interpreted natural phenomena; seems to be an etruscan word
Trabea shorter than a toga and partially purple; worn by augurs
Littus a curved wand; worn by augurs
Regina the wife of the rex sacrorum
Rex Sacrorum king of sacred rites; seems like his role was to take over the religious responsibilities of the king during the republic
Hercules was taken wholesale into the roman religion but his name was slightly changed
Apollo was taken wholesale into the roman religion
Pluto hades; sometimes called dis or dispater; not an olympian
Liber bacchus/dionysus
Vesta hestia
Mercury hermes
Ceres demeter
Neptunes poseidon
Vulcan hephastos
Venus aphrodite
Mars ares; mars was probably a spirit that protected the land but got associated with ares and war bc many battles were about land
Diana artemis
Minerva athena
Juno (goddess) hera
Juno Lucina lucina means light; goddess of childbirth
Juno Moneta juno the warner because
Jupiter/Iuppiter zeus; the chief sky god
Jupiter Elicius zeus; the rain god
Jupiter Stator zeus; who sustains a roman army
Spolia Opima the richest spoils; the trophies or weapons won by a roman commander who defeated and stripped an enemy leader
Jupiter Feretrius the spolia opima were offered up to him; he was rarely uses
Jupiter Optimus Maximus jupiter the best the greatest; also called jupiter capitolinus; also called IOM
Genius the protecting spirit of a boy
Juno (spirit) the protecting spirt of a girl
Lemures malevolent/mean spirits
Manes benevolent/kind spirits
Spiritual Rituals at Wedding the man carried the bride over the threshold and would be brought to the fireplace then the cupboards
Janus spirit of the doorway, words like january and janitor come from this
Janus Bifrons later image of janus who had two faces, looking forward and backward
Anthropomorphic having a human form
Penates protector of the cupboard, food supply, and provisions
Lares protector of the home and property
Polytheistic religion with multiple gods
Zenobia national hero of syria; queen of palmyra; empress who took huge chunks of the roman empire
Boudica queen of the iceni, in britain; grew a huge army to take back the land from the romans who were oppressing them
Cleopatra cleopatra vii; born in 69 BCE and was queen of egypt; was with julius caesar then mark antony;
Vistilia from the age of augustus; she was married 6 times and had 7 children; seems like she married men so they would have a connection to augustus bc her family was friends with his
Galla Placidia basically ruled in place of her son, valentinian iii, after her husband died
Agrippina I and II the first married caligula and then gave birth to the second, who gave birth to nero and helped rule when he was a teen
Ius Trium Liberorim the right of the three children; if a woman had more than 3 children she was allowed to control her own finances
Mater Patriae mother of the fatherland; they voted to have livia called this but her son vetoed
Pater Patriae father of the fatherland; augustus was called it
Livia/Julia Augusta the first empress; was octavian/augustus' wife; was known for being a close confidant and advisor of augustus
Julia the Younger augustus' daughter; she was exiled for being an embarrassment
Scribonia augustus' wife
Octavia augustus' sister; he was especially devoted to her; she had multiple political marriages
Atia augustus' mother
Julia the Older augustus' grandmother; sister of julius caesar
Fulvia mark antony's wife who led rebellions against octavian and tried to help him
Mark Antony thought he would be the rightful heir of julius caesar
Sempronia cornelia's daughter; married publius cornelius scipio
Tiberius Gracchus cornelia's oldest son; became tribune of the plebs in 133 bce and was killed in a riot against his land reform bill
Gaius Gracchus cornelia's younger son; was tribune in 123 and 122 and tried to pass the same reforms as his brother and was also killed for it
Cornelia "the first woman in roman history"; daughter of scipio africanus and aemilia; when her husband died, she stayed single and raised the children herself even when a pharaoh approached her
Household Management and Gender women were always at home so had to be able to manage teh house and those who worked there and the slaves
Roman Women's Citizenship and Power they were citizens but they couldn't hold office or vote
Stola came from greek; often linen; only high class women wore them at first
Tunica worn underneath the toga
Toga heavy wool fabric that wrapped around multiple times; they had to put restrictions to make senators wear it; additionally prostitutes were the only women who could wear them
Praetorian Prefect two commanders with equal power; eventually it was only one; they served as the emperor's minister of defence/war
Seneca one of the richest men of the empire; ran the affairs of the state
Sejanus was the singular praetor prefect under tiberius and tried to over thrown him
Praetorian Relief on the Arch of Claudius celebrates the defeat of the british
The Praetorian Gaurd an elite military unit set up by augustus; it was for the protection of rome and italy and for personal security
Egypt and Augustus it was elgally his private property so it was part of the empire in a much different way
Eques/Equites the latin word for a knight was the same as a member of the business class in egypt; egypt was run like a business for him
Prefect of the City the chief of police; position created by augustus
Princeps Iuventutis chief/prince of youth; augutus gave this title to his grandsons after adopting them as his sons
Tribunicia Potestate means "with tribunicial power"
Fiscus latin word for basket; came from the fact that money from provinces was gathered in a basket
Legati Augusti delegates that augustus picked to be emperors of the provinces
Powers Augustus Gained he got consular power, power over provinces, tribunician power, and religious power as pontifex maximus
Proconsuls or Propraetors the former consuls and praetors who were sent out to provinces to serve as governors
Imago pl. imagines; the death mask of someone who had held curule office
Ossaia the area of houses at the edge of lake trasimene; meant the place of the bones
Census involved added new citizens to the list and assessing the wealth of all citizens to determine taxes
Censor the pinnacle of the political career; two elected every 5 years; ran the census, assessed how senators were behaving, and overseeing infrastructure projects
Concilium Plebis the council of the assembly of the pleb
Tribune of the Plebs not part of the cursus honorum but was like a parallel government; eventually recognized as in theory the supreme law-making body; had veto power
Praetor had imperium; hear legal cases; the plot against caesar was by the two praetors; could serve for a year then had the option to run for counsul
Praetor Urbanus heard cases between roman citizens
Praetor Peregrinus heard cases between citizens and allied foreigners
Aedile looked after the maintenance of public buildings
Plebian Aedile only plebians could run for it
Curule Aedile originally only patricians but evenutally anyone; same duties as a regular one but they were allowed to sit in the curule chair
Equitum if you were a lower ranked senator you'd have a lower level of respect
Quaestor a financial officer; collected taxes; you'd be eligible in your late 20s
Cursus Honorum the course of office; quaestor -> aedile -> praetor -> consul
Dictator Perpetuus dictator for life; julius caesar proclaimed himself this in 44 bce and was killed a few weeks later
Quintus Fabius Maximus dictator in 217 during the wars with hannibal
Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus dictator for 16 days in order to help with a battle
Magister Equitum master of the calvary; the second in command to the dictator
Dictator also called the magister poluli or "master of the people"; given all the power but not perpetually; had 24 lictors
Senators had to have held some form of office before
Senate name comes from "senex" which means an elder; gave council to the consul; had to approve bills before they were put forward
Fastis Consulares documents that recording the consuls; they were marble tablets
Toga Candida worn by people running for consul; candida means glistening or radiant bc they did it to stand out
Campus Martius the field of mars; just outside of the wall of rome; the comitia centuriata met here
Comitia Centuriata the group of adult male citizens who elected the consuls; made up of groups of 100 originally but those groups grew with rome; they were unfair bc majority were controled by the richest
Nobilis "well-known"; after you had been consul your family would always be nobilis
Consuls Outfit wore togas with a purple hem
Consuls there were 2 elected each year; they had veto power over each other but had imperium outside of that; had 12 lictors
Veto latin for "i forbid"
Monarch greek word for one ruler
Fasces a bundle of rods that sometime had an axe in the center
Lictors bodygaurds
Sella Curulis an ivory chair that the king would sit on when delivering a judgement
Purple Dye made from mollusks mostly off the coast of lebanon
Kings Outfit wore an all purple toga
Imperium military power was called imperium, we get our words for imperial and empire from this; it was unqquestionable
4 Type of Kings Power military, judicial, legislative, and religious
Rex means king
Created by: summer0
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