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Med Terms - Ch. 9 CF

word roots - suffixes - prefixes

amni/o amnion, amniotic fluid
amnion/o amnion, amniotic fluid
chori/o chorion
fet/i, fet/o fetus, unborn offspring
gravid/o pregnancy
lact/o milk
nat/o birth
omphal/o umbilicus, navel
par/o bear, give birth to, labor, childbirth
part/o bear, give birth to, labor, childbirth
puerper/o childbirth
carcin/o cancer
cephal/o head
episi/o vulva
esophag/o esophagus
hydr/o water
hyster/o uterus
olig/o scanty, few
pelv/i pelvis, pelvic cavity
prim/i first
pseud/o false
pylor/o pylorus, pyloric sphincter
son/o sound
terat/o malformations
trache/o trachea
ante- before
dys- painful, abnormal, difficult, labored
intra- within
micro- small
multi- many
neo- new
nulli- none
poly- many, much
post- after
pre- before
-a noun suffix, no meaning
-al pertaining to
-amnios amnion, amniotic fluid
-cele hernia, protrusion
-centesis surgical puncture to aspirate fluid (with a sterile needle)
-cyesis pregnancy
-e noun suffix, no meaning
-gen substance or agent that produces or causes
-genic producing, originating, causing
-graphy process of recording, radiographic imaging
-ic pertaining to
-is noun suffix, no meaning
-itis inflammation
-logist one who studies and treats
-logy study of
-oma tumor, swelling
-rrhea flow, discharge
-rrhexis rupture
-stenosis constriction or narrowing
-tocia birth, labor
-tomy cut into, incision
-um noun suffix, no meaning
-us noun suffix, no meaning
CMV cytomegalovirus
FAS fetal alcohol syndrome
RDS respiratory distress syndrome
CVS chorionic villus sampling
AB abortion
CS, C-section cesarean section
IVF in vitro fertilization
VBAC vaginal birth after cesarean (section)
OB obstetrics
multip multipara
NB newborn
primip primipara
DOB date of birth
EDD expected (estimated) date of delivery
LMP last menstrual period
Popular Radiology sets




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