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MCAT psy

independent variable The part of the experiment that can be manipulated
dependent variable The part of the experiment that researchers measure changes in response to manipulation.
confounding variable a third variable that affects both the independent and dependent variable
mediating variable casual link between two variable in an observed relationship.
moderating variable modulates the intensity of a certain relationship
operationalization translating the goal into something we can measure in a practical way
experimental studies researchers directly manipulate an independent variable
observational studies researchers carefully analyze relationships among variables without manipulating any variables.
quantitative measure variables numerically
qualitative measures variables verbally
mixed-methods measuring variables both numerically and verbally
negative controls do not receive treatment or intervention of interest.
positive controls receives treatment that is known to induce the outcome of interest.
randomization randomly allocated specimens to treatment groups
blinding the specimen and/or the research don't know which group the specimen is in.
cross-sectional study researchers take sample of population and sample them at one point in time.
correlational study focus on how certain variables correlate.
longitudinal study multiple measurements are made over time
risk factor independent variables associated with higher risk of a negative outcome
protective factors independent variable associated with lower risk of negative outcome
cohort study subjects are assembled according to organizing principle and followed up with over time.
prospective analysis data are gathered moving forward
retrospective studies that gather data from looking back
Case-control studies gathering cases with outcome of interest and comparing them to control.
Case study researchers report their experiences with a certain condition or treatment over a single case.
Case series a case study applied over multiple cases.
systematic reviews studies in which a researcher combs through the literature on a given topic and critically assesses the outcomes of various studies.
meta-analyses thought to yield the strongest available evidence on a given topic.
social and clinical value the study must be attempting to answer an important question.
fair subject selection indicates that a participant in a study should be chosen based on the relevance for the study's scientific goals
favorable risk-benefit ratio mandates that the risks of a study participation should be minimized and that the benefits of the study must outweigh whatever risks are present.
independent review independent board of reviewers should assess the research proposal for any study before this starts to find any ethical concerns.
Informed consent participants must be informed of the purposes methods risks and benefits of the study and be given choice to participate accordingly.
respect for potential and enrolled participants factors that respect privacy, maintain confidentiality, and monitor patients welfare during the research.
Nature vs nurture debate regarding the extent to which genetic or environmental factors are responsible for a given outcome.
cause and effect relationship one or more things happen as a result of something else
Validity extent to which a study results are both genuine and generalizable
Internal validity extent to which we can draw casual conclusions from the study data
external validity how well experiment generalizes to real world outcomes
construct validity how well an assessment measures what it intends to
accuracy whether measure produces values close to the objectively true value
precision whether the results are close to each other
Survey methods questionnaires, cheap but vulnerable to self report bias
Social desirability bias Tendency to reply in a way that seems more socially acceptable
Acquiescence bias tendency to answer yes to a question by default
Representativeness idea that a sample should accurately reflect the population its taken from
Biological approaches mechanistic processes that lead to behaviors
psychological approaches more interested in kinds of behavior that an individual may exhibit. Studied through observations of behavior organization and feelings of group
Sociological approaches focuses on observations of behavior, organization, and feelings of groups
New born reflexes Rooting, sucking, palmar grasp, moro and babinski
First year of life reflexes Caregiver focus, stranger anxiety
One to two year complexes complex motor behavior, identity formation, ego centrism.
critical periods experiences can imprint on children for life
Hypothalamus major regulatory center, releases CRF, TRH, GNRH
Anterior pituitary releases ACTH, TSH, FSH, LH, prolactin, GH,
Posterior Pituitary Releases ADH, and oxytocin
oxytocin Hor for bonding, empathy, uterine contractions, and milk letdown reflex.
Prolactin Hoe for lactation, implicated in postpartum depression
Leptin Hor for satiety
Ghrelin Hor for hunger
Neuropeptide Y Hor for appetite
Epinephrine and Norepinephrine Hor for acute stress response
Cortisol Hor for chronic stress
Thyroid hor Hor for metabolic rate and neural development
Hindbrain Cerebellum, pons, medulla oblongata
Midbrain Substantia nigra, superior and inferior colliculi
Brainstem Midbrain, Medulla oblongata, and pons
Forebrain Divided into Diencephalon and telencephalon
Diencephalon Thalamus, hypothalamus, posterior pituitary, and pinel gland
eeg Measure activity through electrodes as wavelengths
CT X ray taken in 360 and assembeled
MRI uses magnetic fields and useful for soft tissue
fMRI measures perfusion of brain regions
PET uses radiolabeled Glucose to measure metabolic activity
stimulus Step one in receiving perception
Transduction Step two in receiving perception
sensation step three in receiving perception
perception step four in receiving perception
location, type/modality, intensity, duration of input Sensory receptors give information on 4 things
photoreceptors type of receptor for light
mechanoreceptor type of receptor for sound/touch
nociceptors type of receptor for pain
Osmoceptors type of receptor for concentration
chemoreceptor Type of receptor for taste/ smell
baroreceptor type of receptor for body position
absolute threshold minimum signal to be detected
just noticeable difference amount stimulus must be changed to be noticed
signal detection theory ability to pick up true/false presence/absence of stimulus from environment
Top down processing using expectations to structure perception, looking at smaller details before seeing the whole picture
bottom up processing taking in info first then looking at individual details.
Gestalt laws principles describing how we integrate stimuli into consciously perceived shapes
Visible light EM waves with wavelengths between 380 nm and 740 nm
Rods Cell that Contain rhodopsin and are sensitive to light, do not dectect color
Cones Cell that Dectect color and responsible for detail.
Short Cone Blue cones
Medium cone Green cones
Long cones Red cones
Photoreceptors first step in phototransduction
Horizontal cells Second step in phototransduction
Bipolar cells Third step in phototransduction
Amacrine cells Fourth step in phototransduction
Ganglion cells Fifth step in phototransduction
Optic nerve to optic chiasm First step in Visual input
Second step in visual input optic chiasm to Lateral geniculate nucleus
Lateral geniculate nucleus to visual cortex Third step in visual input
Visual cortex to superior colliculi Fourth step in visual input
motion parallax monocular depth clue based on relative motion of near vs far objects
feature detection ability to detect motion, color, shape, timing, and size
Parallel processing integrate simultaneous input
serial processing sort incoming input to find specific info
gate theory of pain we can turn certain signals on or off depending on the overall pattern of sensory input
taste sense processed in the thalamus then sent to the gustatory cortex
smell sense processed in the olfactory bulb then passed along olfactory tract to limbic system and elsewhere.
Consciousness awareness of our surroundings and ourselves and can be split into at least four broad states.
Alertness Sleep stage with Beta waves.
Drowsiness Sleep stage with Alpha waves
Stage 1 Sleep stage with Theta waves and light sleep
Stage 2 Sleep stage with Thea waves, sleep spindles, and K complexs
Stage 3 Sleep stage with delta waves, deep sleep/ slow wave, memory processing.
REM sleep Rapid eye movement, dreaming, irregular respiration, and heart rate.
Circadian rhythm The body's 24 hour clock, regulated by melatonin, and cortisol.
Dyssomnias Sleep-wake disorders.
Parasomnias Sleep disorders that cause abnormal behaviors while sleeping.
Addiction pattern of compulsive behavior despite negative consequences
Dependence The onset of withdrawal symptoms on cessation
Tolerance Requiring larger doses to experience an effect.
Mesolimbic pathway Reward pathway often active in addiction.
Stimulants drug that increase CNS activity and include caffeine, nicotine, amphetamines, cocaine, and MDMA.
Depressants Drug that decrease CNS activity and include alcohol, benzoliazepines, barbiturates.
Korsakoff syndrome Syndrome caused by chronic alcohol use, include memory loss, confusion, and confabulation.
Opioids Drug that is effective at pain relief but also addictive. Include Morphine, heroin, codeine, hydrocodone, ocycodone, and fentanyl.
Hallucinogens distort perceptions and enhance sensory experiences. Includes LSD, Ketamine, psilocybin, and PCP.
Selective attention Ability to pay attention to just a few things in our environment and pay less or no attention to others.
Broadbent filter model unimportant and background information is filtered out of the sensory buffer and lost.
Treismann attenuation model unimportant and background information is attenuated.
Cocktail party effect Noticing important information while being surrounded by attenuated information.
inattentional blindness We miss things if we're focusing elsewhere.
Change blindness we miss things that have gradually or subtly changed in our environments
Multitasking Switching between tasks very fast that impairs performance in both tasks.
Simultaneous attention processing two tasks at the same time to multitask.
Sequential attention Switching between tasks rapidly to multitask.
All-port's module resource theory Attention isn't regulated by a single center but divided among modules in the brain according to task. Using different modules works well, while similar ones does not.
Attention- deficit/ hyperactivity disorder inattentive type, hyperactive impulsive type, and combined type.
Information processing model Treats the brain somewhat like a computer handling input and creating output
sensorimotor Lacking object permanence, circular reactions, stranger anxiety
Preoperational symbolic though, ego centrism, centration, lack of conservation
Concrete operational understand conservation, logical reasoning
formal operational behavior stage where we, abstract logic, handle hypothetical, reason abstractly,
Fluid intelligence Problem solving skills
Crystallized intellgence Knowledge and its application
Down syndrome Trisomy 21
Fetal alcohol syndrome prenatal alcohol exposure
Trial and error Try different options and see what works
Algorithm problem solving technique, applying a fixed set of steps.
deductive reasoning top down, applying general principles to a specific situation
inductive reasoning bottom up, successive observations are extrapolated to identify general principles.
analogies recognizing that a new problem is similar to a problem that we've seen before, and then solving the new problem in the same way that we solved the old one.
mental set framework for solving a problem,
functional fixedness seeing only a prescribed set of uses for a particular set of uses for a particular object or property.
Belief perseverance people's tendency to maintain beliefs in the face of contradictory evidence.
overconfidence being too sure of one's ability
under confidence being not sure enough of one's ability
Biases patterns used to quickly make judgements
Heuristics used to problem solve
confirmation bias disregarding of evidence contrary to one's beliefs in the face of contradictory evidence, selective recall of only supporting evidence.
Hindsight bias phenomenon that all events in retrospect seem significantly more predictable than they were at the time, and the actual outcome appears as the only likely outcome
Causation bias Tendency to infer cause and effect to almost any set of events occurring in close proximity or that we expect to be causally related
representativeness heuristic using prototypical categories to misestimate the likelihood of a certain behavior outcome or property.
availability heuristic believing that events that immediately come to mind are more likely
phonetics direct sounds that we produce
phonology sound structures affecting meaning
morphology word formation/construction
syntax phrases/sentences
semantics literal meaning
pragmatics real world language use, non literal meaning
learning theory of language all language is learned behavior
nativist theory of language humans have an innate capacity for learning language
interactionist theory emphasizes interactions with the environment without denying inborn capacity
sapir-whorf hypothesis language we speak shapes our cognition
linguistic determinism language simply dictates thought
aphasia impairment of the ability to communicate
Wernicke's aphasia fluent speech but comes out in a wacky word salad, difficulty with language comprehension. Located in superior temporal lobe.
Broca's aphasia extreme difficulty producing language without significant difficulty understanding spoken language. Located in frontal lobe.
Conduction aphasia severe difficulty repeating words and is caused by damage to the arcuate fasciculus a structure connecting broca's and wernicke's areas.
Encoding transformation of sensory input into a cognitive object
Priming Our response to subsequent stimuli based on our exposure to prior ones
Negative priming prior stimulus inhibits the processing of a current one.
Chunking Grouping similar words together to enhance learning
Mnemonics creating hooks to recall easier and enhance learning
Method of loci mentally mapping information onto an imagined space to enhance learning.
Instantaneous memory Sensory memory, lasts 1 second
Brief memory Short-term memory/ working memory lasts 30 seconds
Life-long memory Long term memory lasts forever
Visuospatial sketchpad part of working memory, buffer of sorts that is used to hold onto visual and spatial information as it is processed by working memory
Explicit memory type of long-term memory that's concerned with recollection of facts and events
Implicit memory Knowing how to preform action
Flashbulb memory Extremely vivid and detailed memory of important moments in out lives. 9/11
Eidetic memory Ability to remember large amounts of stimulus after a short exposure.
Iconic memory Highly detailed visual image can remain on perception for a brief period of time
Prospective memory refers to memories related to plans to do something in the future.
Semantic networks Store memory what can be retrieved through activation.
Source monitoring Errors Accurate info, wrong source
Habituation the diminishing of an innate response to a frequently repeated stimulus.
dishabituation restoration to full strength of a response that has become weakened by habituation
sensitization the quality or condition of responding to certain stimuli in a sensitive manner.
extinction fading of non-reinforced conditioned response over time.
instinctual drift tendency of an animal to revert to unconscious and automatic behavior that interferes with learned behavior from operant conditioning
imprinting phase-sensitive learning (learning occurring at a particular age or a particular life stage) that is rapid and apparently independent of the consequences of behaviour
observational learning learning that occurs through observing the behavior of others
Associative learning classical and operant conditioning
classical conditioning uncond stim turn into cond stim
Conditioned stimulus previously neutral stimulus paired with an unconditioned stimulus
Operant Conditioning Frequency of behavior is increased by reinforcement and decreased by punishment.
Positive reinforcement Adding a good thing for good behavior
Positive punishment Adding a bad thing for bad behavior
Negative reinforcement Removal of a bad thing for good behavior
Negative punishment removal of a good thing for bad behavior
Continuous schedule Giving treat for every target behavior
Fixed ratio Giving treat for every specific amount of target behavior
Fixed interval Giving treat for a specific length of time
Variable ratio Giving treat for random amount of target behavior
Variable interval Giving treat for a random length of time
Shaping rewarding progressive approximations of a target behavior
capturing Waiting around for a behavior to happen to reward
Latent learning Background learning that happens and information gathered even when no rewards are present.
Mirror neurons putative biological basis of observational learning
Limbic system Part of the brain associated with emotions
Amygdala Part of brain for emotional processing
Hypothalamus Part of brain that connects the CNS with the endocrine system
James lange emotion stimulus then physiological then emotion
Cannon bard stimulus then physiological then emotion but with contextual appraisal
Lazarus Stimulus to labeling to physiological response then emotion
Stressors Stimulus that cause stress
Independent stressor Stress stimulus that we can't control
Dependent stressor Stress stimulus that we can control
Avoidance-avoidance conflict only looking at the bad things when comparing
Approach-Approach conflict only looking at the good things when comparing
Avoidance-Approach conflict Looking at good and bad thing of one thing
Double avoidance-approach conflict Looking at the good and bad things then comparing both things
Eustress good stress
Distress bad stress
neustress Neutral stress
General adaption syndrome three stages of stress adaptation
Three stages of stress adaption Alarm then resistance, then exhaustion
Learned helplessness Repeated exposure to unavoidable stressors
Motivation what drives our actions can either by external or internal
Instincts fixed behavior patterns
Drive reduction theory were motivated to return out body to homeostasis,
Maslow's hierarchy of needs physiological needs must be satisfied first followed by safety love and belonging esteem and self-actualization
Expectancy value theory motivation will be highest if you expect to succeed and if goal is worth it
Self determination theory focuses on competence autonomy and relatedness for intrinsic motivation
Opponent process theory after an initial intense reaction the opposite reaction is triggered and over time can dominate
Attitudes Have Affective, behavioral and cognitive components to them
Thomas theorem If people define situation as real they have real consequences
Cognitive dissonance theory How we resolve conflicts when knowledge don't align with our actions
Elaboration likelihood theory model of persuasion is a dual process theory describing the change of attitudes
Central route persuasion Relies on Reason effective for lasting change but difficult to achieve
Peripheral route persuasion Relies on emotional appeal but creates superficial change
Trust vs mistrust Erikson's life stage up to age 1
Autonomy vs shame/doubt Erikson's life stage 1-3
Initiative vs guilt Erikson's life stage 3-6
Industry vs inferiority Erikson's life stage 6-12
Identity vs role confusion Erikson's life stage 12-20
Intimacy vs isolation Erikson's life stage 20-40
Generativity vs stagnation Erikson's life stage 40-65
Integrity vs despair Erikson's life stage 65+
Preconventional morality Kohlberg's stages of moral development, obedience then self interest
Conventional morality Kohlberg's stages of moral development, conformity then law and order
Postconventional morality Kohlberg's stages of moral development, social contract then universal human ethics
Id Psychoanalytic perspective on personality, most basic wants operates on pleasure.
Ego Psychoanalytic perspective on personality, reality principle, navigates wants of id through real world
Superego Psychoanalytic perspective on personality, self critical conscious
Regression Return to an earlier development stage
Reaction formation the tendency of a repressed wish or feeling to be expressed at a conscious level in a contrasting form
Displacement Shifting impulses from an unacceptable to an acceptable target
sublimation Redirection of strong unacceptable desires into a more appropriate behavior
Projection Placing one's own uncomfortable feelings onto other people
Rationalization coming up with excuses for feelings
Suppression consciously disregarding uncomfortable feelings
Repression people push difficult or unacceptable thoughts out of conscious awareness
Carl Jung person who developed collective unconscious containing archetypes such as the persona shadow and anima or animus
Behaviorism Concerned with only observing overt behaviors not speculating about internal states
Humanistic psychology introduced the importance of empathy the idea of unconditional positive regard and a focus on self actualization.
Trait theory Divide personalities into a taxonomy of traits
reciprocal determinism the idea that our relationship shape considered to be not very reliable.
Biological perspectives personality focus on genetic factors
Biomedical approach Describe disease as purely biological
biopsychosocial approach describes disease a a multi factorial phenomenon
Major depressive disorder defined by at least one two week episode of major depression
Dysthymia less severe than MDD but lasts at least 2 years
Seasonal affective disorder depression with a regular seasonal onset
Bipolar 1 characterized by manic episodes and does not require depressive episodes to be diagnosed
Bipolar 2 Characterized by at least one major depressive episode and one or more episodes of hypomania
Cyclothymic disorder involves hypomania but usually less intense depression
Generalized anxiety disorder Involves extremely high levels of stress for everyday routine aspects of life
Social anxiety disorder onset of intense feelings of stress in social situations
Illness anxiety disorder excessive concern about medical conditions in the absence of symptoms
Obsessive compulsive disorder presence of obsessions that can only be quieted temporarily by compulsions
Body dysmorphic disorder Obsessive focus on a perceived flaw in appearance
Post traumatic stress disorder Caused by intense acute trauma, intrusive recollections, avoidance of stimuli related to trauma, negative changes in mood and cognitions, related to the traumatic event and altered patterns of reactivity and arousal.
Somatic symptoms disorder excessive preoccupation with a physical symptoms
Conversion disorder impaired voluntary motor/sensory function with no apparent biological cause
Dissociative identity disorder different personalities at different times within the same individual
Dissociative amnesia retrograde amnesia in which people lose episodic memories of their own lives
Depersonalization disorder disconnection from own existence as if observing oneself.
Schizophrenia mental illness that is characterized by disturbances in thought, perception by a loss of emotional responsiveness and extreme apathy, and by noticeable deterioration in the level of functioning in everyday life
Personality disorder pervasive maladaptive behavior, ego syntonic
Cluster A Paranoid, schizoid and schizotypal personality disorder
Cluster B antisocial narcissistic and histrionic and borderline personality disorder
Cluster C avoidant, dependent, and obsessive compulsive personality disorder
Parkinson's disease motor tremors caused by cell death in the substantia nigra and reduced dopamine expression can be induced by dopamine antagonists.
Alzheimer's disease form of dementia with emotional disturbances correlated with beta amyloid plaques and tau protein fibrillary tangles
Biological cause of depression Serotonin and dopamine deficiences, SSRi increase serotonin levels in the brain
social facilitation the finding that people sometimes perform better on tasks when others are around
Social loafing phenomenon of a person exerting less effort to achieve a goal when they work in a group than when working alone
Bystander effect social psychological theory that states that individuals are less likely to offer help to a victim when there are other people present
Yerkes-dodson law optimal arousal equals optimal performance
Deindividuation loss of self awareness in groups. low perceived responsibility
Group polarization groups opinions becoming more extreme than those of their individual members due to group dynamics such as informative influence and normative influence
groupthink theory of why groups sometimes make very bad decisions without considering outside ideas
Conformity lining up our behaviors or beliefs with the perspective of others.
internalization completely changing our beliefs for this adjustment
Compliance obeying requests from someone who has no power to enforce them.
Identification middle ground focused on maintaining relationships
Solomon asch experiment people will conform to group pressure even when group is very wrong
Obedience Obeying requests from someone who has the power to enforce them.
Social control How all our norms are taught enforced and perpetuated
Formal norms encoded in laws or regulations and have specific penalties for violating them
Informal norms not written down, unlikely to have fixed penalties for violations
Anomie mismatch between stated norms and the norms an individual responds to, often precedes the breakdown of traditional systems of moral regulation
Deviance not following norms
Differential association theory Learned by association
Labeling approach Deviance increases in frequency in response to being labeled deviant.
Primary deviance acts committed before receiving before receiving the label
Secondary deviance Acts committed after receiving the label
Fads behaviors with intense brief popularity
Mass hysteria irrational overblown response to a perceived threat. effects are more harmful than those of the threat.
Dispositional attributions takes place when a person attributes someone’s behavior to their disposition or personality
Situational attributions the process of attributing someone’s behavior to external factors
Collectivistic favors situational
Individualistic Favors dispositional
Attributions the process by which individuals explain the cause of behavior and events
Fundamental attribution error making preferentially dispositional attributions of other people
Actor observer bias dispositional attributions for others situations attributions for ourselves
Self serving bias making dispositional attributions for our good outcomes and situational attributions for our own poor outcomes
Internal and external locus of control focus on own actions or circumstances to explain life outcomes
Halo effect perceptions of success/attractiveness spill over into our evaluations of people in other domains
Just world hypothesis cognitive error of assuming good outcomes occur in good people and vice versa
Prejudice feelings and attitudes towards people groups or objects
Stereotypes contain specific content( black people like chicken)
discrimination actions taken to treat somebody differently based on their group or demographic category membership and existing prejudices
Self fulfilling prophecies ways in which we alter or sabotage our behavior in response to stereotypes
Stereotype threat situational predicament in which people are or feel themselves to be at risk of conforming to stereotypes about their social group
Stereotype boost result from exposure to positive stereotypes, whereas stereotype lift results from exposure to negative stereotypes about another group
Stigma When society strongly disapproves of something
Ethnocentrism Viewing all phenomena through ones own cultural lens
Cultural relativism taking the perspectives of different cultures with different normative behaviors from ones own
verbal communication Literal words that we speak write sign text or otherwise use
Non verbal communication covers everything that is not verbal communication and is a fundamental form of communication for both humans and animals.
self discipline Self presentation, refers to what you disclose to others about yourself.
Managing appearances Self presentation, refers to how you groom yourself how you dress and how you act.
Ingratiation Self presentation, sucking up
Aligning actions self presentation, refers to presenting actions in a light that makes them more appealing in a certain setting
Alter casting Self presentation, projecting an identity onto someone and then create the expectation that he or she should act the way you want.
Impression management we maintain both a front stage and a back stage self, seeking to control how others see us
Attraction Influenced by physical attractiveness proximity and similarity
Aggression often found in hierarchical environments and regulated or restrained by prefrontal cortex
attachment bond between children and their caregivers
Secure attachment only mild distress when caregivers leaves and quickly self regulating and happy on return
Ambivalent attachment intense distress when caregiver leaves followed by mixed signals on return
avoidant attachment no apparent concern for caregiver leaving or returning
Disoriented attachment contradictory and confused behavior both on the caregivers departure and return
Altruism helping other people at some cost to oneself
social support emotional support informational support material support or companionship support
Fisherian selection Preference for physical traits or behaviors that have no use besides attracting mates
Game theory simulating games where all players are acting on incomplete inform action to make choices that affect one another
Demographic identity Identity includes race ethnicity and nationality
Gender identity Identity as a category contains both sex and gender
Gender social construct by which we identity ourselves
Looking glass self Describes the process by which we build conceptions of ourselves by what is reflected back at us about our behavior from others
Role playing putting oneself in the role of others
Self-concept our perception of ourselves
Locus of control whether a person thinks their actions and qualities dictate outcomes or whether their circumstances do
Self-efficacy the degree to which people perceive themselves as having control over their situation and behavior.
Social behavior Affects all human interactions
Achieved status A person had to work to attain
Ascribed status One status that is thrust upon an individual
Master status Overshadows other statuses a person holds
Roles Expectations that come with a certain status
role strain competing demands within a role
Role conflict Competing demands between roles
Role exit Process of disengaging from a role
Role engullfment A role dominates someone's life
Primary groups Long lasting interactions with deep bonds
Secondary groups Short lasting interactions and superficial bonds
Peer groups Self selected and usually consist of people who are largely similar.
Family groups Genetic or non genetic relationships
In groups we identify as members, while out groups are ones we do not belong to
Social networks Include all connections and relationships a person has regardless of type
Formal orgainzations Defined rules for entering and exiting, usually have hierarchies, and will continue to exist independent of any member even all current members
Coercive organization People are forced to join. Like prision
Normative organizations People join because of Shared ideals and goals. Like volunteering
Utilitarian organization People join for rewards or money. Like a job
Weber's ideal burearcracy Hierarchical structure well defined roles responsbilities and chains of command, organized by specialization, and merit based recruitment employment and promotion
Iron law of oligarchy Decision making will be taken over by a few people
Microsociology Small scale sociology
Macrosociology Large scale sociology
Functionalism Components of society all perform a function work together as a whole
Manifest functions Intended functions
Latent functions Hidden functions
Dysfunctions Harmful functions
Conflict theory Social groups compete for resources
Symbolic interactionsism interactions using shared symbols
Rational choice theory People choose actions to achieve preferences based on pros and cons of each device
Social exchange theory Social interactions as exchanges with costs and benefits
Feminist theory Understanding and remedying gender injustices
Hidden curriculum habits values and norms imparted without being an explicit part of the curriculum
Segregation separation and unequal distribution of people by race ethnicity or other demographic factors
Stratification Division of society into layers of socioeconomic status
Kinship Descent vs affinity
Primary kin Related or very closely bonded
Secondary kin primary kin of primary kin
Tertiary kin Secondary kin of primary kin or primary kin of secondary kin
Religiosity The measure of how religious someone is.
Religious organizations Churches denominations sects and cults
Secularization Less belief in religion and its institutions
Fundamentalism uncompromising literalism
Medicalization Social construction of illnesses
The sick role Rights and responsibilities granted to a sick individual
Paternalism Doc not letting patients make their own decisions or deliberately underinforming them
Beneficence Acting in a patient's best interest
Nonmaleficence Doing no harm
Patient autonomy Patients have the right to make their own medical decisions
Justice Duty to provide equal care to all
Illness experiance Is the illness as a social construct from the afflicted individual perspective
Epidemiology Interested in the patterns of illness in a pop
Social epidemiology Focus on how social factors contribute to illness and health
material culture physical artifacts
Symbolic culture non physical artifacts (beliefs, values, rituals, symbols)
Subcultures groups of people within a larger cultural framework with differing practices, norms, or values
Mass media radio, tv, newspapers, magazines, and the internet. Causes broad diffusion
Popular culture mass media allows centralization and standardization of culture
Culture lag delay between changes happening and cultural integration
Culture shock disorienting experience of immersion in a new culture
Assimilation integration into the predominant culture
Multiculturalism preservation of cultures
Cultural transmission Cultural elements transferred over time
Cultural diffusion Transfer between different cultures
Racialization imposing a racial identity
racial formation theory use of racialization for political/ social goals
Stage 1 Demographic transition model: high death rate, high birth rate
Stage 2 Demographic transition model: decreasing death rate, high birth rate
Stage 3 Demographic transition model: Slowly decreasing death rate, decreasing birth rate
Stage 4 Demographic transition model: Low birth and death rate
World systems theory Created for understanding globalization
Core nations high-skill labor requiring extensive capital investment
Peripheral nations lower skilled labor and natural resources
Semi-peripheral nations Between core nations and peripheral nations
Urban decay/renewal Economic changes to urban core areas
Gentification displacement usually by economic factors or poorer local residents as an area becomes more affluent
Class systems Defined largely based on income mobility possible
Caste systems Defined by heredity
Financial capital relationship with and ability to influence situations with money
Social capital Social contacts and networking
Cultural capital Prestigious signals defined by financial stability relationship to money, and ability to handle to achieve tasks and influence situations with money
Class consciousness awareness of class interactions
False consciousness Adopting goals of another class
Power ability to directly get things done
Prestige Signals that appear to correlate with power
Privilege Favorable assumptions or advantage s due to features such as race sex and hotness
Intersectionality experiences of an individual are more than the sum of components demographics
Absolute poverty Insufficient means to provide the basic means of survival
Relative poverty Poorer than the surrounding area
Marginal poverty Caused by a lack of stable employment
Structural poverty Caused and enforced by overall economic structure
Residential segregation Clustering of demographic groups based on housing
Social reproduction passing of social status from generation to generation
Global inequalities differences between countries
Prevelance How many people in a pop have a condition at a given time
Incidence How many individuals in a population are newly diagnosed with target thing over a period of time
Inter-generational mobility The ability for successive generations to rise or fall in status or class
Intra generational mobility Events within a person's lifetime that change their status or class
Vertical mobility A rise or fall in income
Horizontal mobility Keeping the same income but in a different occupation
Meritocracy Promotion, advancement and success are based on an individual capabilities
Mimetic organization attempt to copy another organization.
Egocentric bias tendency to over stress changes between past and present in order to make oneself appear more worthy or competent than one actually is.
Framing bias The way an option is presented to a person will change how they feel about it and influence their likelihood to make a particular choice
Automation bias Tendency to excessively depend on automated systems which can lead to erroneous automated information overriding correct decisions.
Parasympathetic nervous system Constricts pupils
Sympathetic nervous system Dilates pupils
Weber's law of stimuli the idea that there is a linear relationship between the intensity of a stimuli and an individuals ability to detect it
Ratio level of measurement Range of quantitative measures ordered at equally spaced intervals, the answer 0 is possible
nominal level of measurement Data can not be arranged into an ordering scheme. Categories only
Ordinal level of measurement Categories are ordered but differences can't be found or are meaningless
Interval level of measurement Differences are meaningful but there is no natural 0 starting point and ratios are meaningless
Confabulation making up memories to fill in gaps then believing these are true memories.
Implicit attitudes Internal unconscious attitudes
Explicit attitudes External conscious attitudes
recency effect The event in which people remember the last words in a list more than the words in the middle
Sympathetic nervous system norepinephrine is apart of what nervous system.
kinesthetic system system that focuses on balance and the person's sense of body in the world
Theory of mind Theory that involves taking the other person's mind into account.
empathy Theory involves being able to understand another person and relate to that person's experience
Tactile perception Involves perceiving information related to touch, not an activity which requires observation and understanding of others
Stage 3 Sleep walking and bed wetting occur in what stage of sleep
Affect Heuristic The process of making a judgment based on emotions that are evoked
false alarm participant incorrectly responded positively when the stimulus was not present.
context effect influence of environmental characteristics on a person's perception of a stimulus.
miss stimulus was present on the list but the participant did not recognize it.
stimulus motives motive that appears to be unlearned but causes an increase in stimulation such as curiosity.
Stanley milgram contributed the obedience experiment.
Bf skinner contributed to behaviorism and conditioning studies.
informative pressure individual conforms behavior to match that of the rest of a group out of the belief that the group is better informed and knows more than the individual.
normative pressure individual knows that others are incorrect but still feels pressure to not dissent from the rest of the group.
Schacter-singer emotion based on physiological stimulus with context. Processing the context creates emotion.
Created by: farmyardsnap
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