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Block 6 amino acid questions from back of packet

During protein digestion, the pancreas and stomach secrete zymogens. What is their function? What activates them? zymogen are inactivaed proteins that are activated by enteropetidase or trypsin. Then the break down proteins to aa parts
during the well-fed state, what pathways are active and utilize amino acids? synthesize proteins, synthesis purines and pyrimidines, heme groups and neurotransmiters
What happens to excess amino acids in the well-fed state? go into TCA cycle and glycolysis to make ATP
In the fasting state, what is the source of amino acids (particularly alanine) for support of gluconeogenesis? muscle proteins are broken down, N transfered to pyruvate which becomes alanine and sent to the liver.
What sequesters ammonium ions in peripheral tissues? glutamine synthase converts it to glutamine so it is not reactive
What is present in kidney and induced by metabolic acidosis? glutaminase does the reverse of glutamine synthase to manage acid base balance
What converts alanine to pyruvate? ALT - alanine aminotransferase
What results in the formatin of alpha-ketoglutarate + NADH AST - asparate aminotransferase
What is the difference between glucogenic and ketogenic amino acids? glucogenic are derived from glucose Keto-genic are derived from acetyl-CoA
What two compounds are responsible for the supplying urea with its N-atoms? aspartate and ammonium
The rate limiting step(s) in urea synthesis are located in which subcellular organelle? mitochondria
An infant in respiratory distress has lab values with depressed BUN. Ammonium and glutamine levels are elevated. What disorder might be suspected? ? carbamoyl phosphate synthetase-1 deficiency
Big Girl consumes a high protein meal. What would expect this person BUN to be 2 hours after the meal compared to a person that consumed a high fat meal? a high carb meal? BUN - high protein = high carb and fat = lower
mother brings in infant with funny sweet smelling urine and lethargy. What is the problem? What labs should be ordered? Maple Syrup Urine disease - test by measuring branched chain amino acids, especially valine, isoleucine and leucine
What is as a frequent condition that results from homogentisic acid oxidase deficiency cardiovascular disease
What is the cause of homocystinemia / homocystinuria? defect in cystathionine synthetase
If a persons bilirubin and AST are elevated, what might be the condition? viral hepatisis
If you have microvascular occlusion and jaundice with unconjugated bilirubin greater than conjugated bilirubin, what is the disorder? sickle cell crisis, thalasemia, or G-6PDH deficiency episode
When are ferochelatase enzymes inhibited? lead poisoning
what might occur if the Km of UDP-glucuronyl transferase is elevated by missense mutation? Gilbert syndrome or Criglar-Najar
The two substates required for the synthesis of gama-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) and ultimately heme are? sucinyl-CoA + glycine
Before amino acids can be oxidized to CO2 + H2O +ATP, what reaction has to occur? To what is the amino acid converted? Aminotransferases exchange amino groups on amino acids for keto groups on alpha ketoacids
If a patient is have Kussmal breathing what enzyme is cranking hard in the kidneys? It is metabolic acidosis, so glytamate dehydrogenase?
What enzyme requires ATP as a cofactor? glutamine synthetase, glutaminase, glutamate dehydrogenase, aminotransferase glutamine sythetase
What enzyme requires either NAD or NADP as a cofactor? glutamine synthetase, glutaminase, glutamate dehydrogenase, aminotransferase glutamate dehydrogenase
What are the four enzymatic activites and the critical enzymes of amino acid metabolism? 1. amination by glutamine synthetase 2. deamination by glutaminase 3. transamination by alanine transferase (ALA)& aspartate transferase (AST) 4. deamination via glutamate dehydrogenase
Created by: El Diablo
Popular Biochemistry sets




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