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European Exploration

Manor area ruled by a lord: includes the lord's castle and surrounding land
Christopher Columbus sailed in 1492 across Atlantic Ocean in search for new trade routes to Spain in his 3 ships: Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria,
Conquistadors Spanish conquers who were like warriors, claiming lands in America for Spain looking for glory and gold
Incas empire ruled by Atahupla when Pizzaro took over
Aztecs Mesoamerican culture ruled by Moctezuma in present-day Mexico, and defeated by Cortés in 1521
Pizzaro Spanish conquistador who conquered the Incan empire in 1532
Caravels smaller and faster Portuguese ships that had larger sails and were able to bring riches to the New World
King John 1 Portuguese successor who wanted the Portuguese to explore into the New World
Prince Henry the Navigator made a school for ship building to go out into the New World
Bartolomeu Dias 1st navigator to round the southern tip of Africa, a.k.a New Hope, and demonstrated the most effective route for ships to lay
Amerigo Vespucci merchant and explorer who realized that the new lands were not a part of asia; america is named after him
Renaissance burst of learning in Europe from 1300's to 1600's
Northwest Passage main goal was to find a direct passage to obtain riches; it was an imaginary water route that connects around America
De Gama discovered the sea route to India, opening the way for global imperialism; they brought back pepper
Crusades from 1100-1300; series of wars fought by Christians to control The Holy Land
Christianity monotheistic religion based on the teachings of Jesus
Islam monotheistic religion found by Muhammad in early 600's
Hispanola island in which Columbus landed in
circumnavigate travel around the Earth
Leif Erison explorer who was the 1st European to set food on continental North America, named it Vinland a million years after Columbus
Silk Road network of routes that was used by traders for more than 1500 years; idea of the overland
Strait narrow pathway of water that connects 2 seas/large bodies of water
Columbian Exchange biological and cultural exchanges of animals, plants, human population, diseases, food, gov, tech, arts, and languages
Johannes Gutenburg introduced the printing press, allowing people to read lit and spread the news; people began to question what they were reading
Sir Walter Raleigh English explorer who raised money to outfit a colony in America, Roanoke; he discovered tobacco and potatoes in Britain
Bulwark a defensive wall
Taino Caribbean people who were skilled in agriculture and hunting
instruments used for traveling compass, stars, and ship building tech
Aztecs and Incas were conquered by European diseases, superior weapons, and religious zeal
colony area settled and ruled by government of a distant land
What did the Spanish claim Tainos; used as slaves in gold mines and on ranches
What did the Europeans bring? small pox and influenza, killing 90% of people from Caribbean and Mexicans
Negative aspects of Columbian Exchange Native American population dropped, diseases, and killed 90% of people
Positive aspects of Columbian Exchange longer lifespan, domestic animals, new plants, and new traditions
What was traded in Europe? corn, sweet potatoes, and potatoes
What was traded in Africa? beans, squash, peanuts, and pumpkin
What was traded in Asia? peppers, pineapple, tomatoes, and cacao
Tobacco addictive cash crop and was the most important trade item; sent to Americas to Europe
pueblos center of farming and trade
presidios forts where soldiers lived; first one was founded in St Augustine, FL
missions settlements run by Catholic; first one was founded in El Paso, TX
Creolos full-blooded Spanish; people born in America to parents who were peninsulars; wealthy and well educated people who owned farms and ranches
peninsulars highest class in the social order who were true blooded Spaniards ; owned large tracts of land and silver mines
Mestizos working class; worked on farms and ranches who were owned by peninsulars and creoles
Indians lowest class in social order; kept in poverty for many years and were the largest class Natives wise
Laws of Indies stated how colonies should be organized
Created by: camilaamartinez
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