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European History AP-

European History AP-sj

Jacquerie peasant revolt 1358 in northern franc, unsuccessful
english peasants revolt of 1381 most prominent peasant revolt about new poll tax, rebels eventually pardoned and tax removed
hundred years war off and on war between French and England in the 14th century over territory and French succession, Henry lll was english king and duke/French vassal of Gascony and also in line for French throne
Renaissance rebirth of classical culture in Italy, revival of antiquity, the perfecting of the individual, secularism, new art methods of proportion and perspective
northern renaissance rebirth of classical culture in Europe in humanism, more focused on advancing humanity using christian principles and education, art was less about proportion and perspective and more about details
humanism the intellectual movement based on the study of the classical literary works of Greece and Rome, the studies of humanity, grammar rhetoric poetry philisophy ethics and history
secularism worldliness of the Italians, living well in this world and having pleasure, understanding things of the world, interest in cultural achievements and things to do in this world rather than religious things all the time
individualism the thought structure that people could perfect themselves and have their own thoughts and advance themselves
civic humanism intellectuals advance by participation in state matters, people grow to maturity by contributing to urban society, study of the humanities should be put to the states use
printing press a machine that allowed the printing of several writings at once, enabled literature and knowledge to become much more widely available and ideas could spread fast, literacy rates rose and the trajectory of learning was changed
secular having attitudes with no spiritual basis, focusing on pleasure and worldly things
vernacular language a language commonly understood by the population, when writers wrote in this language during the Renaissance, books were printed in these languages, knowledge and new ideas spread even faster
patronage of the arts support that kings and church leaders and other important people gave artists, commissioning art pieces for their castles or church's to look important
Galen the originator of experimental method in medical investigation, beginning of academic medicine, studied anatomy, physiology and humoral medicine
alchemy the medieval forerunner of chemistry, rooted in classical thought while developing science, developed by Aristotle, trying to change substances into substance
The Prince book written by niccolo machialvelli, political book about how to gain political power and restore/maintain order, against ethical princes and proposed that rulers should be feared rather than loved
serfdom the feudal system, peasants and workers were tied to a lord or king to work as their vassal, serfs and the bottom of the system were taxed and uneducated
Petrarch often called the father of Italian Renaissance humanism, the first intellectual to characterize the middle ages as a period of darkness,
Lorenzo Valla important humanist, raised in rome and become a papal secretary, wrote The Elegances of the Latin Language about the proper use of Latin
Marsilio Ficino did a lot of translating philosophical works, followed Hermeticism and helped Mirandola write Oration of the Dignity of Man
Pico della Mirandola worked with Ficino on The Oration on the Dignity of Man, had an interest in Hermeticism
Leonardo Bruni a humanist, Florentine patriot and chancellor wrote biography of Cicero called The New Cicero, helped develop the idea of civic humanism
Niccolo Machiavelli a renaissance political theorist, lots of political activity, wrote The Prince and believed that a ruler should be feared rather than loved
Baldassare Castiglione introduced new ideas for how nobels were supposed to act in his book The Courtier
Francesco Guicciardini his books History of Italy and History of Florence represent the beginning of modern analytical history, he wrote history to teach lessons, used his background in political affairs to analyze
Michelangelo an accomplished painter, sculptor and architect was a huge painter of the High Renaissance famous for works such as his sculpture of David and paintings in the Sistine Chapel ceiling
Dontatello known for freestanding bronze nude in art, David with goliath's head, did well copying the statues of antiquity with simplicity and strength conveying the dignity of humanity
Second Estate Renaissance/ Middle Ages social structure divided into three, nobility level
Black Death most devastating disaster in European history, mid 14th century plague that killed 1/2 of Europes population, believed to be God's anger
pogroms organized massacres of the Jews as they were blamed for the Black Death
scutage money payments substituted for military service
Third estate Renaissance/ Middle Ages social structure divided into three, peasant level
condottieri leaders of bands of mercenary soldiers in Renaissance Italy who sold their services to the highest bidder
Great Schism the crisis of the late medieval church when there were first two and then three popes, ended by the Council of Constance, happened because of popes moving to Avignon and worry about a French pope giving too much sway to France over Catholicism
conciliarism a movement in 14th and 15th century that held that final authority in spiritual matters resided with a general church COUNCIL, not the pope, emerged in response to Avignon papacy and the Great schism and was used to justify the council of constance
mysticism the immediate experience of oneness with God
Modern Devotion a new form of mysticism founded by Gerard Groote that said in order have a mystic experience you must imitate Jesus, have inner piety and scripture morality, avoided complexities of theology
hermeticism an intellectual movement in the 15th century that taught that divinity is embodied in all aspects of nature, included alchemy, magic, theology, philosophy, influenced many leading figures of scientific revolution
The Courtier book written by italian Baldassare Castiglione about the proper attributes for European aristocrats, they should have native endowments (grace, impeccable character, talents, noble birth), cultivate achievements, participate in military exercise
Estates Renaissance/ Middle Ages social structure divided into three sections
neoplatonism a revival in the Italian Renaissance with Marsilio Ficino who attempted to synthesize Christianity and Platonism
pantheism a doctrine that equates God with the universe and all that is in it
new monarchies the governments of France, England and Spain at the end of the 15th century, whose rulers succeeded in reestablishing or extending centralized royal authority, controlling the church and insisting on the loyalty of all peoples living in their territories
nepotism the regular appointment of nephews by Renaissance popes, appointing family members to important positions
Raphael an Italian Renaissance painter that is well known for his frescoes, the School of Athens especially
Filipo Brunelleschi an Italian architect that made the dome on the cathedral of Florence and devised new building techniques and machinery to make it happen
Leonardo da Vinci Italian Renaissance artists, sculptor, architect and inventor famous for the Last Supper,
Jan Van Eyck a painter active in Bruges who was one of the early innovators of what became known as Early Netherlandish painting, and one of the most significant representatives of Early Northern Renaissance art.
Ferdinand and Isabella their marriage in the 16th century unified spain, funded christopher columbus
Star Chamber henry Vll of England
naturalism art more centered on man instead of God
manorial system a system of agricultural estates in the Middle Ages, owned by a Lord and run by serfs or peasants (the economic side of feudalism)
joan of arc defender of the French nation for her role in the siege of Orléans and her insistence on the coronation of Charles VII of France during the Hundred Years' War, motivated french people, was burned at stake bc of sexists and her wearing armor
Marsiglio of Padua wrote Defender of Peace at the University of Paris, denied that temporal authority was subject to spiritual authority
Giovanni Boccacio known for his prose and for writing the Decameron
the Decameron set at the time of the Black Death where people try to escape and spend the time telling stories reflecting Christian values but from secular point of view, the seducer of women
Geoffrey Chaucer brought sophistication to english vernacular with Canterbury Tales
CanterBury Tales collection of stories told by pilgrims
Christine de Pizan woman author known for women defense prose and The book of The City of Ladies
The Book of the City of Ladies book aruding that women dont need to be controlled by men and that women are not evil by nature and could learn if permitted
Giotto painter who first started doing realism (a basic component of classical art) figures in 3D depth and placed realistically, famous for his painting Lamentation
Lamentation painting by Giotto, famous for realistic painting and raw emotion
man of virtue Renaissance man, man of many talents and areas of expertise
Medici family middle class italian banker family, very influential in Italy politics during the middle ages, funded many renaissance artists
First estate Renaissance/ Middle Ages social structure divided into three, clergy level
protestant reformation a religious reform movement in the 1500s, Catholic church corrupt and new religions formed to compensate
christian humanism humanism focusing on classical texts including the Bible, nothern humanism believing that people can improve themselves and so have a Catholic reform program
Erasmus the most influential of the Christian humanists, formulated and popularized the reform program, wrote several religious books and retranslated Bible so people could understand original scripture
Martin Luther Catholic monk who found assurance of salvation in scriptures believing that you will be saved by faith only, called for reforms in Catholic church with 95 theses, kickstarted reformation
95 Theses written by Martin Luther, angered by the sale of indulgences and papacy corruption. nailed to church door and spread by printing
John Calvin second generation of Protestant reformers, believed in faith alone for salvation and predestination
Anabaptists members of groups that believed baptism should happen later in life so people can actively choose Christ, many subgroups
Catholic Reformation/Counter Reformation reformation of the Catholic church reviving best medieval features and adjusted them to meet current conditions, (mysticism and monasticism)
Jesuits new society in the Reformation that established schools, propagated the Catholic faith and fought protestants, very strict obedience and hierachy, dedication to engage in "conflict for god"
Henry Vlll England king, established the church of england because he wanted to divorce his wife and Catholism wouldnt let him
Elizabeth l England queen, daughter of Henry Vlll and second wife Anne, led england to prosperity with moderate religious and political policies
French Wars of Religion Reformation in France, Catholic majority wary of Calvinists dividing country, peasants rose against monarchy, massacres of Calvinists by the Guise family
Edict of Nantes 1598 ended religous problems in france by declaring Catholicism as official religion but giving Calvinists rights
Religious pluralism high church officials taking over more than one church office looking for more revenue, led to ignorance and ineptness
Peace of Augsburg 1555 important turning point in Reformation, ended warfare in Germany. Agreement acknowledging the division of Christianity with protestant religions granted egual legal standing with Catholocism, granted German lords right to choose religion of subjects
Sir Thomas More chancellor of England, wrote Utopia presenting new social system, very Catholicly devoted, opposed new church of england
Indulgences things the Catholic church would sell to grant less time in purgatory for person or loved one, forgiveness for sins to be purchased
simony the buying and selling of church offices, very controversial in the middle ages
St Teresa of Avila a Spanish mystic saint, Carmelite nun that experienced mystical visions, believed that such experiences should lead to life of service on behalf of Catholicism, founded a new order of carefoot Carmelite nuns,
Ursulines a new order of nuns that focused on establishing schools for girls
Roman Inquisition Holy Office, established by Paul lll to ferret out doctrinal errors as alternative to compromising with Protestantism
The Index of Prohibited books a list of books Catholics werent allowed to read, created by pope Paul Vl
Spanish Inquisition office set up in Catholic church to root out and punish heresy, hundreds of protestants muslims and jews persecuted forced to convert executed or banished
Book of Common Prayer revised protestant liturgy, new prayer book and liturgical guide for more protestant church of england, controversial
huguenots French calvinists, shunned by catholics and massacred by Guise catholic extremist family
Catherine de medici queen consort of Henry II of France, killed a bunch of people during her rule (St bartholomew's day massacre) kinda took over throne
St bartholomew's day massacre plotted by Catherine de' Medici and carried out by Roman Catholic nobles and other citizens. It was one event in the series of civil wars between Roman Catholics and Huguenots part of religious wars (slaughtering of protestants in france)
War of the Three Henries 8th and the last of the Wars of Religion in France in the late 16th century, another royal succession crisis
Henry Vl king of france AND england in the 15th century
Charles V holy roman emperor, king of spain, archduke of austria, lord of netherlands, actively defended his territory, failed to achieve dream of universal empire
Philip ll Philip was the self-proclaimed protector of the Roman Catholic Church. He sought to limit the spread of Protestantism, and he ultimately completed the work of unification of spain begun by Ferdinand and Isabella
dutch religious pluralism dutch religious toleration during the dutch golden age of the middle ages
dutch revolt an armed conflict in the Habsburg Netherlands between disparate groups of rebels and the Spanish government. "80 years war", calvinists feared catholics so vandalised a buncha churches
Ulrich Zwingli leader of the Protestant Reformation in switzerland, advocating for the authority of scripture and the rejection of religious practices not supported by the Bible
council of trent the council where the catholics decided how they were gonna stop the protestants from taking over, counter-reformation
politiques politiques were those in a position of power who put the success and well-being of their state above all else, ex Henry Navarre converting to catholicism instead of his preferred protestantism
Age of Exploration transition from the agrarian economy of the middle ages to a commercial and industrial capitalistic system
New World the name europeans gave the Americas in the late 15th and early 16th centuries
Gold, God, Glory the primary motives for European expansion, to spread Christianity, gain wealth and find adventure
mercantilism a set of economic tendencies centered on the belief that the total volume of trade was unchangeable, states protected their economies by taking in more valuable stuff than they were shipping out and maintaining prosperity with plentiful supply of gold
missionaries in the 16th century Catholic spaniards had a paternalistic view over natives religions and baptized and converted many natives during the conquests
cartography the science and practice of making maps, was more developed in the 1500s to include more details and the earths curvature
navigational advances of the 1500s new navigational tools, improved maps, knowledge of wind patterns
columbian exchange the exchange of products/goods between europe and the americas, europe bringing farm animals and wheat, americas bringing new agricultural products and foods
African slave trade in the 1500s kickstarted by portugal, shift from prisoners of war to african slaves, boosted by triangular trade and high death rates so more numbers needed,
Commercial capitalism in the 16th century rise in economic success in the 16th century with stock companies, ship profits, capital and new industries
Family banking houses in the 16th century closely tied to the mining industry, precariously close relationships between governments and entrepreneurs, often going bankrupt, soon unable to keep up with the economy
Amsterdam this city created some of the first new banking and stock institutions to accommodate new services needed for growing economy and was hub of european commercial and banking world
price revolution inflation in the 16th century, caused by population growth, wages couldnt keep up, workers standard of living drops and entrepreneurs benefit from cheap labor and expanding markets
Compass navigation tool that revolutionized exploration in the 1500s with better navigation techniques, magnetized needle that points north
Stern-post rudder axial rudder, increased maneuverability on medieval ships (import from china)
portolani charts made by medieval navigators and mathematicians in the 13th and 14th centuries, less schematic and symbolic and more detailed and useful than previous maps for European voyages, not useful for long voyages as they were drawn on a flat earth scale
quadrant medieval navigation tool used by sailors to measure the height of Polaris, the Pole Star
astrolabe another navigation tool that revolutionized exploration in the 1500s with better navigation techniques, handheld model of the universe for working out astronomy problems
lateen rig a triangular sail on a long yard at an angle of 45° to the mast, allowed ship to sail closer to the wind than square sails
horses in the early 16th century great tool for Spanish conquest, dominated battle fields with these on charges with extra power
guns in the early 16th century tool that gave conquerors from Europe superior power over natives stones spears and arrows
triangular trade trade connecting Europe Africa and the Americas, new atlantic economy, europe goods to african slaves to american goods and back
smallpox Europeans brought this disease over to the New World in the late 15th and early 16th century, no immunity killed 1/3 of natives
Bank of Amsterdam a deposit and transfer institution to replace family banking in 1609 in the city of Amsterdam
the dutch east india company a trading company established in 1602 under gov sponsorship in Africa to serve as a base to supply food and provisions to dutch
the british east india company a trading company formed for trade with asia and india by England
merchant class in 16th century class in medieval triangular trade, considered local elites or rulers able to dictate prices and numbers
Ferdinand Magellan passed through a strait and tip of South America and sailed across the pacific ocean and reach the philippines where he was killed by natives, considered the first known circumnavigation of the earth
Marco Polo traveled with Niccolo and Maffeo from Venice to the Mongol ruler, wrote Travels which was the most informative description of asia byt medieval European travelers
Ptolemy's map, Geography a medieval map of the world that showed the world as spherical with three major landmasses and two much smaller oceans
Henry the Navigator prince of portugal in the mid 15th century, founded a school for navigators and helped Portugals expansion
Christopher Columbus italian explorer sponsored by Spain, accidentally stumbled on the Americas, landing on the major Caribbean islands
John Cabot late 15th century Venetian seaman, explored the New England coastline of the Americas under license from King Henry Vlll of England
Pedro Cabral Portuguese sea captain in 1500, accidentally discovered South American continent
Amerigo Vespucci early 16th century Florentine voyager, wrote several letters describing the geography of the New World, publication led to the use of the name America after him for the new lands
Vasco Nunez de Balboa a spanish explorer in the early 1600s, led exhibition across the Isthmus of Panama and reached the pacific Ocean
Treaty of Tordesillas treaty dividing up the New World into separate Portuguese and Spanish spheres of influence and designating ocean routes
Spanish conquistadors spanish conquerors of the early 16th century motivated by glory greed and religious crusading zeal, outfitted privately, incredible success
Hernan Cortes greedy Spanish nobleman expedition in the early 16th century, allied with city states in Mexico and conquered the Aztecs
Francisco Pizarro leader of Spanish conquest, conquered the Incas in 1530
Encomienda system a paternalistic economic and social system that permitted Spaniards to collect tribute from the Indians and use them as laborers and in return pay them wages, protect them and supervise their spiritual needs
mita a system in medieval peru that let the spanish authorities draft native labor into the silver mines
Bartolome de Las Casas and Anton Montecino Dominican friars who disputed the encomienda and labeled it immoral and led to its abolishment in 1542
viceroy the leaders of Spanish administrative systems in New World that were supposed to do justice and peace
audiencias advisory groups to viceroys in the 16th century New World
Middle Passage the middle leg of the triangular trade route, the journey of slaves to from Africa to the Americas
mestizos medieval term for the children of europeans and native americans
mulattoes medieval term for the children of europeans and africans
Mercator map projection the most used map projection in medieval age of exploration
joint-stock company company introduced in 16th century whereindividuals buy shares in a company and receive dividends while directors run company and make business decisions
double entry bookkeeping a kind of accounting that relies on both sides to keep track of every entry to maintain correct information
Sir Robert Clive founded the British East India Company
absolutism absolute monarchy meaning that the sovereign power or ultimate authority in the state was in the hands of a king who claimed to rule by diving right
divine right theory that government is divinely ordained so humans can live organized and God establishes His government so the kings are absolute, their power coming from God
Louis XIV king of France, best example of absolute monarchy, created the Court of Versailles, called the Sun King
Jean-Baptiste Colbert controller of general finances in France for Louis XIV, oversaw development of mercantilism
Partition of Poland destruction of poland, poland government too divided, eventually taken up by Russia, Prussia and Austria
peter the great tsar of Russia, westernized Russia in the 17th century, widely feared because of his forceful personality, wanted to make russia a great military power
Glorious revolution the invasion of william and mary of orange to kick out king James ll, the end of parliament vs monarchy/divine right conflict with parliament establishment of King William
dutch republic 7 northern provinces of Netherlands became independent with the Peace of Wesphalia (united provinces), internal dissension (house of Orange vs republic) resulted with a republic dominant for the 17th century (economic prosperity) ended by warfare
merchant oligarchy the Dutch system of governing the Republics towns, dominated political affairs, divided by wealthy burghers
battle of vienna the siege of the ottoman empire against the HRE, ottomans defeated which marked the beginning of the end of ottoman domination
ottoman empire Turks established in the 15th century, often threatening eastern European borders in the 16th century until they were recognized as a european power in the 17thm highly effective gov and military systems, however bloody successions/infighting disrupted
Louis XIV's wars wars fought by Louis XIV of France, desire for military glory, four of them, Dutch War, War of Devolution, War of the League of Augsburg, War of the Spanish Succession, FAILED, left France bankrupt with hardly any gained territory
Baroque art movement that followed mannerism, started with the Catholic reformation and spread to monarchs, dramatic effects/emotion and search for power, AWE and GLAM
scientific revolution a dissolution of the medieval worldview, brought about by Renaissance ideas about math and classics, technological innovations and new ideas
Nicolaus Copernicus a mathematician that believed in a sun centered universe instead of the earth centered one and that the earth moved on its axis, published On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres when he was almost dead to escape persecution for this idea
Galileo Galilei first European to make systematic observations of the stars with the telescope. Jupiters moons, earths craters, venus phases, sunspots, imperfections! church threatened and galileo recant, discovered inertia and differing speeds with force and motion
Isaac Newton invented calculus, wrote Principia which pieced together Coperniculs, kepler and galileo coherently, established 3 laws of motion, universal law of gravitation
William Harvey discovered how blood moves in the body, heart is a pump, important figure in medical scientific revolution
Francis Bacon influenced scientists in scientific revolution, believed in inductive reasoning, experimentation!, specific-> general
Rene Descartes father of modern rationalism, set to prove his own existence "i think therefore i am", cartesian dualism (separation of mind and body), discourse on method, humans can understand the world as a mechanical system w/ rational thinking/deductive reasoning
English Royal Society London similar to the French Royal Academy of Sciences, led the way for new cooperation in science in the scientific revolution and collected lots and lots of data
empiricism the theory that all knowledge is from hands on sense experience, experimentation and personal observation, developed in scientific revolution, FRANCIS BACON
smallpox inoculation giving people the smallpox so they have immunity
English Bill of Rights established parliament power and freedom from king, citizen rights and laid base for constitutional monarchy in england
Dutch War, 1672-1678 King Louis XIV's second war, France attacked the Spanish Netherlands again after isolating the Dutch, failed mostly again because of HRE and spain in a coalition at Nimwegen
Nine Years War./ War of the League of Augsburg, 1688-1697 King Louis XIV's third war, Louis moves against HRE but is contested by League of Augsburg (spain, HRE, united provinces, sweden and england), depression and famine, ended bv treaty of ryswick
War of the Spanish Succession Louis XIV of France, Spain and France almost joined thrones but the threat of power imbalance caused Europe to fight back, ended by the Peace of Utrecht and Rasatt, grandson of Louis heir to spanish throne (threatened england)
Bernini Baroque artist, famous for his sculpture Ecstasy of St Theresa and St peters basilica Throne of St Peter work, used action and drama
Dutch Golden Age the best age of the Dutch, economic prosperity because of republic, success of Amsterdam as commercial and financial european center, ended because of war and english shipping competition
Jan Vermeer Johannes, dutch painter that painted daily life people and things, reflection of golden age of dutch (republic with no monarch to idealize in baroque)
Rembrandt the one great protestant painter of the 17th century, greatest of Dutch golden age, realistic portraits, secular paintings, artistic expression got him rejected
Paracelsus one of the fathers of modern medicine, rejected Galen and believed in chemical imbalances and chemistry inside the human body (being a microcosm), "like cures like" philosophy
Andras Vesalius important in scientific medical revolution, NEW ANATOMY, personal discovery in dissections of human body, identified the heart as the blood pump
Johannes Kepler mathematician and astronomer/astrologer, assistant to Tycho Brahe, THREE LAWS OF PLANETARY MOTION, elliptical rotations, differing speed depending on proximity to sun, the larger the orbit =slower speed. no more ptolemy ideas of uniform circles/speed
La Querelle des Femmes The debate about the nature of women, male domination as females were "sexually insatiable" needing to become LIKE MEN in order to have success, scientific revolution new anatomy reaffirmed male domination
Peace of Westphalia resolved the Thirty Years War, granted all German states the right to determine their own religion, France got lots of territory and Habsburgs authority dwindled
westernization eastern Europe ideas and technology spreading to western Europe in Russia and other areas, also called europeanization
mannerism the art movement that followed the renaissance, conveyed the anxiety and confusion of the political turmoil, took the mathematical proportions of the Renaissance and stretched them and deliberate distortions
thirty years war most bloody war in europe 17th century, four phases, Bohemian, Danish, Swedish, Franco Swedish, last of the religious wars Protestant vs Catholic, German vs HREand other country interventions. Ferdinand
Sun King Louis XIV of France
Cardinal Richelieu King Louis XIII of France's chief minister, initiated policies that helped France become an absolute monarchy (kept nobles in line, nuetralized Huguenots, sent out indendants)
indendants French royal officials that went out to the provinces to execute the orders of the central government, won conflicts with province governors and increased central power in France
Cardinal Mazarin regent of King Louis XIV, unpopular Italian that managed the Fronde revolutions in France
Fronde revolutions noble French revolutions in the 1650s that were defeated because infighting was not as appealing as a central gov
Court of Versailles French court, standard for European governments, kings and nobles residences, state affairs/offices, nobility busywork (menial "honorable" tasks for king), centralizing government even more, DISPLAY OF RICHES AND POWER
War of Devolution King Louis XIV first war, Louis invaded Spanish Netherlands but was forced back by the Triple Alliance of the dutch/english/swedes
Treaty of Ryswick treaty ended the nine Years war, France lose
boyars Russian nobility 17th century
procurator a layman of the Russian Orthodox Church that served the tsar, head of the Holy Synod (replacement for patriarch), ensured state domination of church
Janissaries christian boys who had been taken from their parents, converted to muslim and subjected to rigid military discipline, elite ottoman troops
English Civil War 7th century war between English parliament and monarchy, King Charles l was beheaded after parliament infighting resolved
Puritans protestants in the Angelican church, The Puritans were English who sought to purify the Church of England of Roman Catholic practices, maintaining that the Church of England had not been fully reformed and should become more Protestant.
Angelicans members of the church of england
presbyterianism scottish protestantism
Independents extreme puritans led by Oliver Cromwell, believed in doing battle for the Lord in the English Civil War
New Model Army helped parliament dominance over English Civil War, made of Independents led by Oliver Cromwell, captured King Charles l
Levellers 17th century english radicals that believed in modern ideas such as democracy, religious toleration, freedom of speech, voting and womens rights, smashed by Oliver Cromwell with force and their ideas were extinct for another century
Oliver Cromwell prominent military leader during and after the English Civil War, lead New Model Army, controlled England and dissolved parliament so puritans not threatened, military rule over england, death meant floundering ending in re establishing monarchy
King James ll catholic king of england in the 17th century, tried to further catholicism and was eventually kicked out by the glorious revolution
Thomas Hobbes philosopher in the 17th century, believed that nature was chaotic and would destroy itself without an absolute ruler, against revolution
Gustavus Adolphus king and leader of the swedes in the 30 years war, military genius and when he died the sweden victory fell apart
Albrecht von Wallenstein huge influencer for the Catholic side in the 30 years war, military genius, hired help to super rich, considered untrustworthy and suspicious because of how fast he socially climbed and was eventually beheaded
Peter Paul Rubens a prolific artist and an important figure in spread of Baroque art, used motion rich tones for intense emotion
French classicism French rejecting the Baroque art style as too loud, stuck to classical Renaissance styles, order in the French society
geocentric conception the belief that the earth is the motionless center of a universe made of concentric spheres containing the planets sun and moon, surrounded by blackness pierced by heavens light on the outside coming in slightly as stars
Tycho Brahe a figure in the scientific revolution that built a castle for sky observation and complied data to reject Ptolemy's universe system, his assistant was Johannes Kepler
Aristotle/Ptolemy the medieval views on the universe and physics, not questioned until the scientific revolution
Galen the medieval viewpoint creator on medicine, based on animal anatomy and inaccurate, two blood systems and four bodily humors
Margaret Cavendish most prominent female scientist of the 17th century, attacked lots of views on human-nature domination, aristocrat background, science debates, prolific fiction writer as well
inductive reasoning developed by Francis Bacon, specific to general, SPECIFIC OBSERVATION to PATTERN OF THING OBSERVED to conclusion that all observed things must follow pattern, GENERALIZATION, experimentation important
deductive reasoning developed by Rene Descartes, general to specific, PREVIOUS GENERAL TRUTH to SOMETHING THAT FOLLOWS TRUTH to PROVE IT FOLLOWS TRUTH to by reason SPECIFIC SOMETHING IS TRUE, mathematical thinking important
scientific method combination of Francis Bacon empiricism and Rene Descartes rationalism by Isaac Newton into a way to achieve knowledge about how the world works
dutch realism art form replacing Baroque in the netherlands because of their republic they didnt paint grand stuff with monarchs but instead daily life stuff, Jan Vermeer big deal, REMBRANDT
Enlightenment a movement/period of time where knowledge was recognized as a way towards progress, scientific thinking was a way to free poeple from old traditions, reason was huge
Voltaire the most important figure in the Enlightenment, criticized traditional religion
Denis Diderot wrote the encyclopedia which spread enlightenment ideas, attacked christianity and other religions,
John Locke philosopher in the 17th century, believed that the state of nature had rights and that government existed to protect those rights, against absolutism, not democratic but important base for America and France, NURTURE over nature
Rousseau wrote The Social Contract about harmonizing individual rights and gov authority, you are free if you make the rules so everyone must be involved, romanticism, gov is necessary evil
natural rights (enlightenment) new ideas based off of john locke about people born with rights such as property, life and certain freedoms, changed the way people thought about a lot of european issues
enlightenment salons Elegant places whwre wealthy and philosophes met and discussed ideas, promoted conversation and sociability as well as spread enlightenment ideas
Adam Smith scottish philosopher that attacked mercantilism, supported free trade, labor is the wealth of a nation, state should not interfere in economic matters, gov is only for protection from invaders, oppression and maintain public stuff, economic liberalism
free trade theory that replaced mercantilism, if someone else can make it better purchase rather than produce, no restrictions on trade, supported by Adam Smith
free market government should not interfere in economics, government should not interfere with lives of individuals
deism a religious outlook that suggested the existence of a mechanic (God) who had created the universe, god wasnt involved in what he created, no such thing as miracles or prayer answers
religious skepticism the questioning of religion with new education in the scientific revolution, attacking OLD VALUES of religion and promoting INDIVIDUAL KNOWLEDGE about god, new cultures and MANY viewpoints add to this
atheism the belief that there is no god, only reason is necessary for living a moral life
religious toleration the idea that religious can coexist peacefully and should, promoted especially by Voltaire
romanticism an intellectual movement that emphasized heart and sentiment (balancing out all the REASON in the enlightenment)
Carnival A period of indulgence before Lent where medieval people would do lots and lots of recreation, lots more was acceptable so lots of agression and just a time to let things out in gluttony and stuff
Saint Day Festivals a day commemorating all the saints of the church, both known and unknown, who have attained heaven.
Charivari folk custom designed to shame a member of the community, in which a mock parade was staged through the settlement accompanied by a discordant mock serenade.
Montesquieu philosophe in the enlightenment, believed in freedom bc it was reasonable, SEPARATION OF STATE POWERS in the Spirit of Laws
The Spirit of the Laws book by Montesquieu about the separation of powers in government with checks and balances, influenced founding fathers
Cesare Beccaria Wrote “on crime and punishment”, against executions and torture
On Crime and Punishment Book by cesare beccaria, enlightenment ideas on less brutality in crime punishments (only as deterrents not as shows of brutality), in favor of imprisonment over other punishments (especially death)
The Social Contract book by Rousseau, the agreement of society to be governed by its general will, you are free if you follow your own rules, EVERYONE must be involved in deciding rules
Mary Wollstonecraft founder of modern feminism, against women slavery to men by using enlightenment ideas of freedom, Vindication of the Rights of Woman
enlightenment coffeehouses A place where people could meet with other people and discusss ideas, drink coffee, get newspapers and socialize
enlightenment newspapers Able to be bought in coffeehouses, new public knowledge!
the Encyclopedia (enlightenment) written by Diderot, helped spread many ideas of the enlightenment, promoted social change, religious toleration and cosmopolis
Physiocrats founders of modern discipline of economics, laws of economics 1- wealth=ONLY land wealth (land taxes,agriculture), 2-individuals must be left free to pursue their own economic interests (let the people choose)
Francois Quesnay leader of the physiocrats
David Hume pioneering social scientist, scottish philosopher, studying human experiences "science of man"
Baron d' Holbach german philosophe that preached strict atheism and materialism, everything is matter in motion and God is imaginary/unnecessary and only reason is needed
Handel Huge baroque opera composer from germany, more secular
Johann Sebastian Bach Huge baroque enlightenment composer from germany, very religious
neoclassicism Art movement, dignity simplicity and classical style of ancient greeks and romans
Rococo Art movement after baroque, basically the opposite, curves and grace, gentle instead of loud, secular and pleasures
Jacques Louis David Neoclassical artist, patriotism and moral seriousness popular in the french revolution, oath of the horatii
Samuel Richardson Helped develop the novel, a printer who wrote with sentimentalilty and emotion
novels (enlightenment) Developed by sam richardsom and henry fielding, no rules and attractive for women writers so prime form of fiction writing in 18th century, adding of emotion and action to stories
taverns (enlightenment) A place for neighbors to come together and socialize and drink, alchohol consumption increased like A LOT and the high and low classes separated futher from pop vs high culture
economic liberalism state should stay out of economics and the lives of individuals, economic liberty of the individual, started by Physiocrats and Adam Smith
High culture The literary and artistic world of the educated and wealthy
Popular culture The culture of the masses
Englightened absolutism absolutist rulers expected to uphold enlightenment ideas, promote equality and education and preserve rights in their rule
balance of power 18th century states must counter balance to prevent one state from being dominant, large armies for defense/offense, dynastic diplomacy (dynasty family oriented) shifts to reason of state diplomacy (future long term oriented)
little ice age caused lots of starvation and famine in the 17th century, decline in the 18th may have resulted in an agricultural revolution, food and population increased
prussia (enlightenment) built by the Fredericks, army and bureaucracy huge, took silesia from austria
anglo-french rivalry Great War for Empire, French and britain fight over Indian resources (britain takes over india), Robert Clive persists to British victory at Treaty of Paris
putting out system also called domestic system, entrepreneurs brought raw materials (wool, flax) and put them out to rural workers who made the stuff
cottage industry an industry where spinners and weavers made products in their own homes, a family enterprise
enclosure acts in the 18th century farmers were allowed to enclose their farms legally, made large estates and new agricultural practices, small farmers move to work on big farms
Frederick ll (the Great) frederick the great, ruler of prussia in 18th century, used previously formed bureaucracy/army diligently, enlightened with toleration acts and recognition of human rights, well educated
Joseph ll ruler of austria in the 18th century that did so many enlightenment reforms that the country was overwhelmed, most of his efforts were undone after his death
Maria Theresa empress of austria in the 18th century, helped centralize austria and establish bureaucracy to help strength against prussia
War of the Austrian succession Austria tried to assert Maria Theresa as female empress but other countries came in to take territory instead, France and Prussia vs England and Austria, Silesia territory taken by Prussia but fighting resolved
Seven years war Prussia vs Austria over austrias territory Silesia, England vs France over India and North American territories, Russia+Austria+France vs Britain+Prussia, arguable the first global war, French and Indian War, Anglo French struggle
Diplomatic revolution the reversal of alliances in the 18th century warfare, Austria went from an ally of Britain to an ally of France and Prussia was with Britain
Frederick William l ruler of Prussia in the 18th century, established Prussia bureaucracy (for the middle class civil advancement) and military social status (for the nobles)
Bank of england new paper banknotes do the best in England, they lend out notes as gold and silver stop coming, adapt best to new public credit and finance, national debt separate from monarch personal debt
Middle passage the stage of the Atlantic slave trade where Africans were transported to the Americas as part of triangle trade, terrible conditions
Catherine the Great ruler of russia in the 18th century, initiated many reforms for the enlightenment, german princess that became super russian, policies didnt favor peasants (pugachevs rebellion), worthy successor to Peter the Great and russia expanded territory
French revolution four phases, moderate radical and conservative and napoleonic, beginning in 1789 in france, emphasized human rights
Moderate phrase of FR the first phase of the FR, france still with king but also National Assembly, establishing many policies for human rights and civil conduct, not as radical yet
Execution of louis XVI escalated the reign of terror in france, 1793, full destruction of old regime with the guillotine and wariness of other countries
Jacobins political club during FR, more radical, divided into Mountain (paris) and Girondins (provinces), radical in the Terror, dechristianization
Robespierre powerful figure in Committee for Public Safety, manipulated the reign of terror, dechristianize, forced speeding up the guiotining process, execution marks end of radical phase of FR
Reign of Terror stage of the FR governed by Committee of Public Safety, paranoia and many enemies of rebels guiotillened , established power, most destructive in Vendee, "domestic emergency" to make way for "republic of virtue", dechristianization, Robespierre
de-Christianization occured in France during the reign of terror, new calendar, street names, worship Reason, Robespierre goes too far, very unpopular
French Revolutionary army first "nation in arms", conscription nationalism and unity and HUGE army very intimidating to other countries, first "peoples" army rather than hired guns
Toussaint L’Ouverture leader of the Haitian revolution
Haitian revolution haitian colony slaves like enlightment revolution ideas and rebel against France, successful! first independent latin american colony
Napoleon bonaparte French military genius during revolution, came into power as 1st Consul in the Directory but soon became emperor of France, expanded lots of territory and very popular as enlightened ruler but restricted womens rights
Continental System Napoleon's miltary control over Austria, Prussia, Russia trying to block off Britain, resented by these "ally states" and Russia left
Nationalism (napoleon's rule) French brotherhood and spirit brought resentment so others banded together against france
Declaration of the rights of man and citizen list of basic liberties following American Revolution and Enlightenment ideals put out by the french National Assembly, controversy about womens inclusion
Civil constitution of the clergy put the church as an enemy to the FR, church officials were to be elected by the people but most church officials refused and counter revolution was given a solid base
Constitution of 1791 (france) created by France's National Assembly, established a limited constitutional monarchy and new Legislative assembly
Georges danton spoke about revenge on the king and his supporters during the French Revolution, helped spark fear and paranoia
Jean-paul marat very radical political theorist in the French revolution, encouraged lots of blood and revenge in his writings
Committee of public safety ruled France during the Reign of Terror, heavily influenced by member Robespierre
Law of the general maximum setting price limits and punishing price gouging to attempt to ensure the continued supply of food to the French capital
Levee en masse nation in arms, helped create nationalism in France during the revolution and was bigger than any europe had seen
March on versailles king louis XVI refused to put National Assembly declaration of rights in place so women marched on versailles, resulted in king moving to paris and agreeing to policies
Merit system (Napoleon era) a system of where military service to the state was rewarded, made very skilled leaders and a solid regime for Napoleon
Civil code aka Code Napoleon, restricted many family and women rights under Napoleons rule, contradictory to his enlightenment ideas
Concordat of 1801 a peace between Napoleon and the Catholic church, repaired damage of Clergy Constitution, increased N's popularity
Olympe de gouges womens right activist during French Revolution, wrote Declaration of Right of Women and Female citizen as comeback to women exclusion from rights of man but was ignored by national assembly
French Revolution Overthrowing of france monarchy beginning in 1789, scared many other european monarchs and put napoleon in control, human rights is huge
Estates General called by Louis XVI just before the french revolution to resolve the immediate financial crisis, consisted of representatives from each of the 3 Estates, conflicts over voting triggered french revolution
sans-culottes French patriots in ordinary clothes led by Georges Danton
Napoleon Empire included France empire, dependent states (spain, netherlands, italy, sweden, germany), allied states (russia, prussia, austria)
market economy free market saying that if people are buying you are allowed to sell, protected by a government policies
agricultural revolution lots of changes in farming methods and increase in food production so people had time and money for manufacturing
privacy (industrial revolution) freedoms protected for private entrepreneurs so they were able to make lots of new stuff
First Industrial Revolution Britain going into manufacturing, lots of new availability and machinery, harsh conditions
textiles (industrial revolution) many new inventions (spinning jenny- and steam engine) helped make power looms, employment opportunities and clothes for the poor improved
crystal palace where the Great Exhibition of 1851 was held, a big demonstration of Britain's power and industrialization
factory system new discipline required in the industrial revolution, new schedules and people all in one place
railroads (industrial revolution) quick progression with steam engine, cheap and fast transportation made high demands for capital/coal/iron that factories met which expanded market
urbanization happened a lot in the industrial revolution, people moved to cities to be by factories for work and population grew and clustered
tariffs used by governments in the industrial revolution to encourage development, protected new and small industries
middle class (industrial revolution) people in commerce, industry, banking, entrepreneurs, professionals (had to be very driven and competetive)
canals (industrial revolution) forms of transportation in the industrial revolution, passed by railroads later on
List's National System describes stages a country has to pass through for development, savagery pastoral agriculture agriculture and manufacturing
Bessemer Process old steel making process
mass production (industrial revolution) cheap availability and choices for most everyone during the industrial revolution made possible by new machines
telegraph first form of long distance communication, sped trade in the industrial revolution and british empire reach its colonies
steamship important in America for transporting goods in the industrial revolution
Factory Act 1833 limiting child labor in the industrial revolution for textile factories, promoting education instead, 9-13 8 hour work days, 13-18 12 hour work days
Mines Act 1842 eliminated the employment of boys under ten and women in mines
Ten Hours Act 1847 made children only work ten hours a day for 13-18 yo and women
Irish Potato Famine made childrencaused by irelands poor catholics dependance on the potato, blighted by disease famine killed millions and millions more emigrated to other areas only work ten hours a day for 13-18 yo and women
The Great Exhibition of 1851 a symbol of the success of Great Britain, the worlds first international industrial fair, trade show in the crystal palace
cotton industry most important industry for britain in industrial revolution, people able to have cheap sturdy clothes so high demand
Poor Law Act of 1834 law establishing workhouses where jobless poor people were forced to live (assuming poor people were at fault for their poverty so prison like conditions), families separated
Luddites skilled craftspeople that attacked machines of the industrial revolution seekings more working rights, FAIL
Chartism meaningful expression of british workers to improve conditions and achieve political democracy, unsuccessful but gave a sense of consciousness for working conditions
Congress of Vienna September 1814, enemies of Napoleon met to arrange a final peace settlement
German confederation new league of german states, created to replace the Napoleonic Confederation of the rhine and help keep the balance of power in europe (stop france expansion)
balance of power (19th century) important concept in European powers, policies and land divided so powers dont grow too large, keeping peace in europe by checking Russia's power and France's power
conservatism political beliefs supporting obedience to authority as a way to maintain order in society, against revolution and liberal demands, community is greater than individual rights, order and tradition are essential
socialism political beliefs that wanted to bring more equality into social conditions, believed that human cooperation was superior to the competition, against capitalism and private property, overall believed new social systems were necessary
modern police force designed with the hope of protecting and preserving peace in response to the social pressure of the 1800s, attempts for a more disciplined society
Concert of Europe/Congress System great powers of europe agreed to meet periodically in conferences to discuss common interests and maintain peace, included Russia, Prussia, Austra and Great britain, eventually France added
Metternich austrian foreign minister, leader of the Congress of Vienna, diplomat with ego, wanted to restore legitimate monarchs and old fashioned conservatism, very unpopular
Revolutions of 1848 uprising in France, Austrian Empire, Germanic States and Italian states, largely unsuccessful due to brutal repression and false promises and internal divisions
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe german romantic writer, The Sorrows of the Young Werther, important example for romantics, worth through inner feelings, deep tragedies with deep feelings, hero willing to sacrifice himself for greater cause, very romantic
Thomas Malthus believed that the worlds population would eventually outgrow its food supply, Essay on the Principles of Population, freedom of economy is essential to avoid starvation
David Ricardo wrote Principles of Political Economy, argued that population increase means more workers so wages fall below being able to afford food, similar to Thomas Malthus
Anti-Corn Law League part of britain's reform process from 1830-1840, formed to help workers by lowering bread prices and abolishing the Corn Laws, also aided industrial middle classes by favoring free trade
John stuart Mill english philosopher, most famous works on liberalism, On Liberty, classic statements about individual liberty and absolute freedom of opinion on all subjects, advocated womens rights
Flora Tristan utopian socialist and feminist in the early 1800s, believed the equality of women and men would fix society, ignored by everyone
Charles Fourier wanted to promote socialism in the 1800s by forming phalansteries, small cooperative communities that would live and work together for mutual benefit, unable to get funding
Roberet Owen british socialist cotton manufacturer in 1800s, successfully turned poor factory town into healthy cooperative community, unable to self contain it without being brought down by arguing
Guiseppe Mazzini italian nationalist who founded Young Italy and wrote The Duties of Man with the goal of creating a united Italian republic
Reactionaries governments reacting from the french revolution that followed Metternich's ideas into extreme anti revolution conservatism, lots of censorship to prevent new ideas abt revolution
Greek War Independence greek war of independence against the ottomans, widely supported so other countries invaded to support their fight against ottomans, contradictory to usual invasion to STOP revolutions
Decembrist Revolt revolt in Russia when Tsar Alexander l died suddenly and his heir abdicated creating confusion, people revolted against Tsar Nicholas l but were violently shut down, Nicholas l grew paranoid and reactionary, Russia became very censored under his rule
July Revolution a second round of the French Revolution, Charles X had been established during conservative early 1880s but was overthrown in 1830 after his reactionary July Ordinances outraged people
Caspar David Friedrich german romantic painter, painted nature with mythicism and imagination and as a manifestation of divine life
JMW Turner romantic painter, used light and color to convey emotion and different moods in his paintings
Eugene Delacroix most famous french romantic artist, exotic and colorful, used lots of light and color and movement, very daring and eye catching
Beethoven composer serving as a bridge between classicism and romanticism, use of bold emotion in songs, totally deaf by end
Frederic Chopin romantic music pianist, deeply expressive and personal
William Wordsworth romantic poet, did lots of poems about connection with nature
Lord Byron romantic poet, characterized himself as the melancholy romantic hero, dramatically died fighting the ottomans with the greeks
Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein, Romantic novel in a form of gothic literature, attraction to the bizarre and unusual
Peterloo massacre 1819, protests against Corn Law and conservatism in Britain were oppressed by cavalry and 11 people killed, led to more repression of meetings and pamphlets for new ideas
Corn Law 1815 British conservatism in the 1800s, law passed to impose extraordinarily high tariffs on foreign grain, good for landowners very bad for poor people who couldnt afford bread
liberalism ideas about individual/ economic freedom, based off of enlightenment ideas, put pressure on government reform during industrial revolution
romanticism movement in art and society, all about emotion/sentiment/inner feelings/ individualism, emphasis on drama and the past and love of nature
Jane Austen english novelist, her works critique gentry lifestyle and women dependence
Henry de Saint-Simon french philosopher, one of the first christian socialists, believed that needs of workers needed to be recognized in order for social effectiveness
Polish revolt 1800s unsuccessful revolt of poland against russia, didn't receive british or french aid and so failed and was crushed, military dictatorship by russia crackdown
principle of intervention conservative policy by Metternich in the 1800s, other countries could invade countries to help squash revolutions
British Labour Party The Labour Party originated in the late 19th century, meeting the demand for a new political party to represent the interests and needs of the urban working class
Marxism revolution can restructure society, classless society is necessary for progress, socialism, history is formed by antagonistic forces, formed by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in Communist Manifesto
Crimean War war started bc Russia wanted more influence in Ottoman Empire, Britain and France intervene to keep balance of power from tipping towards Russia, first "newspaper" war, Russia loses bc Austria betrays by staying neutral, no more concert of europe
Italian Unification led by Cavour's emphasis on Northern Piedmont against Austria, France helps Italy defeat Austria but withdrew halfway, Garibaldi helped unite southern italy with Red Shirt Army, Prussia gives italy venetia after they take it from austria
German Unification German Confederation united with Prussia in Versailles, Bismarck led Prussia through 3 wars to isolate Austria and gain the peoples favor and Prussia's power added to Germany
Napoleon lll Louis Napoleon, skilled politician that led France to a 2nd Empire with him at its head, largely successful except for foreign policy
Camillo di Cavour influential nobleman in the Unification of Italy, drew up agreement with France to help defeat Austria
Bismarck SUPER important player in politics in 1800s, manipulated Prussia in German Unification in 3 wars,
Dual Monarchy austria-hungary, hungary nationalism and austro prussian war made compromise necessary, 2 constitutions in one empire
realpolitik "politics of reality", ex Bismarck and Napoleon lll
Garibaldi helped unite italy, formed Red Shirt Army, good tactics led small army up from southern italy to north, met with Cavour and united southern and northern italy
Bismarckian System of Alliances Bismarck allied with a lot of the states in order to keep the peace and keep germany in its place
balkans a cluster of nations in eastern Europe, between the Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman empires, their location made the Balkans strategically important, so European powers were focused on events there
Great Powers of the 1800s power balance shifted dramatically in the 1800s with the unification of germany and italy and the isolating of austria and russia
realism ideas focused on the outer material world and reality, the belief that the world should be viewed realistically, rejection of romanticism
materialism the belief that everything mental, spiritual or idea was simply a result of physical forces, came out of growing popularity of scientific ideas
positivism systems of positive knowledge based on a hierarchy of all the sciences, reinforcing Enlightenment optimism in potential of science, built by Auguste Comte
Zollverein Germans customs union created by Prussia, helped stimulate trade and gave Prussia a lot of power
Alexander ll Russian tsar that tried to end serfdom and execute reforms in Russia in the 1800s
Louis Pasteur developed germ theory of disease in the late 19th century, helped with major breakthroughs in medicine, pasteurization, bacteriology,
anesthesia helped increase medicine breakthroughs in the 1800s, allowed for more surgeries to be preformed, development of chloroform
Queen Victoria helped unite great britain with nationalism in her long reign, model of duty and moral responsibility
Jean-Francois Millet realistic artist, painted scenes from rural life, made landscape and country life an important subject matter for French artists
Karl Marx came up with the theory of Marxism, socialist that really believed in the working class movement
natural selection theory developed by Charles Darwin, survival of the fittest and evolution, controversial in the 1800s
Gustave Courbet french realistic writer, helped coin the term "realism", work so realistic it was almost scandalous as it portrayed the poor conditions of the poor
proletariat the "lower" or "working" classes, the members of which must under capitalism sell their labor in order to earn a living
bourgeoisie the middle class, developed and grew during Industrial Revolution
labor unions attempts to improve working conditions, lots of strikes, often repressed in certain countries
mutual aid societies immigrants from various ethnic and national origins formed mutual aid societies to serve as social support groups, extending financial support to each member during illness and unemployment, as well as emotional support during times of loss
commercialization of agriculture lots of grain and lower transportation costs with industrialization, different countries specialize in certain foods, importing and exporting of food, cheaper food
cult of domesticity prevailing value system in the 1800s, women were supposed to do domestics stuff and marriage was an economic necessity, child bearing is prime occupation for a woman
mass leisure made possible by new industrial work schedule with free time built in on weekends and evenings, music sports and tourism key
consumerism grew in 1800s with industrialization, more money available for consumer goods, more markets opened and economy grew
mass marketing a business marketing approach that seeks to advertise to the widest possible customer base, up to and including the entire market available
anarchism the social belief that government had become corrupted and must be completely upended, those creations were unnecessary
government reforms (1800s) britain takes the lead with slow reforms, Germany and Russia brutally suppress liberalism and Italy and Austria-hungary not united enough to reform
monopolies formed in the 1800s to limit competition and help strengthen local businesses and industries
Second Industrial Revolution helped europeans believe in progress, material growth with steel chemicals, electricity and petroleum on new industrial frontiers, late 1800s
electricity began to be developed in 2nd Industrial Revolution, new form of energy that triggered whole series of inventions, used for lighting transportation and communication
chemicals began to be developed in 2nd Industrial Revolution, changes in making soda led to alkaline production used in soap and paper, germany developed new organic chemical compounds like dyes for fertilizer and photographic film
internal combustion engine developed with petroleum and liquid fuels in 2nd industrial revolution, burning liquids for fuel, gave rise to automobile and airplane
Friedrich Engels German socialist philosopher, worked with Karl Marx on Marxism
August Bebel German socialist politician, writer. one of the founders of the Social Democratic Workers' Party of Germany in 1869
Mikhail Bakunin russian anarchist, revolutionary founder of anarchism and revolutionary socialism
public housing very poor conditions in the Industrial Revolution, unsanitary and overcrowded
urban redesign (late 1800s) new dams, reservoirs and aqueducts- clean water, health boards- government influence in public health, sewage systems, public parks and wider streets
conservatives (1800s) opposed to new social democratic reforms, the catholic church, large landowners and aristocrats and the army
British Labour Party political party in the UK an alliance of social democrats, democratic socialists and trade unionists
German social democrats joined revolutionary Marxism rhetoric while organizing as political party, worked to improve working class, HUGE party
temperance movement movement to limit drinking in the US in the 1800s, combined religion with health consideration, prime example of middle class world view
british abolitionist movement the movement in the late 18th and early 19th centuries to end the practice of slavery in the British Empire and the world, including ending the Atlantic slave trade.
Josephine Butler led middle class female reformers against Contagious Diseases Acts that punished women but not men with STDs, successful repeal in 1886
Berlin Conference 1884-1885 European countries partitioning africa, purposefully set up tribes against each other, imperialism and racism dominant, europe stole many many resources from africa
Anti-Semitism racism and prosecution against Jews, often involving accusing them of murdering jesus, restricted rights or violence
Zionism nationalist feelings withing Jewish community, led to formation of Israel as a nation state
compulsory education children of all social classes could now get free elementary education, was widespread by the end of the 1800s
mass politics coincides with mass society of Western Europe, formation of many big political parties with more suffrage in Europe
trade unions called for more radical change of economic system, collective ownership, control over production distribution and exchange
feminism movements for women's rights to vote and citizenship and property separate from their husbands
Revolution of 1905 (russia) Russia was defeated in their war with Japan and the discontented Russian working class rebelled, Bloody Sunday led to the October Manifesto, civil liberties dont last
imperialism many countries in the 1800s colonized and took over other countries in asia and africa, left those countries stripped, full of racism, social darwinism and violence, greed for natural resources and moral religious superiority
Charles Darwin came up with theory of evolution and natural selection by studying plant and animal life, great scientist in 1800s, defined the white male as the ultimately evolved human
social darwinism Darwins theories about science applied to society as an organism evolving through challenges, put the white male as the most superior by natural selection, led to racism and imperialism
scientific socialism made socialism based off reason, a lot more strict than Marx originally intended
relativism the belief that fact cant exist because everyone sees things differently relating to who they are and where they are
Sigmund Freud viennese doctor in the late 19th century, helped make base of psychoanalysis, based human mind off subconscious, not reason
subconscious challenged european love of reason, idea formed by Freud, id, ego and superego, society norms, sexual longing and the conscious
Einstein invented the theory of relativity, redefined space and time according to the observer in four dimensional space
quantum mechanics challenged old view of atoms being the basic building blocks of the world, radiation and subatomic particles, challenging Newton
impressionism art movement, original and distinct from the past, bright colors, dynamic brush strokes, more private scale, not too closely defined, like memory, upper middle class recreational subjects
post-impressionism art movement, emphasis on light and color, more structure and form, express inner feelings and produce personal statement of reality rather than imitaion of objects, subjective rather than objective
cubism art style of post impressionism, art style that used geometric designs as visual stimuli to recreate reality in the viewers mind
Georges Sorel french political theorist, irrationalist, believed in revolutionary socialism, advocated violent strikes and small elite ruling body
modernism a religious movement by churches attempting to reinterpret Christianity in the light of new scientific developments in the 1800s
Igor Stravinsky a Russian compose, one of the most important and influential composers of the 20th century and a pivotal figure in modernist music
Franz Kafka impressionist writer, major figure of 20th century literature
Dreyfus affair Alfred Dreyfus found guilty of selling army secrets and condemned to life in prison bc he was a jew even though catholic person was a better suspect, caused outrage in France and radical republicans took over
christian socialists political party that combined agitation for workers fowith virulent antisemitism
karl Lueger an Austrian lawyer and politician who served as Mayor of Vienna
Theodor Herzl important figure in growth of Zionism, wrote The Jewish State, determined that the jews that want the state will have it, influenced by Dreyfus affair
british women's social and political union radical feminist group that did public stunts to call attention to their demands (full women citizenship)
Emmeline Pankhurst founded the British Women's Social and Political Union
Sergei Witte guided Russia through industrialization as the minister of finance, saw industrialization as crucial to Russia's national strength, encouraged tariffs and railroads
Peter Stolypin chief adviser of the tsar and his assassination set back many agrarian reforms
Three Emperor's Alliance an alliance between the German, Russian and Austro-Hungarian Empires, from 1873 to 1887. Chancellor Otto von Bismarck took full charge
Triple Alliance alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy, part of the start of world war l
Congress of Berlin 1878 diplomatic meeting of the major European powers at which the Treaty of Berlin replaced the Treaty of San Stefano, which had been signed by Russia and Turkey t the conclusion of the Russo-Turkish War of 1877–78, recognized lots of independences
First Balkan War The Balkan states' combined armies overcame the initially numerically inferior and strategically disadvantaged Ottoman armies, achieving rapid success
Second Balkan War conflict which broke out when Bulgaria, dissatisfied with its share of the spoils of the First Balkan War, attacked its former allies, pre WWI, Serbian and Greek armies repulsed the Bulgarian offensive and counter-attacked
quinine drug used to treat malaria
Moroccan Crises 1905, 1911 Moroccan Crises 1905, 1911
World War One fought from 1914-1918, led to major movement of european boundaries, style of warfare, power balance and set up for WWII, starteed with Russia and Austria playing tug of war with Serbia and alliances dragging everyone else in
alliance system WWI included the Triple Alliance (Austria-Hungary, Germany and Italy) and the Triple Entente (Russia, Britain and France), Russia wanted to support Serbia but Austria-Hungary was threatening their power so this became a flash point for WWI
total war new extensive warfare with WWI, including a home front where materials and jobs desperate, and global scale with many fronts and states involved
Paris Peace Conference the Allies gathered in paris to figure out the peace terms after WWI,5 treaties most important: Treaty of Versailles, League of Nations formed, Germany gets bitter Arab, Baltic states AustriaHungary lot o splitting up, big 3: US pres, France and Britain
Wilsonian idealism ideas of US pres Woodrow Wilson at the end of WWI about foreign policy, included his Fourteen points, self determination disarmnent and world cooperation were big
successor states (WWI) Austria Hungary broken up at end of WWI into many states included Czechoslovakia, Poland, and the Kingdom of Slovenes, Croats, Serbia ect
League of Nations principle adopted at Paris Peace Conference, various compromises made for the prevention of future wars, power deteriorated once details were made and US withdrew from european affairs and Britain followed leaving revengey France to handle germany
Treaty of Versailles the most important treaty at the Paris Peace Conference at the end of WWI, basically blamed Germany for everything and made them mad, Germany disarmed and had to pay a buncha money
War Guilt Clause clause in the treaty of Versailles that said Germany was responsible for WWI and must pay all the war costs and damages, made germany really bitter which let radical political leaders like Hitler come into power
Russian Revolution overthrowing of the tsarist regime in russia in WWI, Nicholas II leading poorly during the war and protests in March Revolution forced the tsarist collapse so the provisional government put up, later in fall the communist Bolsheviks took over the gov
Provisional Government (Russian Revolution) the government that was in place between the March Revolution and Bolshevik revolution in 1917 in russia, democratic but trying to ease gradually into communism
Bolshevik Revolution the second half of the Russian Revolution 1917, the Bolsheviks upended the provisional government by winning over people and forcing the tsars out for good, new communist regime in force right away
Russian Civil War new Bolshevik regime faced opposition and the Red Army won on multiple fronts and made it a single party dominated state
Lenin leader of Russian Bolsheviks, wrote April Theses explaining why communism could be immediate instead of gradual like provisional gov said, very influential in rise of communism and Russian Revolution
Communism radical political theory based off of marxism, everything is publicly owned, appealing after the disaster or WWI
Rosa Luxemburg Polish-German revolutionary socialist, Marxist philosopher and anti-war activist, appealed for democracy in russian revolution
Schlieffen Plan the plan by Germans to win WWI, spread forces out and swing them around through Belgium and France to hammer paris but the west flank wasnt strong enough and got stalled in trench warfare in France and lost momentum to swing around for russia
submarine (WWI) played a role in bringing US into WWI, german attempting to block British naval with subs but sank a british ship with americans on it, Lusitania
airplane (WWI) used to spot enemy positions, developing air attack in WWI, air control fights soon became important
poison gas introduced in WWI, gas masks were frequent accessories in trench warfare
tank (WWI) not huge for turning in WWI until the end when they were developed but excellent for pushing back lines coordinated attacks and rough terrain
machine guns (WWI) changed warfare of WWI, very violent, nests all around trenches and mounted to airplanes, very bloody war
Erich Maria Remarque german writer, wrote All Quiet on the Western Front to describe the stagnant way of trench warfare
Franz Ferdinand archduke of Austria, assasinated by the Black Hand (serbian terrorists) which triggered WWI because Austria went to war with Serbia and Germany offered to help in case Russia got mad at Austria for being involved
March Revolution with Nicholas II away at WWI, the people were angry but not patriotic bc that had been crushed, bread prices and rationing went up and women protested in the streets, joined by everyone, overthew tsars
Weimar Republic the democratic government in Germany between WWI and WWII, unstable with differing groups inside it, treaty of versailles denied any real power, ultimately collapsed due to hyperinflation with war reparations and inability to deal with them
isolationism a policy of remaining apart from the affairs or interests of other groups, especially the political affairs of other countries, USA attempting to stay neutral in European conflicts
Nazi Germany Nazis try to create unified Aryan state, administrative chaos with Hitler as only final decision maker, improving economy, SS terror and repression, women as Aryan child bearers, schools controlled, racial laws
Collaborationists cooperation with the enemy against one's country of citizenship in wartime, ex fascists in France in WWII
German New Order the political order that Nazi Germany wanted to impose on the areas of Europe that were conquered and therefore under its dominio
Holocaust deliberate systematic execution of Jews in Germany and areas under German control during WWII, death camps and SS officers
Mandate system basically the rest of Europe recolonized Germanys and the Ottoman empires territories and officially said it wasnt their fault
fascism politics emphasizing extreme nationalism, militarism, supremacy of both the nation and a single, powerful leader over the individual citizen, ex: Italy and Germany
propaganda helped drive nationalism and war in WWII, making their armies look great and try to recruit, also tried to make communism and other forms of government look bad
Benito Mussolini fascist leader of Italy used anti-communism anti strike nationalist and brute force to bring fascism to power, terrorist attacks, censorship and secret police and single minded community
Adolf Hitler led the Nazi Party, rooted in racism anti semitism and extreme german nationalism and anti-communism, led germany into WWII
Francisco Franco general leading the spanish military forces against the government in a bloody civil war, dictated Spain until death
spanish civil war gov unable to deal w social and economic tensions, military revolt interfered by Germany and Italy which led to dictatorship
authoritarianism more mild totalitarianism, less mass movement and more defense of existing order, limit participation and freedom for more passive obedience, lots of eastern europe after WWI
overproduction economic prices going down because of overproduction of something
1929 Stock Market Crash American stock market collapses causing the Great Depression, European dependence on American loans means Europe suffers as well when American europe investors pull our their money
Great Depression caused by dependence on American loans which collapsed after WWI, 1/4 unemployed, women got more jobs and unemployed men were bitter, attempts at gov to resolve fail which increases attractiveness of communism and facism
Soviet Bloc the group of socialist states under the influence of the Soviet Union ("independent" from USSR but dominated anyway), included Czechoslovakia/Hungary/Poland
totalitarianism a system of government that is centralized and dictatorial and requires complete conformity to the state, ex Italy and Germany
collectivization Under collectivization the peasantry were forced to give up their individual farms and join large collective farms (kolkhozy). The process was ultimately undertaken in conjunction with the campaign to industrialize the Soviet Union rapidly
Five-Year Plan by Stalin, a series of revolutionary economic reforms which transformed Russia from a peasant society into a power capable of resisting the might of Hitler's Germany.
gulags a system of labor camps maintained in the Soviet Union from 1930 to 1955 in which many people died, if you were a war prisoner you were considered tainted by western ideas and imprisoned upon returning home
Great Purge three widely publicized show trials and a series of closed, unpublicized trials held in the Soviet Union to solidify Stalin
John Maynard Keynes British economist, condemned traditional view that free economy depressions work themselves out, unemployment not from overproduction but from decline in demand and demand can be increased
popular front (france) formed in June 1936, coalition of the two French leftist parties, socialists and radicals, anti militarism anticlericalism and importance of education, started French New Deal for workers
Age of Anxiety overall mindset after brutality and bloodshed of WWI, world had changed a lot and people were reeling, "lost generation" of war veterans
Heisenburg German theoretical physicist and 1932 Nobel Prize winner, a main contributor to the German atomic program during WWII vs the Manhattan Project
Enrico Fermi Italian and later naturalized American physicist and the creator of the world's first nuclear reactor, the Chicago Pile-1. He has been called the "architect of the nuclear age" and the "architect of the atomic bomb"
Eugenics the scientifically erroneous and immoral theory of “racial improvement” and “planned breeding,” like social darwinism
Futurism an artistic movement begun in Italy in 1909 -1918 that violently rejected traditional forms so as to celebrate and incorporate into art the energy and dynamism of modern technology.
Dadaism art movement post WWI movement rejected reason, rationality, and order of the emerging capitalist society, instead favoring chaos, nonsense, and anti-bourgeois sentiment.
Surrealism movement in art and literature which sought to release the creative potential of the unconscious mind, for example by the irrational juxtaposition of images
James Joyce Irish novelist, poet, and literary critic. He contributed to the modernist avant-garde movement
Virginia Woolf an English writer. She is considered one of the most important modernist 20th-century authors and a pioneer in the use of stream of consciousness as a narrative device
New Economic Policy Russia/Lenin pulling russia back from economic depression by allowing SOME free trade and private ownership but big stuff was still government
Beer Hall Putsch Hitler's first attempt at throwing over the government with the Nazis, uprising in Munich but quickly crushed and Hitler imprisoned, led to a change in tactics (legal rise to power rather than force, become popular)
Bolshevik revolutionary socialist political theory regime by the formation of a centralized, cohesive disciplined social revolution, focused on overthrowing the existing capitalist state system for dictatorship
appeasement the belief that if European states satisfied the reasonable demands of dissatisfied states they would be cool and stability would happen without war (OK germany go ahead and rearm we dont want WWII aha ha ha ha), really inflated Hitler's ego
Blitzkrieg "Lightning Warfare", German WWII strategy that attempted to avoid trench warfare by depending on mechanized columns and massive air power to quickly cut across battle lines and circle enemy (tanks and planes key)
Neville Chamberlain prime minister of Britain in the late 1930s, strong advocate of appeasement, let Germany get away with a lot of stuff in order to avoid WWII
Munich Conference conference with Britain, France, Italy and Germany to settle Germany's demands for Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia, basically handed Germany the land and boosted Hitlers insane ego
Maginot Line a series of concrete and steel fortifications armed with heavy artillery on the border between France and Germany WWII, example of the west refusing to play the offensive
Vichy France (WWII) the remaining 2/5 of france not occupied by Germany in WWII, authoritarian regime by french WWI hero "Nazi puppet state"
Winston Churchill prime minister of Britain after Chamberlain's passive approach to Germany in WWII fails, very against Nazis and stronger war leader
Axis Powers Germany, Italy, Japan invading and being authoritarian and fascist during WWII
Hiroshima and Nagasaki the two cities in Japan that the Americans did the atomic bomb on unnecessarily towards the end of WWII out of fear invasion would bring too much casualties on the american troops, Japan surrendered and WWII was over
Ayran people considered racially akin to Germans, part of Hitler's plan for there to be "a master race", important in Nazi Empire, people who were aryans were treated SIGNIFICANTLY better than other races or ethnicities
Gestapo secret german police that crushed most Communist resistance groups during Nazi Germany
Holocaust deliberate systematic execution of Jews in Germany and areas under German control during WWII, death camps and SS officers
Final Solution the supposed final solution for the jewish parasites on the aryan race was the annihilation of jewish people (holocaust)
Yalta Conference conference towards the end of WWII where Russia, Britain and USA met to agree on helping states be self determined and create the United Nations
Potsdam Conference conference towards the end of WWII with the Allies, basically Russia and the USA fighting the whole time, Russia wanted military security by keeping the states around it soviet but USA wanted free elections for all europe
Remilitarization of the Rhineland Hitler tested bounadries of Treaty of Versailles by sending troops into Rhineland, French had right to fight but wouldnt without britain and britain, eager to avoid another war, said germany was within reasonable limits, Hitler earns more popular support
Italian invasion of Ethiopia Fascist Italy attempts imperialism and finds ally in Germany when Britain and France reject Mussolini's actions
Annexation of Austria Hitler annexed austria through manipulating politics, France and Britain do nothing, improved Germany's strategic position to prepare for Czechozlovakia and further inflated Hitlers ego
Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact non-aggression pact, WWII, two former enemies agree to no military action against eachother, hitler eventually betrayed by attacking russia, meant to prevent Germany from fighting West AND east but hitler grew paranoid abt russia
Nuremberg Laws antisemitic and racist laws that were enacted in Nazi Germany, basically removed jewish citizenship
Wannsee Conference the meeting where Nazi leaders decided how best to execute the Final Solution and the Holocaust plan
Auschwitz the largest and most famous holocaust death camp, fit were worked to death and unfit were immediately killed (70%)
Einsatzgruppen special german strike forces part of the SS that were created to round up all the jews and put them in ghettos, later turned to mobile killing units "death squads"
Dwight D eisenhower the American general that led the Allies to take back france in WWII, the axis had been led that the allies were going to attack northern france but they actually attacked Normandy, president during cold war advocated more nukes
Iron Curtain the sides of the cold war dividing Europe and Germany into two hostile camps, east vs west, communism vs capitalism
Battle of Stalingrad turning point of WWII, Germany vs Soviets, very bloody battle, German surrender with loss of entire Sixth Army
Heinrich Heimler leader of German SS officers, antisemitism that carried out hitler's orders and came up with new strategies
siege of leningrad The siege of Leningrad was a prolonged military blockade undertaken by the Axis powers against the Soviet city of Leningrad on the Eastern Front of World War II
Truman Doctrine during the cold war the US said they would provide financial aid for any country threatened by communism, happened bc Britain drew out of helping the mediterranean with their civil wars and stuff so there was nothing to stop soviet expansion over there
Marshall Plan intended to help rebuild Europe post WWII, provided $13billion for economic recovery, did not include soviet union which helped divide europe even more, aimed for US loyal states
containment policy American policy during the Cold War that advocated the containment of communism and the soviet union
Berlin Airlift required to bring supplies into East Germany from West germany because of the berlin barricade that the Soviets had put up
NATO The North Atlantic Treaty Organization formed during the Cold war because of fear of Soviet nuclear war, included much of Western Europe, the USA and Canada
COMECON the East European economic contract, formed during the cold war because of fear of nuclear war, included Soviet Union and its puppet states, Council for Mutual Economic Assitance, eventually led to Warsaw Pact
Warsaw Pact the pact that formed a formal military alliance between several members of COMECON (Russia and its puppet states)
decolonization almost every state was given independence from its self determination post WWII, colonial powers no longer had the money or energy and they were being called hypocrites
Suez Canal Crisis he Egyptian Government seized control of the Suez Canal from the British and French owned company that managed it, israel gave in to UN pressure, first use of UN peacekeeping forces
Sputnik the first space satellite launched by the Soviets in the Cold War, increased tensions and competition
Hungarian Uprising 1956 hungary tries to leave the Soviet Union's influence during the Cold War but Soviet Union sends troops in, alarming the Western side of the Cold War
Welfare state Britain's recovery after WWII led to this modern set of reforms, nationalized bank, industries, public utilities and National Insurance and Health Service Acts, brought healthcare and social security
socialized medicine new health act in Britain's new welfare state that required health workers to work with state hospitals for health insurance for citizens
European Economic Community (common market) created to help promote european unity after WWII, eliminated custom barriers and created large free trade area, encouraged cooperation and standardization, huge economic help
consumer society as people shifted from rural to urban societies and wages increased, even more people were middle class and working class was able to buy stuff too so everyone was buying stuff
abstract expressionism really really abstract art, expressing emotions through raw color and movement, chaos and abstract but not creepy like Dadaism
existensialism philosophical theory, the absence of god in the universe meant there was no future destiny or hope, divorce between a man and his life, , the only hope is from THEMSELVES and uniqueness and values, just PEOPLE being involved in life and creating themself
Second Vatican Council (Vatican II) religious council at the Vatican where the catholic pop sparked a dramatic revival for Catholicism after WWII
Americanization the process of popular culture such as movies, music and tv from america to other countries, particularly strong during Cold War
denazification after WWII the allied policy of rooting out any traces of Nazism in German society by trying Nazis for war crimes and keeping them out of political office
West Germany/East Germany West Germany was combo of France, British and American german zones and East Germany was Soviet, barricades and airlift supplies to east germany increased tensions in Cold War
Korean War after Soviets and US divided Korea after Japan surrendered WWII the soviets tried to invade South Korea, the UN kept them out and started to invade but the Chinese didnt want USA on their borders so intervened and pushed UN back, ended in stalemate
Mao Zedong chinese communism leader who intervened in Korean war during the Cold War
Ho Chi Minh leader of the Indochinese communist party that took over Vietnam
"First" Vietnam War the Indochinese Communist party (Vietminh Front) took over vietnam and tried to force the French out but the cold war came in when the USA and China intervened as well
Nikita Khruschev leader of the USSR after Stalin, considerably more lenient, did a kind of de-stalinization
Cuban Missile Crisis USA attempted to invade new communist cuba but failed and soviets try to put nukes on Cuba but US blockades Cuba, THIS CLOSE to WWIII nuclear but Kennedy agreed to not invade Cuba in exchange for no nukes on Cuba
Fidel Castro helped overthrow cuban dictatorship and became Cuban communist totalitarian leader that was soviet supported, made US anxious in cold war to have commies that close
Charles de Gaulle important political leader in France during WWII and Cold War, dominated France with inflated presidential power and wanted to get in on the nukes, impopular and not super successful
Tito leader of anti-soviet communist Yugoslav during the Cold War, raised Yugoslav nationalism against Russia
Konrad Adenauer guided west germany back to prosperity, rearmed and reconciled and confronted Nazi past and economic growth and peacefully resigned
pop art art conveying elements of popular culture
birth control (1960s) the development of the birth control pill led to a further decline in birthrate
Jean-Paul Sartre existentialist philosopher
Germany's post WWII punishments much less severe than after WWI, they were divided into zones between the Allies and France and had to be denazified
permissive society society changing in the aftermath of WWII to allow more freedoms and less moral laws and society changed manners and morals a lot (porn sold, prostitutes legalized and sec education spread, drugss) basically hippie culture
LSD part of the 1960s new drug culture, especially used among young people to have "higher levels of consciousness", used in psychedelic research
feminism women's liberation movement, political and legal equality but also economic and family equality
NOW National Organization for Women, founded by Betty Frieden in the 1960s, helped guarantee equal rights for women in amendments in the US constitution and grow the feminist movement
Brezhnev Doctrine the right of the Soviet Union to intervene if socialism was threatened in another socialist state
détente relaxed atmosphere during the cold war by the 1970s, reduction of tensions
KGB secret police of Soviet Union
Mikhail Gorbachev began a new era in the Soviet Union, came into power in a time of declining economy and quality of life and
Lech Walesa led the Solidarity movement in Poland, an independent labor movement while Poland was under Soviet Unions control, eventually was arrested and union was crushed
Alexander Dubcek led communist Czechoslovakia towards reforms after Stalin's puppet leader was forced to resign, more freedoms, "communism with a human face" but went too far (tried to leave soviet bloc) and Czechoslovakia was crushed
Stasi secret East Germany police, used for repression and helped Honecker rule with an iron fist
Margaret Thatcher first woman to serve as British prime minister, member of the Conservative party who pledged to help with Britains social, economic and financial issues it had been facing, called the "Iron Lady", lessened social welfare slightly but improved economy
Eurocommunism Italian communists in the 1980s advocated, basically an attempt to broaden communism's support by dropping the Marxist part
Ronald Reagan instigated a lot of new policies as USA president, helped with stagflation by doing new economic stuff by cutting back on welfare state things, resulted in a new financial system but the spending was unstable
Vietnam War (second vietnam war 1954-1975) diem(south vietnam gov) couldnt keep south commies under control (vietcong) so US military coop put military gov (which sucked) in charge but north vietnam got to powerful , US went to war against NV to prevent commies (didnt work antiwar protests)
domino theory American policy makers believed that if communists succeeded in Vietnam all the other countries in asia would fall to communism and the domino effect, despite vietnam commie success this failed
SDI (nicknamed star wars) strategic defense initiative, plan to prevent USSR missiles by building a space shield lol
Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster in the 1970s in Ukraine, made europeans more aware of the bad affects of science on the globe
Postmodernism ways of thinking, art and styles since the 1970s that say that objective truth doesn't exist and focuses on the relative nature of reality and knowledge, knowledge is made of many factors that must always be retested
post culturalism/deconstruction the belief that culture is created and can therefore be analyzed in a variety of ways according to the manner in which people create their own meaning, meaning is not inherent but subjective and created, no fixed truth or universal meaning
punk rock movement in the 1970s in music, fueled by economic crises that appealed to new numbers of unemployed, rejecting structure and promoting anarchy, eventually rejected even music and got too weird
MTV video music channel introduced in the 1980s, made image just as important as sound in selling records, artists could treat the music video as an art form (Michael Jackson)
Betty Friedan wrote "The Feminine Mystique" on how middle class American women were being denied equality with men, founded National Organization for Women and called women to feminism
Leonid Brezhnev leader of the soviet union during the 1960s-80s, made the Breschev Doctrine, relatively calm rule but he didnt want to reform, he was all about "no experimentation"
Yuri Andropov leader of Soviet Union after the Brezhnev era, former head of the KGB and wanted to make reforms but was too poor health
Erich Honecker leader of East Germany for awhile, favored use of secret police and ruled with an iron fist, did lots of repression
Nicolae Ceausescu leader of communist Romania, rigid and dictatorial regime, used lots of secret police
Willy Brandt chancellor of the Social Democrat party in West German,y, known for his "opening to the east", received a nobel peace prize for it, helped establish neighborly relations with east germany, had to resign bc of east germany spy caught in his advisors
Helmut Schmidt leader of West Germany after Willy Brandt, more economically than socially minded, concentrated on economic problems and was successful
Helmut Kohl head of Free Democrat/Christian Democratic West Germany government after Helmut Schmidt
Francois Mitterrand leader of France during the 1980s, tried to deal with France's economic difficulties but his socialist policies largely failed
stagflation economic stagnations, an economic problem
Red Guards revolutionary units composed of unhappy communists and discontented young people who were urged to take to the streets to cleanse chinese society of impure elements guilty of taking the capitalist road
Green Party growing ecological concerns in the 1970s led to movements against nuclear plants, pollution and also included political protests like womens rights and foreign workers
Walter Ulbricht leader of East Germany before Honecker, less dictatorial than honecker, signed agreement treaty with east germany for neighborly conduct
perestroika the cornerstone of Gorbachev's reforms for the soviet union, "restructuring" meant reordering of economic policy at first but then incorporated more social and political things like glasnost
glasnost part of USSR perestroika reforms, "openness", soviet officials were encouraged to openly talk about the strengths and weaknesses of the USSR, mistakes were acknowledged
vladimir putin president of Russia, recentrilized and recensored while doing a few reforms
solidarity the new government in Poland after the communist government collapsed, formed from the previous Solidarity group that had uprisen before led by Lech Walesa
Yugoslav Civil War the state of Yugoslav collapsed because the rushed combination of many ethnicities into one state after WWI had too many competing powers going on, negotiations failed and the Bosnian and Kosovo wars eventually resulted in 6 independent nations
Bosnian war/siege of sarajevo a war during the process of the breakup of Yugoslavia, the Serbs invaded Bosnian land, ethnic cleansing ,intervened halfheartedly by NATO, bombings, resolved with splitting bosnia between Muslims-Coats and Serbian republic
Kosovo War a war during the process of the breakup of Yugoslavia, Labinian Kosovo with Serbian minority comes to power and strips Kosovo of power and anti Albanian laws set in place, NATO forces Yugoslav government to release Kosovo
german reunification (post WWII) pressure from millions of protesters in the streets and failing economy and refugees flooding out led to east germany opening border between west germany and politics eventually played out into a reunification
European Union used to be the European Community but changed to EU in 1999, resulted in the opening of borders and a common currency, also strived for peaceful solutions instead of war
Persian Gulf War Iraq invaded Kuwait and the US intervened, increased anti-West and anti-US feelings and presence of troops in their territory stoked terrorist groups
Munich Olympics Terror Attacks terrorist attacks in 1972 where Palestinian kidnapped and killed Israeli athletes at the olympics, example of how new media spreading also increased spread of terror
Irish Republican Army (IRA) irish terrorist group that resorted to vicious attacks against the ruling government and innocent civilians in Northern Ireland, wished to create a separatist state
ISIL (ISIS) Islamic terrorist groups merging together, took control of territory in Syria (islamic state of Iraq), competes with al Qaeda for dominant organization in jihadist movement (struggle against enemies of islam aka US and West), HUGE group with HUGE deaths
Migration crisis (late 20th century) millions of foreign immigrants, refugees and guest workers are needed economically due to low birthrates but unwelcome socially or politically, lots of anti foreign policies edited
Pope John Paul II Pope in the end of the 1900s, reasserted traditional catholic teaching but strengthened the church overall by traveling to non-western world, strong believer in social justice
Pope Francis I called for people's action to reverse climate change, posed the question of climate change as a moral dilemma in the 2000s
multiculturalism the process of art becoming more diverse and getting into the politics of identity because of global migration, complex ethnicities and nationalities, sexual identities and more
Boris Yeltsin elected president of the Russian Republic in 1991, led them through the post USSR and tried reforms and new economics but country was still fragile and struggled
Slobodan Milosevic former Serbian president during the fall of Yugoslavia, tried to repress Albanian kosovos in the war in Kosovo
Tony Blair Prime minister of the UK in the late 20th century, brought new vigor with his youth, prominent leader in forming coalition to help US fight war against terrorism
Jacques Chirac french president in the late 20th century, worked with anti-foreign policies
Nicolas Sarkozy president of France in the early 21st century, tried to fix economy with tax cuts favoring wealthy and changing a lot of policies, very unpopular and unsuccessful
Francois Hollande president of France elected in 2012, attempted to fix economy but was more popular with the way he handled the terrorist attacks in paris of 2015
Silvio Berlusconi dominator of Italian politics during the end of the 20th century and early 2000s, became a politician mainly to protect his own business interests
Barack Obama president of the US, helped bring out of economic trouble and continue the war on terrorism
global economy the production, distribution and sale of goods is on a worldwide scale
multinational/transnational corporations a company that has division in two or more countries, super corporation dominate much of the worlds investment technology and markets
Created by: johnssyd007
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