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EOC World Studies

Minoans first European civilization, established on Greek island of Crete
Bull leaping Minoan rite of passage
Hoplite Greek foot soldiers
Phalanx Rectangular battle formation
Persian Wars battles between Greece and Persia, established Greece as a powerful area
Battle of Thermopylae Battle won by Persians in mountain pass
Battle of Salamis naval battle won by Greeks
Battle of marathon key battle won by Greeks
Democracy made in Athens; adult males could vote
Athens democratic, artistic, varied education, strong navy, few rights for women
Sparta militaristic, little education, strong army, greater rights for women
Peloponnessian war battles between Greek city-states won by Sparta, but weakened entire area
Alexander the Great Macedonian king who conquered and most of known world, spread Greek culture
Founding of Rome Founded by Romulus and Remus on April 21, 753 BCE
Consul 2 executive leaders of Roman Republic; served for 1 year
Veto means "I forbid" and could stop passage of laws
Forum Roman marketplace
Punic Wars 3 wars fought between Carthage and Rome
Julius Caesar general who conquered Gaul and Egypt, asked to be voted dictator for life, killed by senate
Augustus first emperor of Rome, defeated Marc Antony, once called Octavian, ruled for over 40 years
Jesus Christ born and lived in Roman province of Judea
Pontius Pilate ordered Jesus to be crucified
Constantine first Christian emperor of Rome
Rise of Christianity Christian message had much to offer in Roman world; Christianity was similar to other religions, Christianity filled human need to belong
Fall of Roman Empire spread of Christianity, lead poisoning, plague, poor leadership
Barbarians foreign tribes
Feudalism system of protection for services in response to threat of barbarians
Castles first castles were called motte and bailey, walls could be 20 ft at base, stopped being made after gunpowder was invented, first built in 9-10th century
Knights Armor weighed up to 90 pounds, lived by code known as chivalry
Chivalry Code knights lived by (humility, courage, gratitude, justice, etc.)
Guilds groups of craftsmen that formed to promote their economic interests with certain rules (no sharing secrets, no advertising, etc.)
Pilgrimages walking to a holy site to be forgiven for your sins
Crusades religious wars to recapture holy lands
Black Plague European epidemic mid 1300's
Humanism belief that all humans have self-worth and can enjoy life
Ferdinand Magellan crew first circumnavigated the globe
Bartolomeu Dias sailed around Cape of Good Hope
Francis Drake first English sailor to circumnavigate the globe
Christopher Columbus discovered the "New World"
Circumnavigation to completely sail around the globe
Advances in art chiaroscuro (contrasting light and dark), stfumato (blending for depth), and foreshortening (unique perspective)
Leonardo da Vinci artist, scientist, and inventor that painted Mona Lisa and Last Supper
Protestant Reformation events where different groups broke away from the church and formed their own Christian religions
Sale of indulgences when the Catholic Church would forgive your sins for money
Theocracy government run by a religious group
Henry VIII English king that broke away from the Catholic Church because they wouldn't grant him a divorce
Martin Luther German monk that questioned the Catholic Church and made the 95 theses
Absolutism belief that a monarch had complete and absolute power
Divine right of kings belief that a monarch was chosen by god and answers only to him
Causes of the French Revolution France was in debt, commoners did not have enough rights, people were not happy with the direction the country was going
1st estate clergy, 1% of population, owned 10% of land, paid little taxes
2nd estate nobility, 3% of population, owed 80% of land, paid no taxes
3rd estate commoners, 96% of population owed 10% of land (bourgeois, city workers, peasants)
Estates-general meeting called by Louis XVI to solve France's financial crisis; began on May 5, 1789
Louis XVI married Marie-Antoinette, 4 children, weak ruler who believed in absolutism, king when French Monarchy ended
Marie-Antoinette wife of Louis XVI, came from Australia, uncontrollable spending, not well-liked by French
Storming of the Bastille mob of workers who torn down a French prison looking for weapons to defend themselves against king's army; July 14, 1789
Great Fear July 20-August 5 1789; peasants believed there was a plot to starve them; attacked churches and nobility in France
Versailles palace outside of Paris
Reign of Terror September 15-July 28 1794; time when people who were thought to be against the revolution were arrested and executed
Guillotine execution device used during Reign of Terror, known as National Razor
Napoleon Bonaparte successful French military leader that was exiled twice
Created by: lukepfiester
Popular European History sets




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