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Hackers Voca 3

Day 1
apt inclined, prone, disposed
apt proper, appropriate, suitable
astonish surprise, astound, shock, startle, daze
chronic habitual, confirmed, inveterate
dirty foul, unclean, filthy
domain region, area, territory
domain sphere, field
enthusiastic ardent, zealous, passionate
extend go, run, range, outspread, stretch
extend expand, enlarge, lengthen
feat achievement, accomplishment, exploit
fulfill execute, accomplish, achieve
fulfill satisfy, appease
heavy ponderous, weighty, burdensome
immerse submerge, dip, submerse
incompatible inconsistent, incongruous, inharmonious
intrigue attract, interest
intrigue plot, conspire
large huge, enormous, sizable
large pretentious, boastful
magnitude extent, degree, measure
magnitude volume, size, amplitude
maintain affirm, contend, claim
maintain sustain, preserve, keep
outbreak epidemic, plague
outbreak eruption, explosion, burst
proclaim announce, declare, promulgate
quiver shiver, tremble, quake
reckon count, compute, calculate
reckon consider, regard, deem
release free, liberate, loose
release emit, vent, give off
release loose, untie, unfasten
relief aid, assistance, support
relief alleviation, ease
reproduce copy, duplicate, imitate
speculative theoretical, abstract
speculative thoughtful, reflective, meditative
stimulate prompt, activate, inspire
subordinate inferior, subject, dependent
torrential wild, violent
Day 2
access approach
address residence, abode
address speech, lecture, discourse
assume undertake
assume pretend, affect
attain reach
attain achieve, acquire, procure
boast brag, swagger
capacity magnitude, dimensions
capacity ability
celebrity a famous person, hero, notable
comply consent, conform, accede
decline refuse, reject
decline fall, descend, weaken, deteriorate
desert abandon, forsake
digest imbibe, assimilate, absorb
dwell reside, live, inhabit, abide
fashion create, produce, make
fashion fit, adjust, suit
fear dread, fright, terror
grateful appreciative, thankful, obliged
hallmark feature, a distinguishing trait
ideal perfect, model, exemplary
ideal abstract, theoretical, hypothetical
laborious difficult, demanding, arduous
laborious diligent, industrious
linger remain, stay, tarry
linger lag, procrastinate, loiter, drag, delay
loathe abhor, abominate, detest, hate
misgiving apprehension, doubt, suspicion, distrust
novel new, fresh, inventive, rare, strange
observe perceive, notice, watch
observe conform, follow, comply
plentiful abundant, wealthy, rich
preoccupied engrossed, absorbed
property possession, asset, estate
property quality, character, characteristic, feature
ration assignment, allotment, allocation, apportionment
relation connection, relationship, association, alliance
ridiculous funny, absurd, comical
sanguinary bloody, bloodthirsty, cruel, ruthless
Day 3
afford provide, give, grant
announce proclaim, publish, declare
chance probability, likelihood, opportunity
current prevailing, prevalent, popular, common
engage promise, contract, pledge
engage reserve, book
engage hire, employ
esteem respect, prize, value
evidence proof, sign
fertile productive, fecund, fruitful
generate produce
haughty proud, arrogant
innate inborn, natural
invaluable priceless, precious
likely probable, possible
maxim saying, principle, proverb
object protest, remonstrate
outstanding remarkable, prominent, eminent, striking, conspicuous
patron protector, supporter, advocate
peril risk, jeopardy, hazard, danger
predominate outweigh, prevail, surpass, dominate
pretense pretext, excuse
previous prior, earlier, former, preceding
prime primary
primitive primeval, uncivilized, savage
procedure proceeding, course, process
proposition suggestion, proposal
quick prompt, rapid, swift, fleet, hasty
reinforce strengthen, intensify
shield protect, defend, safeguard, guard
solitary isolated, lonely
stimulus incentive, incitement, provocation, stimulation, stimulant
taboo prohibition
thrive prosper, flourish
tide stream, current
stick cling, adhere, cleave, hold, cohere
stir agitate, provoke, stimulate, excite
vain useless, fruitless, unsuccessful
wound injure, hurt
view prospect, outlook, opinion
view consider, see, regard
a wide range of a wide variety of
Day 4
achieve accomplish, effect, perform
applause acclamation, acclaim
assent accede, consent
attribute ascribe, impute, refer
attribute quality, character
brisk active, lively, energetic
confess admit, acknowledge, own, avow
descent falling, descending
descent origin
disseminate spread, scatter, disperse
exact accurate, correct, precise
fervent ardent, earnest, passionate
fine slight, subtle, delicate, refined
greet salute, accost
habituate familiarize, accustom
harbor room, accommodate, board
harbor cherish
incidental accidental, casual, contingent
initiate begin, originate, commence, inaugurate
manager administrator, executive, director
mass collection, aggregation, accumulation, pile
old ancient, antique, aged
opponent adversary, enemy, foe, antagonist, contestant
pacify calm, tranquilize, assuage
partisan adherent, supporter, disciple
period time, era, epoch, age
proceed advance, progress
procure obtain, gain, secure, acquire
profusion plenty, abundance, bounty
real factual, authentic, genuine
reproach admonish, blame, rebuke
responsible charged, liable, accountable, answerable
sharp keen, pointed
sharp sudden, abrupt, acute
sour tart, acid
supplement add to
suspend defer, postpone, delay
suspend stop, cease, arrest
tailored adapted
torment afflict, abuse, bully
trial attempt, effort
Day 5
abreast alongside
affectation airs, pretense
ally affiliate, associate, confederate
anonymous unnamed, unsigned
anticipate assume, foresee, forecast
archaic ancient, antiquated, antique
aspect appearance, look, countenance
ban forbid, inhibit, prohibit
behavior conduct
ceaseless constant, uninterrupted, eternal
change transform, vary, alter, turn
cut sever, divide, chop
disturbance agitation, disorder, confusion, shattering
enrage anger, aggravate
enterprising energetic, ambitious, adventurous
entice allure, tempt, seduce
equivocally ambiguously
exterminate extirpate, annihilate, eradicate
frightful horrible, dreadful, fearful, awful
harmony agreement, concord, unity
improve enhance, refine, ameliorate, better
league alliance, confederation, union
mild moderate, temperate
nearly almost, approximately
outrage anger, aggravate, offend
permit let, allow
radical fundamental, basic
radical extreme, drastic, revolutionary
reference allusion, mention
separate divide, part, sever, disunite, split
sparse scanty, meager
stranger alien, foreigner
support assist, back, advocate
tangible concrete, real, substantial
tolerate endure, stand, bear
train aim, head
unambiguous clear, distinct, definite
virtually in fact, practically
virtually nearly
wary alert, careful, cautious
wealth abundance, profusion
Day 6
agile quick, light, nimble
ample large, spacious, vast
arbitrarily randomly
bright radiant, glowing, brilliant
brightness radiance
competent qualified, capable, proficient
conjure recall
conjure implore
contemptible mean, abject, base
durable lasting, enduring, constant
dwarf pygmy
extinct vanished, defunct
fabricate make, build, construct, concoct
foster rear, breed, nourish, raise, promote
fury rage, anger, wrath
grudge malice, spite, malevolence
harm damage, mischief, detriment
innocent sinless, blameless, guiltless
impute attribute, ascribe, refer
leave depart
lift raise, elevate, uplift
literally really, actually
moderate reasonable, temperate, mild
prolong lengthen, extend, protract
purge purify, cleanse, clear
reasonable rational, logical, sensible
refined purified, clarified, distilled
reprove rebuke, reproach, admonish
resilient rebounding, elastic
revolt rebel, mutiny
scarce limited, rare, deficient, insufficient
scope range, extent, space
shabby ragged, beggarly, poor
short-lived lasting for only short period
substantial strong, sturdy, solid
substantial noticeable, considerable, important
vacant empty, void, unoccupied
villain rascal, scoundrel
wander ramble, rove, roam
zone area, region
Day 7
abolish annul, nullify, revoke
acknowledge confess, own, admit
adversary antagonist, enemy, foe
aesthetic artistic
affect influence, impact
affect pretend, feign, assume
apprehension anxiety, misgiving
aptitude aptness, fitness, suitability
assail assault, attack
attachment affection
bear carry, transport, convey
bear yield, provide, produce
bother annoy, trouble, disturb
declare announce, proclaim
dispute argue, debate
dubious arguable, doubtful
expect anticipate, await
faculty ability, capacity, aptitude
field area
guiltless sinless, blameless, innocent
influx arrival, incoming
inquire ask, query
lure seduce, allure, decoy
mount ascend, climb, scale
murder assassination
outstrip surpass, outrun, excel
pertinent relevant, germane, applicable
presume assume, suppose
proud arrogant, haughty, overbearing
refer attribute, ascribe, impute
roughly approximately, nearly
semblance appearance
semblance analogy, similarity, likeness
sophisticated complex, complicated
stage level, phase, period
talent aptitude, capability, faculty, gift, ability
terrible dreadful, awful, frightful
tiny little, minuscule, small
tyrannical despotic, oppressive, arbitrary
verge brink, rim, margin, border, edge
zealous enthusiastic, eager, passionate
Day 8
acquaintance associate, companion
acquire secure, gain, earn
affection attachment, amity, love
agree assent, accede, concede
alert attentive, vigilant, wary
alliance association, coalition, union
amplify enlarge, expand, magnify
ardor eagerness, zeal, passion
ascribe attribute, impute, refer
authorize empower
authorize allow, permit
collect assemble, amass, aggregate
compensate atone, offset
confirm assure, verify
effective efficacious, efficient, effectual
embarrass confuse, perplex
empower authorize, warrant, permit, enable
gathering assembly, convocation, congregation
gracious benign, courteous, polite
greedy avaricious, desirous, covetous
increase augment, enlarge, escalate
loom emerge, appear, take shape
painstaking assiduous, diligent
passionate zealous, enthusiastic, earnest
perplex confuse, puzzle
pleasing attractive, agreeable
primary fundamental, elementary, basic
proper fit, suitable, adapted
retaliate avenge, revenge
serve suit, suffice, answer
shrewd astute, keen, acute, clever
soften soothe, alleviate, ease
stand endure, bear, tolerate
strive try, endeavor, struggle
supply furnish, provide, replenish
suppose assume, presume
surprise amaze, astound, startle, astonish
treat serve, handle, deal(with)
undertake assume
zenith apex, peak, tip
Day 9
abandon relinquish, leave, desert
antidote remedy
conspicuous obvious, prominent, manifest, apparent
cure remedy, heal
discern perceive, discriminate, distinguish
dorsal relating to on the back of
eliminate remove
fuse melt, dissolve
hinterland region
inaccurate incorrect, erroneous
kinship family relationship
liberate release, free, deliver
lower reduce, decrease, diminish
mirror reflect, repeat
mutual reciprocal
orderly regular, systematic, methodical
patch mend, repair, fix
protest remonstrate, complain, object
rash reckless, heedless, indiscreet
recall recollect, remember
recite rehearse
regain recover, retrieve
rehearse recite, practice
remembrance recollection, reminiscence, memory
renew regenerate, renovate
repent regret, atone
resign relinquish, abandon, forsake
secrete release, discharge
soothe relieve, allay, mitigate
stay remain, reside, sojourn
surplus remainder
tear rend, rip, sever
trustworthy reliable, true, credible
umpire referee, arbiter, judge
unrelenting relentless, implacable, inexorable
wonderful marvelous, remarkable, awesome
swear avow, vow, promise
transform convert, change, alter
warp bend, deform, twist
variety diversity
variety type, species, sort
Day 10
advantage benefit, profit, behalf
barrier bar, obstruction, barricade, obstacle
beg entreat, implore, beseech
betray be unfaithful to, be a traitor to
bind tie, band, bond, fasten
brute beast, animal
circumvent avoid, bypass, go around
clumsy awkward, unskillful
commence begin, start, originate
conduct behavior, demeanor, bearing, manner
conscious aware
credit belief, trust, confidence
cruel barbarous, ferocious
desolate barren, ravaged
donation gift, contribution, offering
exchange barter, interchange, swap
foundation basis, base, ground
fundamental basic, essential, primary
gang band, clique
good-will benevolence, favor, kindness
greed avidity, avarice, covetousness
hatred aversion, hate, detestation
justify prove, confirm, verify
lament deplore, grieve, mourn, bemoan
microorganism microbe, bacterium
moody gloomy, sullen
origin beginning, source
predict foretell, prophesy, foresee
progress improvement, advance, development
scoop gather, lift, pick up
score gain, win
shine beam, glare
shy bashful, reserved, coy, timid
skilled skillful, adept, expert, proficient
stem base, root
stem stop, dam, obstruct
stem derive, proceed, originate
subdue conquer, defeat, suppress
subsidize back, finance, fund
sustain support, bear, uphold
unanimity accord, agreement
Day 11
attribute quality, character
bravery boldness, courage, daring
captivity bondage, confinement
clasp grasp, grip, clutch
cohesion bond, adhesion, adherence
coincide exist at the same time, happen at the same time
coincide agree, concur
condemn blame, censure, reprobate
considerable significant, substantial
considerable big, sizable, large
corpse body
crop harvest, yield
defect blemish, flaw, fault, shortcoming
defection betrayal, apostasy
deplore grieve, lament, mourn
deprive strip
dull boring, tedious, uninteresting
flame blaze, fire
flock group, multitude, bevy
generous bountiful, unselfish, charitable
grant bestow, confer, award
heroic brave, courageous, gallant
intermediate between extremes, middle, halfway
intolerant impatient, bigoted, prejudiced, biased
kind benign, humane, compassionate
limit bound, boundary
margin border, edge, rim
mischief harm, injury, damage
mix blend, mingle, compound
moreover in addition, besides, furthermore
necessary essential, indispensable, vital
obstruct block, bar, hinder
paralyze benumb
partial biased, prejudiced, unfair
petition supplicate, beg, solicit
prejudice bias, partiality
premium bonus, gift, reward
reform amend, improve, ameliorate
rigid stiff, hard, inflexible
rigid strict, severe, rigorous
risk hazard, danger, venture
Day 12
blame incriminate, reproach, censure, condemn
command order, bid, instruct
comprehend understand, grasp, perceive
creditable reputable, honorable
decided resolute, determined, final
displace supplant, replace, remove
enclose surround, circle, encompass
entail require, impose
excel surpass, outdo, exceed
genre kind, type, style
illustrate represent
indignation resentment, wrath, anger
inhibit hinder, restrain, prohibit, forbid
involve include, entail
lease rent, hire, charter
liable responsible, answerable, accountable
limited confined, restricted
mend repair, fix
mingle mix, blend
obligation requirement, duty, responsibility
obligate require, compel, force
offer present, proffer, tender
occupation job, calling, vocation
oppose resist, object
outcome result, consequence
pause rest, break, halt
quake tremble, shiver, quiver
reactionary repulsive
render represent
render afford, give
renown fame, repute, distinction
repel drive away, repulse, parry
restore renew, renovate, repair
save rescue, salvage
savor taste, flavor
spare save, economize
spare give, grant, offer
stimulating restorative, refreshing, energizing
typify represent, embody, symbolize
wholesale extensive, indiscriminate
zeal passion, enthusiasm, ardor
Day 13
admire esteem, revere
adversity calamity, catastrophe, misfortune
careless heedless, reckless, indiscreet
cheat deceive, trick, delude
composed calm, tranquil
conceal hide, cover, bury
conciseness brevity
deliberate careful, thoughtful, cautious
glow shine, radiate, beam
hiatus break, interruption, gap
incinerate burn
indignity humiliation, insult, scorn
light-hearted carefree, gay, joyful, merry
load burden
luster sheen, brightness, brilliance, radiance
massive huge, bulky, large, immense
occupy capture, seize
placid calm, peaceful, tranquil
polish brighten, shine, gloss
prove verify, substantiate, confirm
purchase buy, procure
restful peaceful, undisturbed, pacific
restrict limit, confine, restrain
rupture breach, burst
scrutiny examination, investigation, inspection
self-evident evident, obvious, clear
shameless impudent, insolent, unashamed
shatter break, smash
shock jolt, startle
significant important, substantial, remarkable, consequential, momentous
sincere earnest, genuine, true
slaughter massacre, butcher, kill
strife conflict, struggle, fight
summon convene, convoke, bid
sweeping broad, comprehensive, wholesale
tall high, elevated, lofty
tremendous huge, gigantic, colossal
vivid bright, pictorial, realistic, lifelike
vocation job, occupation, employment
whim caprice, whimsy
Day 14
accidental contingent, casual, unexpected, unintentional
adorn decorate, beautify, ornament
captivate enthrall, enchant, fascinate
coax cajole, persuade
claim demand, request, require
commemorate celebrate
confident certain, convinced
defy challenge, brave
delicacy sensitivity, frailty
disadvantage harm, damage, injury
famous celebrated, well-known, distinguished
feast celebration, anniversary, ceremony
freight cargo, shipment, load
gather collect, aggregate, assemble
generosity charity, bountifulness
glad delighted, elated
grand imposing, stately, august
hearten encourage, inspire, cheer
hub center
humid damp, moist
incarcerate imprison, confine
incised carved
incommode disturb, trouble
joyless cheerless, gloomy, dismal
juvenile children's
main chief, prime, principal
negligence carelessness
occur happen, befall
opportunity chance, occasion
overtake catch up with
prudent cautious, discreet, careful, wary
repress quell, suppress, subdue
revise modify, change, correct
spirit mind, tendency, inclination
skillful deft, adept, dexterous, adroit, proficient
sociable gregarious, companionable, social
transformation change, transition
transport carry, convey
trick cheat, beguile, delude
variable changeable, inconstant, fickle
wholesome healthful, healthy, salutary
Day 15
affluent rich, opulent
avenge revenge
corrupt rotten, spoiled
critic reviewer, judge
decent nice, proper, modest
disciple pupil, student, scholar
disclose reveal, divulge, unveil
dominant ruling, prevailing, prevalent
effect influence, result, consequence, outcome
eradicate root up, extirpate, eliminate, remove
expend use, consume, spend
harsh severe, rigorous, inclement
heritage inheritance
income revenue, gain, earnings
insolent impudent, impertinent, rude, overbearing, arrogant
isolation separation, segregation
jeopardy risk, danger, peril
ludicrous ridiculous, comical, funny
mature ripe, grown, fully-developed
mock ridicule, deride
mutiny revolt, rebellion, uprising
precious valuable, dear, priceless
regulation rule, order, law
reign rule, govern, prevail
revert return, come back, revisit
spacious ample, capacious, roomy, extensive
revive revitalize
recommend commend
strange unusual, peculiar, odd, weird, foreign
strict rigid, rigorous, stringent
swift speedy, fleet, rapid
swivel spin, rotate, turn
tense rigid, strained, nervous
traitor betrayer
undermine ruin, thwart
upset capsize, overthrow, overturn, defeat
upset disturb, distress, perturb
virtuous righteous, good, chaste
wake rouse, waken, arouse
withdraw retire, retreat
worship revere, respect, venerate
Day 16
alternative choice, option
apparel clothes, attire, costume
awkward clumsy, unskillful
bid command, order, direct
chill cold, indifferent, emotionless
clash collide, conflict
cleanse clean, purify
contemporary coexisting, simultaneous, synchronous
courteous civil, polite, well-mannered
disaster calamity, mishap, catastrophe
exception exclusion
feature characteristic
gentle humane, merciful, amiable
gross bulky, massive, great
incorporate combine, integrate, include
intimate close, familiar
invoke call, summon
junction combination, union, joining
light illumination, radiance
loop circle, encircle
lucid clear, obvious, distinct, evident
master commander, chief, head
option choice, selection
picturesque colorful, scenic, beautiful
pillar column, prop
prevent avoid, avert, deter
pride conceit, self-esteem, arrogance
revolve rotate, circulate, circle
scale climb, mount, ascend
secret clandestine, concealed, private
sensational exciting, stimulating
solace comfort, consolation
sort classify, class, assort
split cleave, rend, separate
resemblance similarity, likeness, analogy, similitude
trim clip, shear, arrange
unmindful careless, inattentive, neglectful
unrefined coarse, crude, vulgar
vary differ, change, alter, transform
venture adventure, enterprise
weary exhausted, tired, wearied
Day 17
absolute complete, perfect
account explanation, exposition
chamber compartment
compact compress
company firm, concern, corporation
complex compound, complicated
compulsory compelled, binding
concomitant concurrent, simultaneous, synchronous
condense compress, concentrate
conform comply, agree, assent
consistent compatible, harmonious, coherent
constrain compel, coerce, restrain
contagious infectious, communicable
contract compact, bargain
contrast comparison
decisive definite, conclusive, determinative
disdain condemn, despise, scorn
element component, part, feature, constituent, ingredient
enlighten illumine, edify
evil immoral, malicious
exhaust expend, consume
expand bloat, swell, extend, enlarge
flattering complimentary
full-blown complete, matured
hide conceal, veil, cover
intricate complex, elaborate, complicated
mammoth huge, gigantic, colossal
mercy compassion, benevolence
ordinary mundane, common, usual, customary
plain clear, distinct, obvious
popular common, current, general
recompense compensation, reward
reconcile conciliate, settle, resolve
remark comment, utterance, statement
own acknowledge, admit, allow
revolutionize completely change
rival competitor, antagonist, opponent
self-satisfied complacent, smug
stretch extend, lengthen, pull
succinct concise, brief, terse
tumult disturbance, turbulence, uprising
Day 18
ability faculty, capacity, competence
accept approve, acknowledge, admit
accord agree, assent, concur
announce proclaim, publish, declare
bond union
brutal savage, cruel, inhuman
contempt scorn, disdain
content satisfied, contented
crash shatter, smash
cynical sarcastic, satirical, sneering
dash rush, dart, bolt
devout pious, devoted, saintly
disperse scatter, dissipate, diffuse
economical saving, thrifty, frugal
eventually in time, finally, in the long run
expel oust, banish, exile
faint indistinct, dim, feeble
financial monetary, pecuniary
frighten scare, terrify, alarm
gain obtain, attain, earn
incense scent, fragrance
manner mode, fashion, way
mariner sailor, seaman
meager limited, scanty, deficient, insignificant
penetrating piercing, sharp, acute
plot scheme, intrigue, conspiracy
precaution carefulness, prudence, forethought
rascal scamp, villain, scoundrel
refuge sanctuary, shelter
rescue save, deliver, redeem
reserve save, retain, keep
rural rustic, pastoral
scrub scratch, scour
secure acquire, procure, get
shade screen, hide, conceal
soft yielding, pliable, plastic
specimen sample, model, pattern
speculation conjecture, supposition, surmise
terrific splendid, glorious, superb
Day 19
advent introduction, appearance, arrival
aggregate assemble, collect, gather
assembly congress, legislature, parliament
associated connected, correlated, linked
aware conscious
behave conduct, act
bewilder confuse, perplex, puzzle
combination conjunction, association, union
compress compact, condense, squeeze
consort associate, fraternize, agree
consult confer
correct remedy, amend, rectify
criminal convict, sinner, culprit, offender
deadly fatal, lethal, mortal
defeated conquered
destiny fate, doom
detain confine, arrest, keep
edge periphery, border, margin, boundary
elude avoid, evade, dodge
endow dower, endue, confer
faith confidence, trust, credit
fight conflict, battle, war
fluster confuse, flurry
guess conjecture, suppose, fancy
importance consequence, moment, significance
interfere intervene, intrude
last final, ultimate, conclusive
last continue
manage control, conduct, direct, administer
mess confusion, muddle
monopolize dominate, occupy
overcome conquer, defeat, subdue
prophesy foretell, predict
ratify endorse, confirm, sanction, validate
regard consider, suppose
shift move, change, switch
state condition, status, position
stern strict, severe, austere
subscribe consent, agree, assent
successive consecutive, continuous
trust confidence, belief, faith
witty clever, comic, amusing
Day 20
accurate precise, true, correct
advisor consultant
antagonize counteract
appall frighten, horrify, shock
assure convince, persuade, satisfy
bargain contract, deal, negotiate
brave courageous, gallant, dauntless
crucial important, acute, deciding, decisive, critical
carry convey, transport, transfer
complain grumble
correspond conform, accord, match
daring bold, courageous, brave
devise contrive, invent, design
duplicate copy, imitate
escort convoy, guard, guide
expense cost, charge, price
expensive costly, dear, high-priced
face countenance, features
flash flame, flare, glare
include contain, comprise
infectious contagious, communicable
innumerable countless, numberless, numerous
invariable constant, consistent, unchanging
meditate ponder, think deeply, contemplate
observance conformance, conformity, obedience
opposite contrary, reverse, converse
organize construct, form, constitute
outline summary, contour, silhouette
parallel corresponding, comparable, analogous
polite courteous, civil, genteel
preeminent conspicuous, noticeable, outstanding
regulate control, adjust, arrange
respectful courteous, polite, well-mannered
scorn disdain, mock, scoff
shrink shrivel, diminish, decrease
solid firm, hard, strong
steadily constantly
struggle contend, contest, strive
twist contort, distort
voyage cruise, sailing
wrap cover, envelop, muffle
Day 21
abundance plenty, profusion
alien dissimilar, inconsistent, opposed
arrest seize, apprehend, capture
attitude position, bearing, pose
blink wink, twinkle
contemptuous scornful, sneering
crazy insane, lunatic, mad
discreet distinct, judicious, prudent, considerate, cautious
entire whole
evident obvious, manifest, apparent, plain, clear
extensive wide, far-reaching, numerous, capacious, spacious
feeble weak, delicate, fragile, frail, unsubstantial
marriage wedding, matrimony
minor less important, secondary, subordinate
offensive displeasing, irritating, annoying, disgusting, disagreeable
passage way, route, path, lane, thoroughfare
perceive see, discern, notice, apprehend, recognize
piece segment, shred, fragment, scrap
pilgrim wanderer
portray depict, picture, describe, represent
project plan, scheme, design
region area, domain, hinterland, section, province
safe secure, protected
savage fierce, barbarous, cruel, brutal
screen veil, cover, shield, shelter, protect
search seek, explore
send transmit, dispatch, convey
shake sway, waver, shudder, agitate
solitude isolation, loneliness
special particular, especial, specific
squander waste, lavish
survey examine, inspect, scrutinize, watch
temperament disposition, temper, nature, make-up
tool instrument, implement, utensil
triumph win, succeed, prevail
tyrant dictator, oppressor
unpleasant disagreeable, offensive, repulsive
vanish disappear, fade
vile wicked
wakeful watchful, vigilant, wary
wreck destroy, devastate, ruin, shatter
Day 22
accustomed customary, habitual, wont
allege assert, claim, affirm, declare
bloody cruel, ruthless
breed raise, rear, nurture
chop cut, mince
conclusive definite, crucial, final, ultimate
cowardly craven, afraid, timid
critical crucial, momentous, important
dawn daybreak
delicate dainty, graceful, elegant
devote dedicate
die decease, perish, pass away
distribute allot, apportion, assign, deal, dispense
emergency crisis, exigency
fatal deadly, mortal, lethal
fraud deceit, deception
guilty criminal, culpable
hazard danger, peril, jeopardy
heal cure, remedy, mend
moist damp, humid, wet
ornament decorate, adorn, embellish
outlaw criminal, bandit
practice custom, habit
raw crude, rude, uncooked
refuse decline, reject, rebuff
roar cry, shout, yell, bellow
rot decay, corrupt, degenerate
ruin destroy, decay, damage, spoil, demolish
rush hurry, hasten
shorten abbreviate, abridge, lessen, curtail, reduce
sly cunning, artful
spoil mar, damage, impair, ruin, harm
standard criterion, gauge
statement declaration, announcement, proclamation
stream run, flow
subtract deduct, discount
thaw defrost
urge force, impel, press, instigate, induce
weigh consider, ponder, contemplate
yearn crave, long, want
Day 23
argue debate, discuss, dispute
ascertain determine, discover
aspire desire, long, yearn
bend curve, crook, bow
conquer defeat, master, beat
contrive devise, invent, design
decadence deterioration, decline
decay deteriorate, decline
deceive delude, cheat
dejected depressed, discouraged
distinct separate, particular, discrete
elaborate detailed, intricate, complicated
flaw defect, blemish, fault, failing, shortcoming
flood deluge, overflow
give bestow, provide, confer, grant, assign
hate detest, abhor, loathe
hopeless desperate, despairing, despondent
humiliate degrade, disgrace, shame
intensify deepen, strengthen
intentional deliberate, designed, planned, purposeful
lack deficiency, need, scarcity, want
measure determine, mark out, bound, demarcate
minute tiny, detailed, precise
monster demon, devil
notwithstanding despite, in spite of, nevertheless
postpone defer, delay, adjourn, procrastinate
profound deep, abysmal
protect shield, defend, guard, shelter, harbor
rebellious defiant, rebel, mutinous
regret deplore, repent, rue
rejoice delight
reliance dependence
represent depict, express, portray
require demand, entail, call for
residence dwelling, house, habitation
resolve determine, decide
resolve find a solution for, solve
resolve analyze, disintegrate, separate
retard delay
rob deprive, plunder, pillage
slander defame, scandalize, vilify
Day 24
absurd illogical, irrational, unreasonable, inconsistent
absurd ridiculous, foolish, stupid
assort categorize, classify, codify, separate, sort
beam shine, gleam, radiate, glitter
break shatter, batter, destroy
common shared, public, general
consciously intentionally
context setting
damage injury, harm, impairment
detach separate
disgrace shame, dishonor, hurt
dormant inactive, latent
egoism selfishness
environment setting, ecology
essential vital, indispensable, fundamental
heighten increase
hinder impede, hamper, obstruct, interrupt, check
information fact, data, intelligence
ingenious inventive, original, creative
inquiry investigation, scrutiny, research
keen sharp, bright, intelligent
lodge shelter, harbor, house
lodge quarter, house
proportion size, extent, dimensions
reflect meditate, ponder, deliberate, contemplate, consider
representative serving to represent, typical, replacing
resolute resolved, steadfast, determined
scan scrutinize, investigate
sever cut, separate, divide
skeptical skeptic, doubtful, incredulous, dubious
slumber sleep
succession sequence, series
summit peak, acme, zenith, apex, pinnacle
transact perform, conduct, execute
transmit send, dispatch, convey, carry, transfer
tremble shake, shiver, shudder, quiver, quake
useful lucrative, profitable, advantageous, beneficial, serviceable
violence vehemence, intensity
Day 25
aim attempt, direct, point, intend
apportion divide, allot, assign, allocate
catastrophe disaster, calamity, misfortune, mishap
confuse stagger, disturb, confound, bewilder, perplex
debate discussion, argument, controversy, dispute
despair discouragement, disheartenment
discourage dishearten, dispirit, depress
dishonorable disgraceful, shameful
dismiss discharge, fire
dismiss reject, refuse, decline
dissent differ, disagree
distinguish differentiate, separate, discriminate
draw attract, haul, pull, tug, drag
drawback disadvantage, defect, shortcoming, fault
dusky dim, shadowy
emit give off, exhale, release, shed, radiate
expose subject, display, reveal, uncover
fright dismay, terror, panic
frustrate disappoint, thwart
full complete, whole, perfect
full thorough, minute, detailed
industrious diligent, assiduous
ineffective useless, futile, unproductive
malady disease, ailment, illness
minimize decrease, discount
minimize underestimate
neglect disregard, ignore, overlook
offend irritate, annoy, vex, provoke, displease
order direction, mandate, command
order peace
perish decay, disappear, vanish, die, wither
pious devout, reverent, religious
pollute dirty, contaminate, corrupt
reduce diminish, curtail, lessen, decrease, abate
reveal unveil, uncover, expose, divulge
rude discourteous, ill-mannered, impolite, uncivil, coarse
scandal disgrace, dishonor, shame
size dimensions, proportions, magnitude
submerse dip, sink, plunge, immerse
subside diminish, die down
summary digest, extract, abstract
Day 26
antipathy dislike, disgust, hatred
assign distribute, allot
blot out cover, hide
bold daring, courageous, valiant
boom flourish, thrive, prosper
characteristic distinctive, special, peculiar
clear lucid, distinct, plain, apparent, manifest
coarse crude, rude, rough
concentrate focus, cluster, intensify
contemplate consider, ponder, meditate, reflect
cripple maim, disable, ruin
defeat conquer, overwhelm, subdue
deviate diverge, wander, stray
disconcert disturb, bewilder, embarrass, perplex
discrete distinct
eminent distinguished, prominent, outstanding, renowned
enemy foe, adversary, antagonist
entertain divert, amuse, please
fluent eloquent, silver-tongued, smooth-spoken
hateful detestable, abominable, loathsome, offensive
incessantly constantly, continuously
liquid fluid
malcontent dissatisfied, discontented
modify change, alter, vary
mood disposition, temper
overlook disregard, neglect, ignore
pastime entertainment, diversion, recreation
quality characteristic, attribute, trait, property, character
quarrel dispute, argument, controversy
refute disprove, confute, rebut
relentless unrelenting, stern, severe, ruthless, pitiless
remote secluded, distant, removed
rotten decayed, foul, corrupt
span length, distance
stun astound, daze, stupefy, astonish, amaze
trouble disturb, annoy, vex, distress, bother
trouble effort, struggle, endeavor, exertion, pains
trouble discomfort, inconvenience
uproar disturbance, tumult, commotion, turbulence, clamor
various diverse, varied
woe distress, affliction, sorrow, anguish, agony
Day 27
abbreviate shorten, curtail, abridge, brief, truncate
ailing sick, ill, unwell
avoid prevent, shun, evade, elude, escape
blind sightless
blow shock, calamity, disaster
bondage slavery, confinement
brief short, transitory, temporary, transient
comparable similar, equivalent, analogous, uniform
disgust sicken, nauseate
display show, exhibit
earnest sincere, ardent, eager
enact make into law, legislate
failing shortcoming, defect, flaw
foolish silly, fatuous, stupid, dull
important significant, substantial, consequential
judicious wise, sensible, reasonable
knack skill, ability, talent
massacre slaughter, annihilation, murder
mean signify, imply, express
mean humble, ignoble, vulgar
mute silent, dumb, still
participate share, partake
pit sink
pit hole, cavity
pitiless merciless, cruel, ruthless, implacable, relentless
proficient skilled, adept, skillful
raise lift, elevate, hoist
rare scarce, unusual, infrequent, extraordinary, exceptional
ridicule sneer, mock, jeer, mockery
scream shriek, cry
stringent severe, constricted, strict, tight
superficial external, shallow, outward
timid shy
uniform invariable, unchanging, consistent
unsophisticated simple, artless, naive, ingenuous
vision sight, perception, discernment
vista view, prospect, perspective
wily shrewd, cunning, crafty
Day 28
aptly appropriately
attract draw, allure, charm
beverage drink
blunt dull, obtuse
brood dwell on, ponder, meditate
control manage, dominate, govern, rule
controversy dispute, debate
depressed downcast, melancholy, gloomy
dichotomy division
enthusiasm eagerness, zeal, passion
evoke draw, elicit, educe, cause
fate doom, lot, destiny
flair talent, aptitude, knack
foresight forethought
formidable dreadful, threatening, fearful, frightful
frugal economical, thrifty
funny amusing, diverting
gift donation, present, alms, contribution, offering
lessen diminish, decrease, abate, dwindle
longing desire, yearning, aspiration
medicine drug
movement drive, crusade
partition divide, separate, apportion
precise accurate, definite, strict, correct
publish announce, proclaim, declare
readily easily, willingly
record document
relieve ease, alleviate, assuage, mitigate, allay
reside dwell, abide, live, sojourn, lodge
rim edge, border, margin, boundary, verge
shameful disgraceful, humiliating, dishonorable, ignominious
shun elude, avoid, evade, escape
spectacular dramatic, sensational, impressive
stupid dull, senseless, foolish
suspicion doubt, mistrust, distrust
swallow eat, gorge, gulp, engulf, devour
tame domesticated, mild, docile, domestic
trail drag, draw
wet drenched, dampened, humid, moist, moistened
wrath anger, rage, fury, resentment, indignation
Day 29
acid sour, biting
amass accumulate, collect, gather
amaze astound, surprise, astonish
becoming attractive, comely, suitable, appropriate
cause trigger, result in, initiate, bring about, elicit
component element, ingredient, constituent
conflict clash, contend, fight
consequence result, effect, outcome
crack break, snap, slit, split
crisis emergency
crude rough, raw, unrefined
durability endurance
effort endeavor, exertion, struggle, striving
emerge appear, loom
endeavor effort, struggle, exertion, essay
entitle empower, qualify
eternal endless, everlasting, infinite, ceaseless, permanent
explain elucidate, explicate, clarify
finish terminate, end, conclude
hollow empty
impulsive emotional
insecure unsafe, uncertain
meet encounter, confront, face
melancholy depressed, gloomy, dismal, despondent
note eminence, distinction, repute, celebrity, reputation
periphery edge, border, fringe, margin, verge
practical effective, practicable, useful
rapture ecstasy, joy, delight, bliss, exultation
reassure encourage, comfort
restrain repress, curb, suppress, check, restrict
rudimentary basic, elementary, fundamental
sentiment emotion, sentimentality, sensibility
shed diffuse, discard, emit, radiate
skirmish encounter, conflict, combat, battle, collision
stress emphasis, accent
sweep clean, clear
trespass encroach, infringe, intrude, invade
upright erect, vertical, perpendicular
upright conscientious, righteous, virtuous
vengeance avenging, revenge
vigilant attentive, wary, alert, awake, watchful
Day 30
accumulate collect, pile up, amass
anger resentment, wrath, fury, indignation, rage
capacious spacious, roomy, commodious
celebratory congratulatory, honoring
clever smart, intelligent, ingenious
comfort soothe, console, solace
destroy ruin, smash, demolish
diminutive small
expert specialist, authority, master
fair unbiased, just, impartial, disinterested
fume smoke
glide slide, slip
govern rule, reign
grief sorrow, woe, sadness
hard solid, inflexible, unyielding
inflexible rigid, unbending, stern, resolute, steadfast
interval space, distance, period
lone solitary, lonely, secluded, separate
magnificent splendid, august, stately, majestic, imposing
odor smell, fragrance, scent, perfume
only sole, single, unique
particular special, individual, specific, especial
polished smooth, glossy, shiny
rapid speedy, fast, fleet, swift
rather somewhat, instead
realm sphere, domain, province, field
silent speechless, dumb, mute, tacit
slim slender, thin
sound uninjured, unharmed, healthy
sound firm, stable, unimpaired
sparkle spark, glitter, twinkle
stiff rigid, solid
stifle smother, suffocate, choke, strangle
tender soft, delicate, mild, lenient
velocity speed, rapidity, celerity, pace
whirl spin, rotate, revolve, wheel
Created by: flying97
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