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Primitive Reflexes


Primitive developmental reflexes Automatic movements performed by an infant without conscious effort in response to a stimulus, typically integrated by early childhood and are a precursor to functional movement A persistent primitive reflex is indicative of a CNS dysfunction
Righting reaction Postural reflex present from approximately 3 months to 6 months of age that functions to orient the body in response to visual and vestibular input Examples include: • neck on body • body on body • body on head
Protective extension Postural response present at approximately 6 months of age and continues throughout life, characterized by reflexive straightening of the upper extremities in response to a loss of balance
Equilibrium Reaction Postural reflex present at approximately 6 months of age and continues throughout the life span Reflexive response to help maintain or recover balance, includes shifting the body to reorient to midline
Emotional Regulation Development: Neurophysiologic modulation phase 2-3 months of age, self soothe, routine sleep/wake cycles
Emotional Regulation Development: Sensorimotor modulation phase Phase of emotional regulation development, occurring between 3-9 months of age Characterized by: • enjoyment of sensorimotor play • sensory exploration • possible sensory modulation challenges
Emotional Regulation Development: Control phase Phase of emotional regulation development, occurring between 12-18 months of age Characterized by: • emerging awareness of social demands • varying levels of inhibition and compliance • self-initiated monitoring
Emotional Regulation Development: Self-Control phase Phase of emotional regulation development, occurring between 24-48 months of age Characterized by: • emerging sense of identity • demonstrated knowledge of social rules • minimal flexibility and adaptation to change
Emotional regulation development: Self-regulation phase Phase of emotional regulation development, occurring between 36 months of age and older Characterized by emerging: • flexibility to adapt to unexpected change • self-awareness • capacity to evaluate own behavior
Moro Reflex Rapidly drop infant's head backwards, arms will extend/ abduct 4-6months
rooting reflex Stoke corner of mouth, movement of head towards stimuli. integrate by 3-4 months
ATNR is a primitive reflex found in newborn humans that normally vanishes around 6-7 months of age. It is also known as the "fencing reflex" because of the characteristic position of the infant's arms and head, which resembles that of a fencer.
palmer reflex automatic flexing to grab fingers, integrate by 5-6 months
TLR basis for head mangagment and postural stability using major muscle groups, integrate by 3 1/2 years
Landau Reflex assist with postural development. integrate by 1 year
STNR prepare to crawl integrate 9-11 month. head flexes, limbs flex, head extends limbs extend.
Plantar grasp Apply pressure on the ball of the foot, toes flex. 9 months
Galant Hold in prone suspension and stroke spine, lateral flexion to side. 2 months
protective reflex Lowering child toward ground, they will extend arms/legs
Created by: kjayala
Popular Occupational Therapy sets




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