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TeXes PPR Vocab

PPR Flashcards

ability grouping a type of groupoing where students are placed together according to their skill level
abstract characterized only in thoght; non-concrete
active engagement participating in the current activity so the informaiton or concept is commiitted to memory
acitve listening paying close attenion to what is currently being said so the information or concept is conmmitted to memory
active student inquiry students are engaged in an activity, asking, and likely anwering questions
age approopriate vocabulary, lessons, activities, etc, that fit the development, language and ability level of the child
alternative assessment a type of evaluation other than a conventional test
analysis taking knowledge apart to understand how it fits together
application applying what is known to solve a problem
ARD a team that determines a student's eligibility for special educatioen services
assessment a way of monitoring progress; the act of testing, determining an evaluation of a particular skill or content area; incldes authentic evaluation procedures
assimilation the process of fitting new ideas or concepts into existing ideas or concepts
authentic assessment using evaluations procedures that measure exactly what learning has occurred
autonomy the process of becoming independent and regulating one's own behavoir
bias a preference that affects one's impartial judgement
bilingual education a dual language approach to teaching children whose first lanuguage is not english
bloom's taxonomy a classification tool developed to categorize learning from low level thinking to very high level thinking
brainstorming a risk free discussion of idea that realtes to a particular topic or concept
classroom management all things that encompass the surroundings of the classroom- lights, temperature, displays, furniture arrangement
comprehension the act of understanding
concrete activity usually a hands-on experience where students can actually manipulate matericals in order to gain a better understanding of the concept being taught
constructivism a theory on the idea that children build understanding by an active learning process
content validity how well a test measures what is was designed to measure
convergent thinking thinking that is framed so that several different people will arrive at the same answer
cooperative learning groups grouping children together in small groups to learn from each other
criterion referenced assessment a standardized measure of specific skill or content mastery
deductive reasoning the process of thinking from general terms to specific terms; framing thinks so as to eliminate ideas or possibilities one by one
discovery learning a teaching stratege that allows students to learn by their own active exploration of a concept
divergent thinking thinking that is framed so that numerous people could come up with numerous responses
diversity the quality of being different
educator's code of ethics the standards which all educators must adhere to in relation to their ethical conduct
effective teacher an educator who can understand and communicate the learner concepts and idea which will produce an intended learning outcome
ESL a program for teaching the english language to children whose first language is not english
ethical behavior acting in the highest moral principles and values
evaluation critical thinking that involves making and supporting judgments
extrinsic motivation wanting to do something, behaving in a certain way or achieving something because of some type of external reward which results in personal gain
formal assessment measuring skill acquistion by means of a standardized test
formative assessment monitoring progress before and during learning in order to guide any necessary adjustments and the pace of learning
graphic organizers some type of visual disply that helps students quicly understand a concept or topic
grouping placing students together in order to accomplish something
hands-on activities activities designed so that studetns actually preform the planned activity
higher oder questions questions that engage the child in thinking critically
IEP a written educational plan for speical needs studens developed by professionals and the child's parent
instructional objectives written statements about how and what a teacher will teach to the students
instructional strategy the plan for teaching; the methodology and process for teaching
intrinsic motivation a desire to do something that comes from within oneself
knowledge simple rcall of information
learner centered the learning activity or conept is based on the abilities, needs and learning style of students
modeling showing how to do something
modification a change in a lesson made to accommodate the needs of a speical education student
norm referenced assessment standardized test whose results compare the students' score to a defined norm group
open ended question a question having more than one correct response in order to encourage critical thinking and problem solving
Piaget, Jean a swiss biologist who became interested in psychology and ultimately became very interested in the reasoning skills of elementar children
portfolio a collection of one's word over a period of time
prior knowledge what the students already know
reflection a deep analysis of something
reflective listening listening with emotion and understing for improvement
reflective thinking deep analysis of one's preformance or abilitites in order to improve
reliability a test of characteristic that measures dependability
rubric the guidelines that will be used for assessment
self motiviation wanting to something for the sake of doing it
student centered focused on the students
student choice allowing students to make decisions about their won learning which is intrinsically motivating
summative assessment formal or informal evaluation accurring at the end of the unit of study
synthesis higher level thinking that requires putting pieces together to form a whole
teacher bias expectations or abilities of students based on some outward appearance
teacher centered the teacher is the focus proving direct instruction by explanation, modeling and providing evaluation
validity the extent or degree to which an assessment tool measures what it is supposed to meausre
Created by: OneTrueSintence
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