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Green Vocabulary I

Green Vocab for College Bound Lessons 1, 2 & 3

ambulatory (adj) able to walk; up and about The ambulatory patients were led to the basement shelters, but the bedridden patients had to wait for stretcher-bearers to carry them below.
diatribe (n) a bitter and abusive criticism When he began his customary diatribe about shiftless and rude teenagers, I just walked out.
didactic (adj) intended to instruct, guide or teach Her poetry was so didactic that, although one learned a great deal about the topic, the poetry wasn't very good.
diffident (adj) timid, shy; lacking in confidence; reserved (ant -- confident, aggressive) Unlike her sister, who is quite outgoing, Jan was a little diffident.
garrulous (adv) very talkative; verbose, loquacious (ant -- reticent, taciturn) Susan was so garrulous that Steve couldn't get a word in edgewise.
mandatory (adj) required, obligatory; compulsory (ant -- voluntary, optional) In order to protect innocent victims, most states have mandatory auto insurance laws.
morbid (adj) preoccupied with gruesome or gloomy matters; grisly; horrible; morose, glum (ant -- cheerful) It was such a morbid story that it depressed me.
munificent (adj) very generous in giving; lavish; liberal (ant -- stingy, penurious, parsimonious) While the oil company's officer was munificent, the senator could not accept it because the maximum contribution was $1,000.
scoff (v) to show derision or mocking contempt; ridicule, deride (ant -- praise) He scoffed at the notion of taking a lower-paying job, but eventually he was forced to do so.
acclaim (v) to greet with loud approval or praise; laud, extol (ant -- deride) It was the most acclaimed movie of that summer.
acquiesce (v) to agree or consent quietly without protest, but without enthusiasm; yield, accede (ant -- disagree, resist) Once Jack acquiesced, construction on the park was able to begin.
assimilate (v) to take in, or to be taken in by a larger group During the nineteenth century, European immigrants became assimilated more easily than Asian immigrants.
delirious (adj) extreme mental confusion or excitement When they found him wandering in the desert, he was delirious.
diffusion (n) the process of widely spreading or scattering; dispersal (ant -- concentration) The invention of the moveable printing press contributed to the diffusion of knowledge among the lower classes.
diminution (n) the act or process of lessening or decreasing (ant -- augmentation) The diminution of supplies made it difficult for the Red Cross to attend to the earthquake victims.
disdain (n) aloof contempt or scorn; look down upon; despise (ant -- respect, admire) She had great disdain for those girls who weren't cheerleaders.
magnanimous (adj) noble in heart and mind; rising above pettiness or meanness (ant -- mean-spirited, vile, vindictive, petty) To show what a magnanimous person he could be, Ralph contributed more money than he could afford
malignant (adj) having an evil influence; very harmful; likely to cause death (ant -- benign) His attitude was so malignant that everyone avoided him whenever possible.
meander (v) to wander aimlessly and idly; ramble After dropping out of college, Paul seemed to meander through life.
alleviate (v) to make more bearable; to ease the pain; lessen (ant -- exacerbate, aggravate) Susan had hoped to alleviate her back pain by taking more Tylenol.
analogous (adj) similar or parallel in certain ways; akin (ant -- dissimilar, unlike) To many people, the phrase "ethnic cleansing" sounds analogous to Hitler's "Final Solution."
dismantle (v) to take apart; disassemble; to strip of furnishing or equipment (ant - construct) After the young boy was injured, Max dismantled the swing set.
distraught (adj) extremely troubled or agitated; worried; anxious, frantic (ant - placid, serene) The breakup of her relationship left Jenny distraught.
dormant (adj) a sleep-like condition during which life processes slow down; inactive Although the volcano is dormant, it could still erupt.
maim (v) to disable; to cripple She was maimed by the car accident.
meticulous (adj) extremely or excessively careful about details; exact, fastidious (ant - careless, imprecise, sloppy) He was very meticulous in picking up each tiny piece of glass with tweezers.
murky (adj) not clear; foggy, hazy; dark or gloomy (ant - clear, bright) Because the details of the plan were murky, her mother wouldn't give her permission to go.
narcissism (n) excessive admiration of one's self; self-love While John thinks that Alice's constant need to look at herself in the mirror is a sign of her insecurity, others see it as a sign of Alice's narcissism.
squabble (v) to engage in a minor quarrel; to argue noisily over a small matter; quarrel, bicker (ant - concur) The children squabbled over who should sit in the front seat.
abstinence (n) the practice of abstaining; doing without; self-denial (ant -- indulgence) Although the preacher talked about abstinence a great deal, it was well-known that he would have a drink now and then.
Created by: Karina Geneva
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