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acer, acid, acri bitter, sour, sharp
acu sharp
ag, agi, ig, act do, move, go
ali, allo, alter other
alt(us) high, deep
am, amor love, liking
Anni, annu, enni year
anthrop man
anti(co) old
arch chief, first, rule
aster, astr star
aud, aus hear, listen
aug, auc increase
auto, aut self
belli war
bibl book
bio life
brev short
cad, cas to fall
calor heat
cap, cip, cept take
capit, capt head
carn flesh
caus, caut burn, heat
cause, cuse, cus cause, motive
ced, ceed, cede, cess move, yield, go, surrender
cenetri center
chrom color
chron time
cide, cise cut down, kill
cit call, start
civ citizen
clam, claim cry out
clud, clus, claus shut
cognoac, gnosi know
cord, cor, cardi heart
corp body
cosm universe, world
crat, cracy rule
crea create
cred believe
cresc, cret, crease, cru rise, grow
crit separate, choose
cur, curs run
cura care
cycl, cyclo wheel, circular
deca ten
dem people
dent, dont tooth
derm skin
dict say, speak
doc, dokein teach
domin master
don give
dorm sleep
dox opinion, praise
drome run, step
duc, duct lead
dura hard, lasting
dynam power
endo within
equi equal
erg work
fac, fact, fic, fect do, make
fall, fals deceive
fer bear, carry
fid, fide, feder(is) faith, trust
fila, fili thread
fin end, ended, finished
fix fix
flex, flect bend
flu, fluc, fluv flowing
form form, shape
fort, forc strong
fract, frag break
gam marriage
gastr (o) stomach
gen birth, race, produce
geo earth
germ vital part
gest carry, bear
gloss, glot tongue
glu, glo lump, bond, glue
grad, gress step, go
graph, gram write, written
grat pleasing
grav heavy, weighty
greg herd
hypn sleep
helio sun
hema, hemo blood
here, hes stick
hetero different
homo same
hum, human earth, ground, man
hydr, hydra, hydro water
ignis fire
ject throw
join, junct join
juven young
lau, lav, lot, lut wash
leg law
levi light
liber, liver free
liter letters
loc, loco place
log, logo, ology word, study, speech
loqu, locut talk, speak
luc, lum, lus, lun light
macr-, macer lean
magn great
man hand
mand command
mania madness
mar, mari, mer sea, pool
matri mother
medi half, middle, between, halfway
mega great
mem remember
meter measure
micro small
migra wander
mit, miss send
mob, mot, mov move
mon warn, remind
mor, mort mortal, death
morph form
multi many, much
nat, nasc to be from, to spring forth
neo new
neur nerve
nom law, order
nomen, nomin name
nov new
nox, noc night
numer number
numisma coin
oligo few, little
omni all, every
onym name
oper work
ortho straight, correct
pac peace
paleo old
pan all
pater, patr father
path, pathy feeling, suffering
ped, pod foot
pedo child
pel, puls drive, urge
pend, pens, pond hang, weigh
phage eat
phil love
phlegma inflammation
phobia, phobos fear
phon sound
photo light
plac, plais please
plu, plur, plus more
pneuma, pneumon breath
pod (see ped)
poli city
poly many
pon, pos, pound place, put
pop people
port carry
portion part, share
pot power
prehendere seize, grasp
prim, prime first
proto first
psych mind, soul
punct point, dot
reg, recti straighten
ri, ridi, risi laughter
rog, roga ask
rupt break
sacr, sanc, secr sacred
salv, salu safe, healthy
sat, satis enough
sci, scientia know
scope see, watch
scrib, script write
sed, sess, sid sit
sen old
senescere to grow old
sent, sens feel
sequ, secu, sue follow
serv save, serve
sign, signi sign, mark, seal
simil, simul like, resembling
sist, sta, stit stand
solus alone
solv, solu loosen
somnus sleep
soph wise
spec, spect, spic look
sphere ball, sphere
spir breath
string, strict draw tight
stru, struct build
sume, sump take, use, waste
tact, tang, tag, tig, ting touch
tele far
tempo time
ten, tin, tain hold
tend, tent, tens stretch, strain
terra earth
test to bear witness
the, theo God, a god
therm heat
thesis, thet place, put
tom cut
tort, tors twist
tox poison
tract, tra draw, pull
tom cut
tort, tors twist
tox poison
tract, tra draw, pull
trib pay, bestow
turbo disturb
typ print
ultima last
umber, umbraticum shadow
uni one
vac empty
vale, vali, valu strength, worth
ven, vent come
ver, veri true
vert, vers turn
vic, vicis change, substitute
vict, vinc conquer
vid, vis see
viv, vita, vivi alive, life
voc call
vol will
volcan fire
volvo turn about, roll
vor eat greedily
zo animal
Created by: cdorian
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