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Chapter 6 Urinary

Acid-Base Balance Stable Concentration in body fluids
Bowman's Capsule Cup-Shaped end of renal tuble
Collecting Tubles Funnels urine into the papillary ducts in the renal pevis
Complete Fusion rare anomaly that produces a single irregular mass that has no resemblance to a renal structure
Crossed Ectopia Ectopic kidney located on teh same side as the normal kidney
Electrolyte Balance Equilibrium of electrolytes in the body
Glomerulus Tuft or cluster
Horseshoe Kidney Fusion of the lower poles of the kidneys
Hydronephrosis Distention of the pelvis and calyces of the kidney
Hydroureter Dilation of the ureter
Hypernephroma Most common renal call carcinoma
Hypoplastic kidney Underdeveloped kidney
Incontinence Loss of urinary bladder control
Intrathoracic Kidney Kidney located in teh thoracic cavity
Loop of Henle U-Shaped portion of the renal tuble
Micturate Act of Urinating
Nephrocalcinosis Calcium deposits within the substance of the kidney
Pelvic Kidney Kidney located in the pelvis
Proximal convoluted tuble Seound part of the nephron,first part of the renal tubule
Staghorn Calculus Renal Calculi filling the entire renal pelvis of the kidney
Supernumerary kidney an extra kidney
Trigone Triangular area of the posterior bladder between the openings for the ureters and urethra
Unilateral renal agenesis Absence of kidney
Uremia Presence of excessive amounts of urea and nitrogen in the blood
Ureterocele is a cystic dilatation of the distal ureter near its insertion into the bladder
Created by: prc2no98
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