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Science #3

Grades 5 to 8

Which sea animal dives the deepest? Sperm Whale (6000+ feet deep)
Which bird dives the fastest? Peregrine Falcon (200+ mph)
Which snake is the longest? Reticulated Python (33 feet long)
Predators Carnivores that hunt other animals, or prey
Scavengers Eats dead animals
Name two savengers Hyenas and vultures
Every living thing is made up of ___________. Cells
Each cell contains __________, Chromosomes
Chromosomes contain _________. Genes
What do parents pass off to their offspring? Genes and Genetic Traits
Inherited Characteristics Color, Shape, and Placement of Eyes and Hair Color and Curliness
Learned Characteristics How to communicate or hunt for food
Frogs lay eggs underwater, and two weeks later _______ emerge. Tadpoles
During what week do tadpoles form front and back legs? 9 weeks
How long is the development process of a frog from egg to adulthood? 11 weeks
Butterfly eggs grow into ______________, Caterpillars
Caterpillars form a ___________ and enter the pupa stage. Chrysalis
What occurs in the pupa stage of a caterpillar? Metamorphosis (caterpillar-->butterfly)
Some animals reproduce by splitting in two. This is called _____________. Fragmentation (flatworms)
Baby Beaver Kit
Baby Eel Elver
Baby Fish Fingerling or Fry
Baby Fox Cub or Kit
Baby Giraffe or Baby Whale Calf
Baby Goat Kid
Baby Goose Gosling
Baby Hare Leveret
Baby Hawk Eyas
Baby Horse Foal
Baby Kangaroo Joey
Baby Seal Pup or Whelp
Baby Shark Pup
Baby Swan Cygnet
Baby Turkey Poult
Baby Zebra Colt
What do plants provide for people? Food, Oxygen, Medicines, Building Materials, Textiles, etc.
First plants that came on the scene 425 million years ago Mosses, Liverworts, and Horsetails
How is the Plant Kingdom divided? Plants that produce seeds, and plants that don't produce seeds
Angiosperm Flowering Plant
Monocots Plants that produce seeds with one food part (cotyledon); leaves have parallel veins
Dicots Plants that produce seeds with two food part s(cotyledons); leaves have branching veins
Gymnosperms Plants that produce exposed seeds, usually on cones; have no flowers; most have needles for leaves and are evergreen
Pines, Spruces, Junipers, Firs, and other Conifers, Yews, and Gingkos Gymnosperms
Where a Plant Produces Food Leaves
Chlorophyll Green substance that captures energy from the sun
Transpiration Plants sweat by transporting water from the roots and release water vapor on the bottom side of the leaves
Support System and Food & Water Highway for a Plant Stem
Xylem In a plant, water and minerals from the soil are transferred upward from the roots through the _____________,
Phloem In a plant, food made in the leaves is transported through the _____________,
Capillary Action Pumping water and minerals in xylem and phloem plant tissues
Tuber Plants that have an underground storage site (potato)
3 Functions of Roots Anchors the plant, absorbs water and minerals in soil, and provides storage of sugars and and starches to roots for storage
Root Foods People Eat Carrots, Beets, and Radishes
Woody Plants Trees, shrubs, etc.
Nonwoody Plants Herbaceous plants that have green stems
Most plants reproduce by ________. Seeds
Plant Seeds Fertilized ovules (plant "eggs") from which new plants grow
Germinate Start growing
Conifers Make seeds in cones
2 types of cones made by Conifers Male (contain pollen) and Female (contain ovules)
Pollination Formation of pollen in a plant
Fertilization When the male plant pollen fertilizes the female plant ovules
Plant Embryo Fertilized plant ovules
Stamen Male part of a flower
Carpel Female part of a flower
Perfect Flowers Flowering Plants that have both a Stamen and Carpel
Imperfect Flowers Flowering Plants that have separate Stamen flowers and Carpel flowers
Pollen Produced in the "male" stamen of the flower
Ovules "Eggs" produced in the "female" ovary of the Carpel
To fertilize the plant's ovules, the pollen travels from the stamen's _________ to the carpel's stigma, the flower part that catches the pollen. Anther
To fertilize the plant's ovules, the pollen travels from the stamen's anther to the carpel's __________, the flower part that catches the pollen. Stigma
After pollen grain lands on the stigma, it sprouts a tube that grows down inside the slender neck called the ______________ that connects the stigma to the ovary. Style
The fertilized ovule develops into a _________ containing a plant embryo. Seed
Not all plants reproduce by seeds. Some plants can regenerate from a plant _______, Part
Spores Ferns, mosses, horsetails, and other seedless plants reproduce by ____________,
What is the formula for photosynthesis? Water + Carbon Dioxide -->Glucose + Oxygen + Water
What is the formula for respiration? Glucose + Oxygen --> Carbon Dioxide + Water + Energy
Transpiration Water evaporation from the underside of a plant's leaves
Biomes Large environments that share the same general climate of temperature and rainfall
Grasslands Farming and grazing biomes
Other names for grassland biomes Prairies, Savannas, Steppes, and Pampas
What type of soil is found in most grasslands? Deep and Rich
Where do grasslands occur? Interior parts of continents
What causes nitrogen to be released and certain seeds to grow in the grasslands? Fire
Identify the great herds that once roamed the grasslands of the world. Bison, Wildebeest, Antelopes, and Zebras
What crops are grown on grassland biomes of today? Wheat, Barley, Oats, and Rye
Deserts generally receive less than ____ inches of rain per year. 10
Succulents Plants of the desert that store water in their waxy leaves
Nocturnal Animals that hunt by night
Scrublands Biome also called chaparrals that are found on the coast; cool and moist in winter and hot and dry in summer
Deciduous Forest Biome dominated by trees that shed their leaves each fall.
What is the average rainfall of a deciduous forest? 40 inches per year
Tundra Biome Located in the northern climates where it is too cold for trees to grow
Permafrost Layer of the crust that never melts in the Tundra Biome
Coniferous Biomes Made up mostly of cone-bearing trees that thrive in cooler and drier conditions than deciduous trees
Temperate Coniferous Biomes Grow along the coastlines
Boreal Coniferous Biomes Cover the northern regions of the world
Tropical Rain Forest Biomes Found around the equator
Ground Floor of a Tropical Rain Forest Biome where there is NO sunlight Floor
Layer of shrubs and trees that grows from 10 to 50 feet above the floor Understory
Topmost layer of trees 75 to 100 feet above the floor Canopy
Tree-dwelling Arboreal
Created by: marybahner
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