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2. Keluarga

Keren 1 Chapter 2

'nak child
ada is (something exists)/there is/there are
adalah/ialah is (something=something)
adik laki laki younger sibling (male)
adik perempuan younger sibling (female)
anak child
anak-anak children
atau or
ayah/bapak father
bagus great
bahasa language
banyak lots/many
baru new
beberapa several
belajar to study
berbelanja go shopping
berjalan walk
berkeberatan to bother/put pressure on
berlatih practice/train/rehearse
berman to play
berolahraga to play sport
bersekolah to go to school
bertemu meet
besar big
bibi aunt
bulu tangkis badminton
bungsu youngest
cantik pretty
cucu grandchildren
daerah area
dalam inside
dari from
dekat near
dengan with
duduk sit down
gemuk fat
ibu mother
ibumu your mother
jam hour
jarang rarely/seldomly
juah far
kakak laki laki older sibling (male)
kakak perempuan older sibling (female)
kakek grandfather
kalau if
kali times (x)
kamar mandi bathroom
kami we/our/us (excludes listener)
kanto work/office
kantornya to office
karena because
ke to
kelas class
keluarga family
kesukaan/kesayangan hobby/interest
kita we/our/us (includes listener)
komputer computer
kopi coffee
lebih more
mahal expensive
makan eat
malam evening
mandi bathe
mari let's
masuk enter
mau i want
mempunyai have
menyiapkan prepare
mereka they
minggu week
minum drink
modern modern
monumen monument
nagun wake up
nah oh/gosh
naik travel by/on
nenek grandmother
olahraga parents
paman uncle
pandai clever
pasar market
pasti sure
pelajar student
pembantu servant
penerbang pilot
per out of
pergi go
sakit sick
sama equal/same
sedang is (present tense)
sekolah dasar primary school
sekolah lanjutan junior primary school
selamat datang welcome
sepak bola soccer
sepupu cousin
sesudah after
setiap every
siap ready/prepared
sibuk busy
silakan please (for you)
sudah already
suka like/take pleasure in
sulung/tertua/tua oldest
susu milk
tamu guest
teh tea
telur egg
tingat pertama junior high school
tinggi talk
toko shop
untuk in order to/for
yang which/that
sering often
membantu to help
bekerja to work
seorang aone
tetapi but
gedung building
negara country
mandi shower/bathe
maaf sorry/excuse me
mengerti understand
boleh may
kamar place
kecil small
terbesar largest/biggest
guru teacher
akuntan accountant
memanggil call/summon (naming)
lahir born
pada at/on
alamat adress
dilakukan done
akhir end
minggu week
pelajaran lesson
bermain play
olahraga sports
makanan food
masih still
menari dance (verb)
tarian a dance (adjective)
adat tradition
berkarir career
sebagai as/like
Created by: nsodhi
Popular Languages sets




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