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NCE - Lifestyle...De

lifestyle and career development

Frank Parsons father of vocational guidance
glass ceiling phenomenon women are limited in terms of how far they can advance in work world
lavender ceiling gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered are limited in terms of how far they can advance
displaced homemaker woman with children who was a homemaker but is currently in need of work to support her family
reentry women women re entering the work force after being homemakers
Most students (HS & MS) want more help in the area of career planning
Victor Vroom's motivation & management expectancy theory employee's performance is influenced by valence (will work provide rewards?); expectancy (what is he/she capable of?); instrumentality (will manager give employee proposed reward?)
In dual-career families, woman are secure in career before she has children
career means total work one does in lifetime + leisure
avocation leisure activity for pleasure not money
women earn about 76 cents for each ____ a man earns dollar
trait & factor theory one's personality could be matched to occupation which stressed particular traits
profile matching personality or skills profile is matched to that of successful workers
developmental theory views career decisions as longitudinal and reversible
trait & factor model is grounded in ___ psychology differential (study of individual differences)
Parsons & Williamson & C.F. Patterson is associated with trait & factor career counseling
Criticism of trait & factor is it assumes choice of occupation is 1 time process
Computer career guidance programs often adhere to the trait & factor model
Roe & Brill espoused personality theories of career choice
Holland suggested that personality needs to be congruent w/ work environment
Super emphasized career development rather than career choice
Tiedeman & O'Hara decision-making theory
Parsons suggested 3 steps to implement trait & factor 1-knowledge of self & aptitudes & interests; 2-knowledge of jobs, including advantages/disadvantages; 3-matching individual w/ work
4th force in counseling refers to multiculturism
3rd force in psychology refers to humanistic
psychometric data refers to use of test results in counseling
Roe suggested personality approach to career choice based on job that satisfies unconscious need
Roe utilized 2 dimensional system of occupational classification as fields & levels
Roe's 8 fields are service, business contact, organizations, technology, outdoor, science, general culture, arts/entertainment
Roe's 6 levels of skills are professional & managerial 1; professional & managerial 2; semiprofession/small business; skilled; semiskilled, & unskilled
Roe's 3 basic parenting styles are overprotective, avoidance, acceptant
Roe's theory relies on Maslow's hierarchy of needs b/c the job meets the most urgent need
Roe Review; career choice is influenced by genetics, parent-child interaction, unconscious motivators, current needs, interests (people/things), education & intelligence
Job = given position or similar positions w/in organization
occupation= refers to similar jobs occupied via different ppl
career person's lifetime positions + leisure
most specific to general (JOC) job, occupation, career
Krumboltz worked with a ___ model behavioristic or cognitive approach
Bordin also felt career choices could used to solve ___ conflicts unconscious
Roe, Bordin, A.A. Brill draw upon ___ doctrines psychoanalytic
sublimation person expresses unacceptable need in a socially acceptable manner (i.e. person likes to cut will become a butcher or surgeon)
Holland most popular approach to career choice
Holland's 6 personality types are "as rice" artistic, social, realistic, investigative, conventional, enterprising
Holland's SDS self-directed search to measure 6 personality types
Roe, Brill, & Holland are classified as ___ theorists personality or structural
Holland's social modality refers to teachers, counselors, speech therapists, social workers (problem solving using interpersonal skills & feelings)
Holland's enterprising likes to sell to others or perform leadership tasks (bus. owners, real estate agents, tv producers, hotel managers)
Holland's realistic (or motoric) likes machines (truck drivers, auto mechanics, plumbing)
Holland's investigative likes to think his way thru a problem (scientists, design engineers, geologists, mathematicians, philosophers)
Holland's artistic value feelings over pure intellect or cognitive ability (self-expression) (ballerina, author, singer)
Holland's conventional values conformity, structure, rules (bankers, statisticians, controllers, bookkeepers)
Holland uses the SII Strong Interest Inventory based on his model
Hoppock's theory is based on work of Henry Murray
Henry Murray created needs-press theory & TAT (w/ Christina Morgan)
Needs-press theory is occupation is used to meet a person's current need
Robert Rosenthal research regarding experimenter effect
Developmental career theorists view career choice as ongoing & longitudinal
theorists that 1st forsake matching models are Ginzberg, Ginsburg, Axelrad, & Herma
Until 1950, what model was king? trait and factor
According to Ginzberg, Occupational choice takes place over a ____ to ____ time period 6-10 year
Developmental theory postulated 3 stages fantasy, tentative, realistic
fantasy was until age 11 based strongly on impulses
tentative (ages 11-17) interests & abilities are examined
realistic (age 17) choice is made by weighing abilities & needs & making compromise
exploration leads crystallization
Ginzberg modified theory from irreversible to ___ & ____ and from compromise to ____ open-ended & lifelong ; optimization
most popular developmental career theorist is Donald Super
Super emphasized self-concept (which allows self-concept to be expressed)
Super's theory emphasizes how many life stages? 5
Super's 5 stages are GEE MD - growth (birth -14); exploration (15-24); establishment (24-44); maintenance (44-64); decline (65+)
Super's theory includes life career rainbow
Super's roles are parent, homemaker, worker, citizen, leisurite, student, or child
John Crites is associated with career maturity or vacational maturity
David Tiedeman and Robert O'Hara associated with decision making theory
decision making theory refers to periods of anticipation, implementation, adjustment
implementation phase accommodation or induction - person engages in reality testing regarding expectations
anticipation phase individual imagines himself in given career
John Krumboltz known for social learning approach to career choice
Krumboltz is closely associated w/ Albert Bandura
social learning means learning from others (vicarious learning)
RJP - realistic job preview person interviews worker
guided imagery client imagines a day in future working in job
human capital theory get training & education to get best possible income
accident theory of career development chance factors influence career (i.e. liked teacher so becomes teacher)
status attainment child secures job commensurate with family status
Krumboltz could be categorized as ___ ___ behaviorist model of career development decision making
Nathan Azrin & job club exposes clients to job experiences
Azrin known for token economy
Gelatt decision model refers to info as fuel of the decision
Gelatt model asserts that info can be organized in 3 systems predictive, value, decision
predictive system probable alternatives, actions, & possibilities
value system relative preferences regarding outcomes
decision system provides rules & criteria for evaluating outcome
Linda Gottfredson's developmental theory of career focuses on circumscription and compromise theory
circumscription when ppl restrict choices
compromise when ppl sacrifice the field of work before they sacrifice sextype or prestige
OOH Occupational Outlook Handbook
OOH shows what factors? job, necessary training, earnings, advancement opportunities
DOT list over ___ job titles 30,000
O*NET replaced the DOT
DOT = Dictionary of Occupational Titles
DOT jobs are given a ___ digit code 9
9 digit code is 1st 3 digits are occupational category; middle 3 are tasks in relation to data; last 3 are to alphabetize titles
SOC Standard Occupational Classification Manual codes job clusters via similar work functions (teachers, librarians, counselors)
SIC Standard Industrial Classification Manual classifies businesses in regard to type of activity they are engaged in (i.e. type of service or product)
OOH is ___ to read easiest
underemployment is working at a position below your skill level
GOE Guide for Occupational Exploration lists groups of jobs in 14 interest groups
self-efficacy theory is based on work of Albert Bandura
3 key terms in career counseling contrast effect, compensatory effect, spillover
contrast heightened sense of awareness regarding difference between successive juxtapositions of 2 stimuli
compensatory worker makes up for things can't do on the job (librarian get loud after work)
spillover job spills over into leisure time
subjective biases of individual's who rate employee performance (3) recency effect, leniency/strictness bias, central tendency bias
recency last performance is rated & not whole job performance
leniency/strictness rater rates lenient or strict not average
central tendency rater rates average
Strong Interest Inventory (SCII or SII) based on Holland's theory created by E.K. Strong measures interests only
SDS self-directed search based on work of Holland & yields scores on his 6 types (self-administered & self-scored) as rice (artistic, social, realistic, investigative, conventional, enterprising)
sedentary max lifting is 10lbs
light work max lifting is 20lbs
medium work max lifting is 50lbs
heavy work max exceeds 100lbs
Kuder Occupational Interest Survey (KOIS) is an interest inventory as well
GATB General Aptitude Test Battery is utilized for state employment
GATB was created by US Employment Service
aptitude tests measures potential or predict future performance NOT skill
dislocated worker loses job b/c company downsizes or relocates
reentry woman woman who goes from working at home to outside of home
"What Color is Your Parachute?" by Richard Bolles book recommended as best selling job hunting book
Job clubs are behavioristic & clients share job leads, work on actual skills, & they are highly recommended for disabled
Crites is well known for CMI Career Maturity Inventory
CMI measures attitudes & competencies related to career choice process
Hoppock feels we choose a job to meet our needs
Created by: zhenry88
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