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SOCL 6,8,9,11

Wealth The total assets of an individual or household minus liabilities
Absolute Poverty Lack of resources necessary for material well being most importantly food, water, housing, sanitation, education and health care
Relative Poverty The lack of material and economic resources compared with some other population
Extreme Poverty Living on less than $1.25 a day
Multidimensional Poverty Index A measure of serious deprivations in the dimensions of health, education, and living standards that combines the number of deprived and the intensity of their deprivation
Basic Economic Security Tables Index (BEST) Measure of the basic needs and income workers require for economic security
Meritocracy A social system in which individuals get ahead and earn rewards based on their individual efforts and abilities
Wealthfare Laws and policies that benefit the rich
Corporate wealfare Laws and policies that benefit corporations
Who is more likely to live in poverty? (children or adults) Children
Feminization of poverty The disproportionate distribution of poverty among women
Working poor Individuals who spend at least 27 weeks per year in the labor force (working or looking for work) but whose income falls below the official poverty level.
Slums Concentrated areas of poverty and poor housing in urban areas
Subprime Mortgages High interest or adjustable rate mortgages that require little money down and are issued to borrowers with poor credit ratings or limited credit history
Political Alienation A rejection of or estrangement from the political system accompanied by a sense of powerlessness in influencing government
Inter-generational Poverty Poverty that is transmitted from one generation to the next
Millennium Development Goals Eight goals that comprise an international agenda for improving lives and reducing poverty
What are the eight Millennium Development Goals? Eradicate extreme hunger & poverty, achieve universal primary education, promote gender equality, reduce child mortality, improve maternal health, combat HIV/AIDS, and other diseases, ensure environmental sustainability, develop global partnership.
Microcredit programs The provision of loans to people who are generally excluded from traditional credit services because of their low socioeconomic status
Means tested programs Assistance programs that have eligibility requirements based on income
Temporary assistance for needy families (TANF) A federal cash welfare program that involves work requirements and a five year life time limit
Supplemental nutrition assistance program (SNAP) The largest US food assistance program
Public housing Federally subsidized housing that is owned and operated by local public housing authorities
Section 8 housing A housing assistance program in which federal rent subsidies are provided to tenants in the form of certificates or vouchers or to landlords
Earned income tax credit A refundable tax credit based on a working families income and number of children
Living wage laws Laws that require certain businesses, contractors, to pay fees or pay above minimum wage so that people can live above the poverty line
Progressive Taxes Taxes increase as the income increases, those who have higher income have higher taxes
Occupy wall street A protest movement that began in 2011 and is concerned with economic inequality, greed, corruption, and the influence of corporations on government
Earnings premium The benefits of having a college degree far outweigh the cost of getting a degree
Multicultural Education Education that includes all racial and ethnic groups in the school curriculum, thereby promoting awareness and appreciation for cultural diversity
Cultural imperialism The indoctrination into the dominant culture of a society
Self fulfilling prophecy Concept referring to the tendency for people to act in a manner consistent with the expectations of others
Head start Begun in 1965 to help preschool kids from the most disadvantaged homes. This provides a program of health care, parental involvement, education, and social social
Bilingual education In the US teaching children both English and another language
Integration hypothesis A theory that the only way to achieve quality education for all racial and ethnic groups is to desegregate the schools
Stereotype threat Tendency of minorities and women to perform poorly on high stakes tests because of the anxiety created by the fear that a negative performance will validate their social steriotypes
School to prison pipeline The established relationship between severe disciplinary practices, increased rates of dropping out of school, lowered academic achievement, and court or juvie detention involvemet
Bullying Imbalance of power that exists for a long period of time where the more powerful one demeans or intimidates the other
Value added measurement (VAM) The use of student achievement data to assess teacher effectiveness
Alternative certification programs Programs whereby college graduates with degrees in fields other than education can become certified if they have life experience in industry the military or other relevant jobs
Parent trigger laws State legislation that allows parents to intervene in their childs education
Charter education Education that emphasizes the moral and ethical aspects of an individual
E-learning Learning in which, by time or place, the learner is separated from the teacher
School vouchers Tax credits that are transferred to the public or private school that the parent selects
Charter schools Schools that originate in contracts or charters which articulate a plan or instruction that local state authorities must approve
Minority group Category of people who have unequal access to positions of power, prestige, and wealth in a society and who tend to be targets of prejudice and descrimination
Race A category of people who are perceived to share distinct physical characteristics that society deems significant
Ethnicity Shared culture or nationality
Genocide The deliberate systematic annihilation of a entire nation or people
Expulsion Occurs when a dominant group forces a subordinate group to leave the country or to live only in designated areas of the country
Segregation The physical separation of two groups in residence, workplace, and social functions
Acculturation The process of adopting the culture of a group different from the one that the person was originally raised in
Pluralism A state in which racial and ethnic groups maintain their distinctness but respect each other and have equal access to social resources
Assimilation The process by which formerly distinct and separate groups merge and become integrated as one
Antimiscegenation Laws Laws banning interracial marriage until 1967
Nativist Extremist Groups Organisations that not only advocate restrictive immigration policies but they also encourage their members to use vigilante tactics to harass suspected undocumented immigrants
Naturalized Citizens Immigrants who apply for and meet the requirements for US citizenship
5 myths about immigrants and immigration They increase unemployment, they drain the public welfare system, they don't want to learn English, if they have kids here they can become citizens, and they have higher rates of criminal behavior
Stereotypes Exaggerations or generalizations about the characteristics and behavior of a particular group
Racism The belief that race accounts for the differences in human character and ability and that one race is superior to another
Institutional Racism The systematic distribution of power, resources, and opportunity in ways that benefit whites and disadvantage minorities
Prejudice Negitive attitudes and feelings toward or about an entire category of people
Aversive racism Subtle form of prejudice that involves feelings of discomfort, uneasiness, disgust, fear and prowhite attitudes
Modern racism A subtle form of racism that involves the belief that serious descrimination in the US no longer exists
Color Blind Racism Racism based on the idea that to overcome racism one must ignore race and color because it would, in theory, prevent the acknowledgement of race therefore preventing racism
Discrimination Actions or practices that result in the differentiation of treatment of certain people
Individual Discrimination The unfair treatment of individuals because of their group membership
Overt Discrimination Discrimination that occurs because of an individuals own prejudicial attitudes
Adaptive Discrimination Discrimination that is based on the prejiduce ofothers
Institutional Discrimination Discrimination in which institutional policies and procedures result in unequal treatment and opportunities of minorities
Hate Crime An unlawful act of violence motivated by prejudice or bias
Islamophobia Anti-muslim and anti-islam bias
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) US federal agency charged with ending with ending employment discrimination, also in charge of title nine laws
Affirmative action Broad range of policies and practices put in place in the work place and education place to promote diversity and equal opportunity
Sexual Orientation A persons sexual and emotional attractions, relationships, self identity, and behavior
Heterosexuality The predominance of emotional, cognitive, and sexual attraction to the other sex
Homosexuality The predominance of emotional, cognitive, and sexual attraction to the same sex
Bisexuality The emotional, cognitive, and sexual attraction to both sexes
Lesbian A woman who is attracted to same sex partners
Gay A man or woman who is attracted to same sex partners
Gender Non-conforming Refers to displays of gender that are inconsistent with societies expectations
LGBT, LGBTQ, and LGBTQI Terms used to refer to lesbian, gay, bisexual. transgender, questioning (queer), and intersexed individuals
Registered Partnership Federally recognized relationships that convey most but not all the rights of marriage
Sexual Orientation Change Efforts (SOCE) Collectively refers to reparative, conversion, and reorientation therapies according to the APA
Master Status Status considdered most important in a persons social identity
Internalized Homophobia (Internalized Heterosexism) Internalization of negative messages about homosexuality by lesbian, gay and bisexual individuals as a result of direct or indirect social rejection
Oppression Use of power to create inequality and limit access to resourcs which impeedes the physical/ emotional well being of a person or group of people
Privilege When a group has a special advantage or benefits as a result of cultural, economic, societal, legal, and political factors
Heterosexism A form of oppression that gives power to the heterosexuals and takes power from anyone who is not a heterosexual
Prejudice Negative attributes and feelings toward or about an entire category of people
Discrimination Actions or practices that result in differential treatment of a category of people
Homophobia Negative or hostile attitudes directed toward non heterosexual behavior
Biphobia When prejudice is directed toward bisexual individuals
Gender Expression The way a person presents himself or herself to society (girl or boy or both).
Minority Stress Theory When an individual experiences their social environment as mentally or physically stressful. This increases the risk for health problems.
Coming Out Ongoing process where a person becomes aware of their sexuality, accepts it, and incorporates it into their lives by possibly sharing it with others.
National Coming Out Day On October 11, a day to raise awareness of the LGBT population
Contact Hypothesis The idea that contact between groups of people is important for the reduction of prejudice
Employment Nondiscrimination Act (ENDA) Proposed federal bill that would protect LGBT's from work place discrimination. NEVER been passed as a law
Civil Union A legal status that entitles same sex couples who apply for and receive a civil union certificate to NEARLY all the benefits available to married couples
Domestic Partners Unmarried partners same or opposite sex who have been granted domestic partnership
Respect for Marriage Act (RMA) A bill that if passed would overturn DOMA and grant federal recognition to same sex marriages regardless of the state laws in which they reside
Every Child Deserves a Family Act This federal legislation would remove obstacles that same sex partners encounter when they are trying to provide homes to children
Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act (HCPA) Law expands the original 1969 federal hate crimes law to cover hate crimes based on actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, and disability
National Day of Silence A day when students dont speak in recognition of the daily harassment that LGBT students endure
Gay Straight Alliances (GSA) School sponsored clubs led by middle or high schools that strive to address anti-LGBT name calling and promote respect for all students
Gay Pride Demonstrative and cultural expressions of gay activism that include celebrations, marches, demonstrations, or other cultural activities promoting gay rights
Created by: 00781215
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