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MCAT Bio. Ch. 3

Fertilization Joining of a sperm and an ovum, which occurs in the ampulla of the fallopian tube.
Once A Sperm Contacts The Oocyte's Plasma Membrane, The Sperm Establishes: The acrosomal apparatus and injects its nucleus
Cortical Reaction / When The First Sperm Penetrates, It Releases: Calcium ions which prevents additional sperm from fertilizing the egg and increases the metabolic rate of the resulting diploid zygote.
Fraternal Dizygotic Twins Result From: The fertilization of two eggs by two different sperm.
Identical Monozygotic Twins Result From: Splitting of a zygote in two.
Cleavage Is Defined As: Early divisions of cells in the embryo
Indeterminate Cleavage Results In: Cells that are capable of becoming any cell in the organism
Determinate Cleavage: Results in cells that are committed to differentiating into a specific cell type
Morula Solid mass of cells seen in early development
Blastula (Blastocyst) Have a fluid-filled center called a blastocoel and has two different cell types including trophoblasts which become placental structures, and the inner cell mass which becomes the developing organism
The Blastula Implants In The: Endometrial lining and forms the placenta
Chorion Contains: Chorionic villi which penetrate the endometrium and create the interface between maternal and fetal blood
Allantois Is Involved In: Early fluid exchange between the embryo and the yolk sac
Amnion Lies Just Inside The: Chorion and produces amniotic fluid
Developing Organism Is Connected To The Placenta Via The: Umbilical cord
During Gastrulation, The Archenteron Is Form With: A blastopore at the end
Ectoderm (Primary Germ Layers) Becomes epidermis, hair, nails, and the epithelia of the nose, mouth, and anal canal as well as the nervous system (adrenal medulla) and lens of the eye
Mesoderm (Primary Germ Layers) Becomes much of the musculoskeletal, circulatory, and excretory systems
Endoderm (Primary Germ Layers) Becomes much of the epithelial linings of the respiratory and digestive tracts, and parts of the pancreas, thyroid, bladder, and distal urinary tracts
Neurulation Development of the nervous system that begins after the formation of the three germ layers
Notochord Induces A Group Of: Overlying ectodermal cells to form neural folds surrounding a neural groove
Neural Crest Cells Become: The peripheral nervous system (sensory ganglia, autonomic ganglia, adrenal medulla, and Schwann cells) and other specific cell types (calcitonin-producing cells of thyroid, melanocytes in skin)
Teratogens Substances that interfere with development which cause defects or even death of the developing embryo
Determination Commitment to a specific cell lineage which can be accomplished by uneven segregation of cellular material during mitosis
Morphogens Promote development down a specific cell line. In order for this to occur, a cell must have competency.
Differentiation Refers To: The changes that a cell undergoes due to select transcription to take on characteristics appropriate to its cell line
Totipotent Cells Cells that are able to differentiate into all cell types including the three germ layers and placental structures
Pluripotent Cells Cells that are able to differentiate into all three of the germ layers and their derivatives
Multipotent Cells Cells that are able to differentiate only into a specific subset of cell types
Inducer Releases factors to promote the differentiation of a competent responder
Autocrine Signals Act On: The same cell that released the signal
Paracrine Signals Act On: Cells in the local area
Juxtacrine Signals Act Through: Direct stimulation of the adjacent cells
Endocrine Signals Act On: Distant tissues after traveling through the bloodstream
Growth Factors Peptides that promote differentiation and mitosis in certain tissues
If Two Tissues Both Induce Further Differentiation In Each Other, This Is Termed: Reciprocal induction
Apoptosis Programmed cell death via the formation of apoptotic blebs that are absorbed and digested by other cells
Regenerative Capacity Ability of an organism to regrow certain parts of the body
Fetal Hemoglobin (HbF) Has a Higher Affinity For: Oxygen than adult hemoglobin (primarily HbA) which assists in the transfer and retention of oxygen in the fetal circulatory system.
Placental Barrier Serves As: Immune protection against pathogens and allows for the transfer of antibodies from mother to child
Placenta Serves Endocrine Functions Such As: Secreting estrogen, progesterone, and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
Umbilical Arteries Carry: Deoxygenated blood from teh fetus to the placenta
Umbillical Vein Carries: Oxygenated blood from the placenta back to the fetus
Foramen Ovale Connects (Fetal Circulatory System): The right atrium to the left atrium, bypassing the lungs.
Ductus Arteriosus (Fetal Circulatory System) Connects the pulmonary artery to the aorta, bypassing the lungs
Ductus Venosus (Fetal Circulatory System) Connects the umbilical vein to the inferior vena cava, bypassing the liver
First Trimester (Gestation And Birth) Organogenesis occurs aka the development of heart, eyes, gonads, limbs, liver, brain
Second Trimester (Gestation And Birth) Tremendous growth occurs, movement begins, the face becomes distinctly human, and the digits elongate
Third Trimester (Gestation And Birth) Rapid growth and brain development continue. Then, there is a transfer of antibodies to the fetus.
Birth (Gestation And Birth) Cervix thins out and the amniotic sac ruptures. The uterine contractions occur, and are coordinated by prostaglandins and oxytocin which results in the birth of the fetus. The placenta and umbilical cord are expelled.
Created by: SamB91
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