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ARRT registry review

What are two image quality factors? visibility and geometric factors pg 298
What are visibility factors? density/brightness and contrast/grey scale pg 298
What are the geometrics factors? recorded detail/spatial resolution and distortion pg298
What are the exposure/technical factors used to create an image? mA, time, kV, and distance pg298
What does SID and OID regulate? magnification pg 299
T or F recorded detail and magnification are inversely related. True pg 299
What are the two types of shape distortion? foreshortened and elongation pg 303
Focal spot size affects detail by influencing the degree of blur or unsharpness; so focal sport is _1__related to OID and ___2_related to SID 1. directly 2. inversely pg308
How do you minimized voluntary and involuntary motion on a radiograph? voluntary through effective communication of breath holds and involuntary by select the shortest exposure time possible pg310
Intensifying screens were used to ________. increase speed, decrease patient dose, and to help increase x-ray tube life.
mAs is inversely related or directly proportional to image density? Directly proportional pg317
Increased kV produces more or less high-energy x-ray photons? more pg 321
When should a grid be used? if the body part being image is greater then 10cm thick
What is the anode heel effect? As x-ray photons are produced within the anode, a portion of the divergent beam is absorbed by the anode's heel. this represents a decrease in x-ray beam intensity at the anode end of the x-ray beam pg 337
what is the outstanding quality of digital imaging? exceptional contrast resolution pg 354
What is pixel depth directly related to? shades of grey called dynamic range pg 355
What is a matrix? is the number of pixels (picture element) in the XY direction
What does HIS stand for and what is it? hospital information system is a computer system that serves to track patient information; admission and discharge dianositc and treatment etc.. pg366
What does RIS stand for and what is it? radiology information system that includes procedure ordering and scheduling patient database maintenance, reporting transcription and billing pg 366
What is PACS? An organization of computers networked together and capable of archiving and transmitting medical images. features include acquisition, interpretation, communication network. pg366
List types of screen/film artifacts? handing (static) , processing (chemical fog), exposure (clothing)pg 383
What information is required on an x-ray image? patients name/id number, side marker left or right, examination date, institutions name pg 385
List the order of step to process film. Develop, fixer, wash, dryer pg 387
what does developer do? developer reduces exposed silver bromide to black metallic silver pg 386
what does fixer do? fixer cleans the film of the unexposed silver bromide and rehardens the emulsion
what is the wash for? wash removes processing chemicals and permits archival quality pg 386
what is a histogram? is a graphic representation defining all the grayscale values of a articular image pg 398
What are the three stages of PSP? x-ray exposure, scanning/reading, erasure
what is windowing? is when a radiographer can alter the digital imaging at the monitor through post processing. windowing is beable to change the brightness level of an image pg 406
List reason why a image may have graininess? underexpose, incorrect processing algorithm, excess scattered radiation, grid misalignment cutoff pg 405
Created by: kdfields
Popular Radiology sets




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