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Maxim's Stack


adolecent youthful or young
almalgamate blend or mix
ascertain 100% percent of something
assent permit
aloof distant
alter change or ajust
anthologies collections of writing by different autors
aptitude talent
acute keen,sharp
abate cause to grow less
attorney lawyer
ascend opposite of decend (go down)
abstain hold back from doing
arrogant having a exagerated self opinion
abolish to put to an end to
aquire to receive or collect
aboriginal belonging to one
abusive to hurt someone emotionally or phisically or emotionally
bogus fake
almalgamate to blend or mix
browbeat to nag or annoy
brazen to be a smart ass and now everthing! (Mr. Perfect)
bastle to move around in a busy manner
boisterous noisy or mischevous, loud (no good)
bold brave or daring
barren unable to support growth
cajole to scam,steal or cheat
confinement to put someone in jail for no good reason (used with black people in 1600-1900's)
considilate to make firm or straight
coecre to press or sign something
cloak to camoflauge or cover
compensation refers to money given while doing a job
chastice punishment
candor honest
clamor cry,annoy,lalalala,blah,blah,blah something like that!
credible believable
corrupt dishonest
corpulent extremly heavy or fat
corporeal relating to a physical body
colander a kitchen tool used for draining liquid
concede acknowledge or give in, accept or give in
chronic never ending sarcasticly, hatred (school time ticking...)
consternation horror or panic, fear
cordial friendly and socialable
coddle to treat nicely or carefully:pamper
cymic a person who worries A LOT!
deceive betray or cheat
discern to catch site of:recognize
deception dishonest
discipline to teach yourself something, self control:self command
divert to turn a different direction
diminish opposite of expand (get smaller)
docile easy to be used ( teachable)
digrade humiliate, ashame
dwindle to become smaller and smaller...
diversity variety (different types)
devout adoring or passionate
dowdy poorly dressed (old fashioned)
drab dull, colorless
disburse to pay out or distribute
dispurse to break out and scatter
dull colorless (boring) :dumb
exterior outside of something (opposite of interior)
effecient real or really professinal
enternal without pause (endless)
entreat to beg or plead on your knees
embroidered made decorations and designs by needle and thread
emerge come out or arise
ebb decline or decrease
furnish to decorate or refresh (add) opposite of remove
frigid freezing cold or not freindly
formal to be following an established form, custom or rule
fragrances a sweet pleasant smell
flue an enclosed passage in a chimney for smoke
flagrant without shame, bold in a stupid way
genuine real (being just what it seems to be)
glimpse a quick look
gossamer thin and silky or extremely light or delicate
humble to be gentle, polite or shy
hamper basket for storage/block or prevent
humid very damp or moist
hybrid mixture or variety
hypocritical pretending or false
haggart worn or weakened
haughty arrogant,snobbish; distant
interior inside ( opposite of exterior)
insincere liar, dishonest; not straightfoward
intimate to love, be friendly or be devoted
indigent poor, needy
intimated made to fell timid or freightend
impair harm or damage/ opposte of repair
infamous shameful; bad in reputation
indigene native or citizen
jowl an animals jaw
jeer to speak or cry out
jabber to talk WAY TOO fast!
jovial happy or glad
keen having a sharp of smell/ to be eager or ready to do!
liberate to let go or free
lienent to be kind or patient
lull to go to sleep ( lazy)
manteau a majician's cape
morsel (tiny) a very small portion of something
manternal relating to a female or parent.
mediocre average or commonly seen. ( boring) example: science fair projects is which paper towel will be the strongest brand? something along those lines.
melancholy depressed or sad
mournful sorrowful; regret
modesty shyness or innosence
mellow ripe, soothing or sweet
nag to bother or annoy
obligatory required for something
origin original source ( beggining )
obstruct prevent or block
obess fat or overweight
obscurity darkness or dimness
ornate fancy or very detailed decorations
prolific to be admired by someone
pertain to relate something to another thing
praise to cheer or congradualate
pugnac fighting, creating problems ( antagonizing )
punctual to be on time EXACTLY!
pardon to forgive
perpetuate to keep going
podium it is something in front of someone when they recite a speech such as the mayor or president
promote to bring people's attention
pretigious important and highly respected
potential a possibility that hasn't yet become real. ( determined )
persistent determined or NEVER giving up! (like me trying to get into prep for prep )
pessimist a person who expects a bad result
prevalent a common place or accepted
personel employes of a buisness
pinnacle the highest possible peak
precocious exeptionally smart or ahead of age
quadrople a set of 4
quintent a set of 5
queve a waiting line
quota a share assigned to each member of a group.
quiver a case for carrying arrows/to shake or move with a slight trembling motion
quince a hard yellow fruit
query to ask a question
quell defeat or crush
restraint to keep self control or caution
rouse to wake up fresh
refuge to hide somewhere and have privacy
resent to fell annoyance or anger
retreat to go back
recurrent repeating
reverent respectful
reminisce look back; thin back (remind)
ruddy pinkish; blushing
shackles basically they are handcuffs.
succumb to die,commit suicide or surrender! Opposite of conquer
socialable Opposite of aloof
sinsere honest or straightfoward
superlative to care about your looks or be concerned
scant not very filled up
sallow a grey greenish yellow color
shrewd clever or intelligent
stout extremely heavy or fat
seamy disturbing or nasty
sepulcher grave or burial
sadistic cruel or brutal
tardy late or not on time
teem to be full or overflow
teme school related book
temerity boldness or daring ( extreme )
truncate shorten or abbreviate
uninterested opposite of intent
udder an organ for a cow ( nibbles )
veil to diguise yourself or make yourself as someone you really arn't
vilify to talk wicked or evil
vague not definite or clear
vanity pride or self love
vitellus yolk (mostly from an egg)
waver to sway one way to the other
warrant to be sure of something
wane to diminish or lessen
wind up to finish or complete
yolk a yellow substance that comes mostly from hen eggs
assay kind of like a test or trial
curtail shorten
maneuver move or tatic quickly
plausible credible or beleivable
resistance opposite of weakness/ easy to defend or have same ability
rickety weak, unsound; flimsy, loose or broken
squander fritter away: use up or consume
uncanny very strange or unusual
loathe to dislike greatly and often with disgust or intolerance : detest
detest to dislike (someone or something) very strongly
whammy a magic curse or spell
akin very similar to something
hovel a small, poorly built and often dirty house
reproach to speak in an angry and critical way to (someone) : to express disapproval or disappointment to someone / to make (something) a matter of reproach
condemn to say in a strong and definite way that someone or something is bad or wrong : to give (someone) a usually severe punishment
brusque talking or behaving in a very direct, brief, and unfriendly way
blunt : having a thick edge or point : not sharp : saying or expressing something in a very direct way that may upset some people
curt said or done in a quick and impolite way
abrupt : very sudden and not expected : talking to other people in a very brief and unfriendly way : rudely brief
astute : having or showing an ability to notice and understand things clearly : mentally sharp or clever
amiable friendly and pleasant
casual : happening by chance : not planned or expected : designed for or permitting ordinary dress, behavior, etc. : not formal : done without much thought, effort, or concern
deft : skillful and clever : able to do something quickly and accurately
quench : to stop (a fire) from burning : to put out (a fire)
allay : to make (something) less severe or strong
exploit : an exciting act or action
sever : to cut off (something) : to remove or separate (something) by cutting : to end (a relationship, connection, etc.) completely
eminent : successful, well-known and respected
terminate : coming to an end or capable of ending
hinder : to make (something, such as a task or action) slow or difficult
contention : something (such as a belief, opinion, or idea) that is argued or stated : anger and disagreement : a situation in which you have a chance to win something that you are trying to win
forego : to go before
canny clever or shrewd
legacy : something (such as property or money) that is received from someone who has died : something that happened in the past or that comes from someone in the past
histrionic too emotional or dramatic
abundant existing or occurring in large amounts
accommodate to provide room for (someone) : to provide a place to stay and sleep for (someone)
accumulate : to gather or acquire (something) gradually as time passes : to increase gradually in amount as time passes
eerie strange and mysterious
elude : to avoid or escape (someone or something) by being quick, skillful, or clever : to fail to be understood or remembered by (someone) : to fail to be achieved by (someone)
esteem respect or affection
ambition : a particular goal or aim : something that a person hopes to do or achieve : a desire to be successful, powerful, or famous : a desire to do things and be active
painstaking : the action of taking pains : diligent care and effort
adhere : to stick to something : to attach firmly to something
Created by: tr103
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