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Essencia YTT Asanas

Sanskrit and English Terms for YTT Asanas

Utkatasana Awkward pose or Chair
Ustrasana Camel pose
Urdhva mukha svanasana Upward facing dog
Tadasana Mountain pose
Supta parivartanasana Reclined twist pose
Shishulasana Dolphin pose
Setu Bandha sarvangasana/Setu bandhasana Bridge pose
Savasana Corpse pose
Salabhasana A, B, C Locust pose
Pursvottanasana Upward facing plank/Eastern intense stretch pose
Prasarita padottanasana Spread leg forward fold
Phalakasana Plank pose
Paschimottanasana Seated forward bend/West stretching pose
Parivrtta trikonasana Revolved triangle pose
Parivrtta parsvakonasana Revolved side angle pose
Padahasthasana Hands to feet pose
Navasana Boat pose
Marichyasana C Mariachi's pose
Janu sirsasana Head to knee forward bend pose
Gomukhasana Cow face pose
Garydasana Eagle pose
Dhanurasana Bow pose
Dandasana Staff pose
Chaturanga dandasana Four-limbed staff pose
Bhujangasana Cobra pose
Balasana Child's pose
Bakasana Crane pose
Ardha uttanasana Half forward fold
Ardha matsyendrasana Half lord of the fishes pose/half spinal twist
Ardha chandrasana Half moon pose
Ananda balasana Happy baby pose
Adho mukha svanasana Downward facing dog pose
Agnidtambhasana Fire log or double pigeon pose
Anjaneyasana Low lunge pose/crescent
Apanasana Knees to chest/wind removing pose
Ashta chandrasana Eight crescent moon pose
Baddha konasana Bound angle pose
Eka pada raj kapotasana One legged king pigeon pose
Halasana Plow pose
Jathara parivartanasana Revolving twist pose
Kapotasana Pigeon pose
Krounchasana Heron pose
Matsyasana Fish pose
Naraviralasana Sphinx pose
Padangusthasana Big toe pose
Padmasana Lotus pose
Parivrtta ardha chandrasana Revolved half moon
Supta virasana Reclining hero pose
Tolasana Scales pose
Tittibhasana Firefly pose
Urdhva dhanurasana Upward bow/wheel pose
Utthita hasta padangusthasana Extended hand to big toe pose
Utthita parsvakonasana Extended side angle pose
Utthita trikonasana Extended triangle pose
Vasisthasana Side-plank pose
Viparita dandasana Inverted staff pose
Viparita karani Active reversal, or legs up the wall
Virabhadrasana I, II, III Warrior I, II, III
Virasana Hero pose
Vrksasana Tree pose
Siddhasana Meditation seat
Kakasana Crow pose
Sarvangasana Shoulder stand
Sirshasana Headstand
Sukhasana Easy pose
Simhasana Lion pose
Trikonasana The triangle
Vrschikasana Scorpion
Salamba sirasana II Tripod headstand
Parsvottonasana Pyramid
Parsva bakasana Side crow
Supta balasana Knees to chest
Chakravakasana Cat/cow stretch
Pincha mayurasana Forearm stand
Malasana Garland pose
Supta baddha konasana Goddess pose
Ardha padmasana Half lotus pose
Ashtanga namaskara Knees, chest, chin
Utthan pristhasana Lizard pose
Hunanumasana Monkey pose
Upavistha konasana Seated wide legged straddle
Salamba sarvangasana Shoulder stand
Urdhva prasarita eka padasana Standing split
Supta matsyendrasana Supine spinal twist
Ashwa sanchalanasana Equestrian pose
Pranamasana Hands to heart pose
Hasta uttanasana Hands to sky pose
Parvatasana Mountain pose
Created by: Ottobruno
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