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Cardiovascular, Immune, Lymphatic Systems and Blood

ischemia condition of deficient blood flow due to constriction or obstruction of a blood vessel.
mitral valve stenosis narrowing of the mitral valve from scarring, usually caused by episodes of rheumatic fever
myocardial infarction (MI) death (necrosis) of a portion of the myocardium caused by lack of oxygen resulting from an interrupted blood supply (AKA heart attack)
peripheral arterial disease (PAD) disease of the arteries in the arms and legs, resulting in narrowing or complete obstruction of the arter
rheumatic heart disease damage to the heart muscle or heart valves caused by one or more episodes of rheumatic fever
varicose veins distended or tortuous veins usually found the the lower extremities
anemia condition in which there is a reduction in the number of erythrocytes
embolus (pl. emboli) blood clot or foreign material, such as air or fat, that enters the bloodstream and moves until it lodges at another point in the circulation
hemophilia inherited bleeding disease most commonly caused by a deficiency of the coagulation factor VIII
leukemia malignant disease characterized by excessive increase in abnormal leukocytes formed in the bone marrow
sepsis condition in which pathogenic microorganisms enter the bloodstream, causing a systemic inflammatory response to the infection
Hodgkin disease malignant disorder of the lymphatic tissue characterized by progressive enlargement of the lymph nodes, usually beginning at the cervical nodes
infectious mononucleosis acute infection caused y the Epstein-Barr virus characterized by swollen lymph nodes, sore throat, fever, and fatigue. Affects young people, transmitted by saliva
angioplasty surgical repair of a blood vessel
atherectomy excision of fatty plaque
endarterectomy excision within the artery (excision of fatty plaque from arterial wall)
pericardiocentesis surgical puncture to aspirate fluid from the sac surrounding the heart
phlebectomy excision of a vein
phlebotomy incision into a vein
valvuloplasty surgical repair of a valve
splenectomy excision of the spleen
splenopexy surgical fixation of the spleen
thymectomy excision of the thymus gland
aneurysmectomy surgical excision of an aneurysm
atrial fibrillation ablasion procedure in which abnormal cells that trigger atrial fibrillation are destroyed by using a device that heats or freezes the cells
cardiac pacemaker battery-powered apparatus implanted under the skin with leads placed on the heart or in the chamber of the heart used to treat abnormal heart rhythm
coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgical technique to bring new blood supply to heart muscle by detouring around blocked arteries
coronary stent supportive scaffold device placed in the coronary artery used to prevent closure of the artery after angioplasty or atherectomy
embolectomy surgical removal of an embolus, or clot, usually with a balloon catheter pushing the balloon beyond the clot, inflating, then pulling it and the clot out of the incision
femoropopliteal bypass surgery to establish an alternate route from femoral artery to popliteal artery to bypass an obstruction
implantable cardiac defibrillator (ICD) device implanted in the body that continuously monitors the heart rhythm if arrhythmia occurs the device delivers a shock to bring it back to normal
intracoronary thrombolytic therapy injection of a medication either intravenously or intraarterially to dissolve blood clots in the coronary arteries before they harden
percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) procedure in which a balloon is passed through a blood vessel into a coronary artery to the area where plaque is formed inflation of the balloon compresses the plaque against the wall, allowing blood to move by freely
bone marrow aspiration procedure to aspirate a sample of the liquid portion of the bone marrow
bone marrow biopsy procedure to obtain a sample of bone marrow
bone marrow transplant infusion of healthy bone marrow cells to a recipient with matching cells from a donor
angiography radiographic imaging of blood vessels
angioscope instrument used for visual exam of blood vessel
angioscopy visual exam of the blood vessel
aortogram radiographic image of the aorta (after contrast media is injected)
arteriogram radiographic image of an artery (after contrast media is injected)
echocardiogram(ECHO) record of the heart using sound
electrocardiogram (ECG, EKG) record of the electrical activity of the heart
electrocardiograph instrument used to record the electrical activity of the heart
electrocardiography process of recording the electrical activity of the heart
venogram radiographic image of a vein (after contrast media is injected)
digital subtraction angiography (DSA) process of digital radiographic imaging of the blood vessels that "subtracts" or removes structures not being studied
Doppler ultrasound study that uses high-frequency sound waves for detection of blood flow within the vessels
exercise stress test study that evaluates cardiac function during physical stress by riding a bike or walking on a treadmill
single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) nuclear medicine scan that visualizes the heart from several different angles used to assess damage to cardiac tissue
thallium test nuclear medicine test used to diagnose coronary artery disease and assess revascularization after coronary artery bypass surgery
transesophageal echocardiogram ultrasound test that examines cardiac function and structure by using an ultrasound probe placed in the esophagus
cardiac catheterization diagnostic procedure performed by passing a catheter into the heart through a blood vessel to examine the condition of the heart and surrounding blood vessels
impedance plethysmography(IPG) measures venous flow of the extremities with a plethysmograph to detect clots by measuring changes in blood volume and resistance in the vein used to diagnose deep vein thrombosis
blood pressure (BP) pressure exerted by the blood against the blood pressure walls
pulse rhythmic expansion of an artery, created by the contraction of the heart, that can be felt with a fingertip
sphygmomanometer device used for measuring blood pressure
C-reactive protein (CRP) blood test to measure the amount of C-reactive protein in the blood
creatine phosphokinase blood test used to measure the amount of creative phosphokinase, an enzyme of heart and skeletal muscle released into the blood after muscle injury or necrosis
homocysteine blood test used to measure the amount of homocysteine in the blood
lipid profile blood test used to measure the amount and type of lipids in a sample of blood
troponin blood test that measures troponin, a heart muscle enzyme
coagulation time blood test to determine the time it takes for blood to form a clot
complete blood count (CBC) and differential count (Diff) lab test for basic blood screening that measures various aspects of erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets
hematocrit (HCT) blood test to measure the volume of erythrocytes
hemoglobin (Hgb) blood test used to determine the concentration of oxygen-carrying components in erythrocytes
prothrombin time (PT) blood test used to determine certain coagulation activity defects and to monitor anticoagulation therapy for patients taking Coumadin
atrioventricular pertaining to the atrium and ventricle
cardiac pertaining to the heart
cadiogenic originating in the heart
cardiologist physician who studies and treats diseases of the heart
cardiology the study of the heart
hypothermia condition of body temperature that is below normal
intravenous pertaining to withing the vein
phlebologist physician who studies and treats diseases of the vein
phlobology the study of the vein
hematology the study of blood
hematologist physician who studies and treats diseases of the blood
hematopoiesis formation of blood (cells)
hemolysis dissolution of (red) blood (cells)
hemostasis stoppage of bleeding
myelopoiesis formation of bone marrow
plasmapharesis removal of plasma (from withdrawn blood)
thrombolysis dissolution of a clot
bruit abnormal vascular heart sound heard through auscultation, caused by turbulent blood flow through arteries or veins
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) emergency procedure consisting of external cardiac compressions and artificial ventilation
defibrillation application of an electric shock to the myocardium through the chest wall to restore normal cardiac rhythm
diastole phase in the cardiac cycle in which the ventricles relax and fill with blood between contractions lower number of the blood pressure reading
extracorporeal occurring outside the body
extravasation escape of blood from the blood vessel into the tissue
hypercholesterolemia excessive amount of cholesterol in the blood, heightened risk of cardiovascular disease
fibrillation rapid, quivering, noncoordinated contractions of the atria or ventricles
hyperlipidemia excessive amount of fats in the blood
hypertension blood pressure that is above normal
hypertriglyceridemia excessive amount of triglycerides in the blood
hypotention blood pressure that is below normal
lipids fats and fatlike substances that serve as a source of fuel in the body are an important constituent of cell structure
lumen space within a tubular part or organ, such as the space withing a blood vessel
murmur abnormal cardiac sound heard through auscultation, caused by turbulent blood flow through the heart
occlude to close tightly, to block
systole phase in the cardiac cycle in which the ventricles contract and eject blood upper number of a blood pressure reading
vasoconstrictor agent or nerve that narrows the blood vessel
vasodilator agent or nerve that enlarges the blood vessel
venipuncture procedure used to puncture a vein with a needle to remove blood, instill a medication, or start an intravenous infusion
anticoagulant agent that slows the blood clotting process
blood dyscrasia abnormal or pathogenic condition of the blood
hemorrhage rapid loss of blood, as in bleeding
allergen environmental substance capable of producing an immediate hypersensitivity in the body
allergist physician who studies and treats allergic conditions
allergy hypersensitivity to a substance, resulting in an inflammatory immune response
anaphylaxis exaggerated, life-threatening reaction to a previously encountered antigen such as been venom, peanuts, or latex. symptoms range from hives and sneezing to drop in BP and blockage of the airway
antibody substance produced by lymphocytes that inactivates or destroys antigens
antigen substance that triggers an immune response when introduced into the body
autoimmune disease disease caused by the body's inability to distinguish its own cells from foreign bodies, thus producing antibodies that attack its own tissue
immune being resistant to specific invading pathogens
immunodeficiency deficient immune response caused by the immune system dysfunction brought on by disease or immunosuppresive drugs
immunologist physician who studies and treats immune system disorders
immonology the branch of medicine dealing with immune system disorders
phagocytosis process in which some of the white blood cells destroy the invading microorganism and old cells
vaccine suspension of inactivated microorganisms administered by injection, mouth, or nasal spray to prevent infectious diseases by inducing immunity
Created by: nallain
Popular Radiology sets




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